Crocheting pillowcases: patterns, job description

Knitted pillows look very beautiful and unusual. In addition, with the help of such products you can not only emphasize your taste, but also add a touch of freshness, originality, uniqueness to the interior ensemble. However, it seems to novice masters that they cannot cope with such work. But professionals say the opposite. We studied the issue in detail and prepared a detailed and understandable article for readers. Which will explain the technology of making spectacular pillowcases crocheted. We will also study the schemes of interesting models, the features of taking measurements, and many other important nuances of the work in the material presented below.

Material and tool selection

There are no strict recommendations regarding yarn. Therefore, it is up to each needlewoman to decide on her own what to conceive the conceived product from. However, for openwork pillowcases (pillows from napkins) it is better to take a thin thread. For example, "Iris." But pillowcases such as "grandmother's square" or "African flower" look more interesting if knitted with woolen yarn. In general, experienced needlewomen recommend using yarn left over from other products to implement the crocheted pillowcase scheme you like using a crocheted pillowcase. After all, every master probably has a whole package of small balls and hanks. And so you can get rid of the remnants, and create the original thing.

knitted pillow for beginners

Simple Pillow Case

Novice masters should not immediately take up complex products. It is better to take the most ordinary square pillow of any size and knit “clothes” for her. And after mastering the skill on a more complex version. Traditionally, any pillowcases fit from the center to the sides. But at the initial stage, of course, you can connect a chain, the number of loops in which is equal to one side of the square. Then, moving in a straight line, that is, an even cloth (without increases and decreases), tie to the opposite side. And then climb the same distance. In this case, you can crochet a pillowcase according to the pattern of any simple pattern or with ordinary columns. Thus preparing two details of the pillowcase. Sew which is necessary on two sides, and the third supplement with zipper. So that the product can be washed from time to time.

Take measurements from the pillow

If the reader wants to knit a square pillowcase in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to measure the pillow first. To do this, take a centimeter tape and use it to determine the length of one side. Thus, we find out the number of loops to which we must come. It is not difficult to calculate the series for the increments. It is only necessary to divide the length of the side into two. To find out how many loops you need to add in each row, you should subtract the two initial loops from the total number of loops. And divide the resulting value into rows that separate the center from the sides.

How to crochet a square

Experienced craftsmen say that for crocheting a square pillowcase, you need to stick to the following steps:

  1. We knit a chain of eight loops.
  2. Lock in the ring.
  3. Next, we knit, moving in a circle.
  4. In the first case, we raise the loops of the previous row, knitting them, and make two airy ones, forming the angle of the square.
  5. In the second, we act differently. We raise the loops of the previous row, and at the corner we knit two in a column. Depending on the pattern, these can be single crochet or double crochet.
  6. Whatever technology the reader prefers, he will still, with each subsequent row, increase the side of the square by two loops.

How to knit pillowcases from napkins

knitted pillow

If you want to use an openwork pattern when crocheting a knitted pillowcase on a pillow, you can search for the pattern in a magazine that contains masterclasses on napkins. In this case, the pillow can be square or round. It is also worth noting that the openwork part can be located on only one side. The second will be connected by simple columns. Or you can prepare two napkins of the right size, sew them and add zippers. Make a contrasting color lining for your pillow and give the finished product even more originality. However, in this case, experienced craftsmen recommend knitting a pillowcase with monochrome yarn, and not motley. If the needlewoman really likes the napkin scheme, the shape of which does not fit the existing pillow, the masters advise just to rip the old thing. Prepare a lining of the desired shape and fill with filler. And after proceeding to crochet pillowcases according to the pattern, which came to taste.

Curly pillowcases

knitted pillow

If a knitter is ready to give a new life to an obsolete pillow, an even more interesting product can be knitted. This option is suitable for creative and creative people, as well as for those who are tired of boring traditional forms. Curly pillowcases can be different. However, the most prominent among them are hexagonal and resembling a starfish. Moreover, they can also be made dense enough so that the lining is not visible. Or, on the contrary, fishnet, highlighting the pillowcase in contrast.

Pillowcases from motives

knitted pillow step by step

In addition, experienced needlewomen note that novice craftsmen, confident that they can’t cope with crocheting curly pillowcases, the patterns and description of which are proposed above, can be recommended to make a pillow of motifs. To do this, you need to knit the required number of small squares, each with its own shade of yarn. Such products also look spectacular and unusual.

Pillowcases with Grandma’s Square

One of the simple and interesting design options for pillows is the one that we will study in the current paragraph. It is ideal for those who have many small skeins of yarn left. And it allows you to perform several original and unique pillowcases for pillows crocheted according to the scheme proposed below.

knitted pillow pattern

Apparently, she does not assume complex actions. And if you need to make a larger square, you just need to repeat the standard technology, placing three double crochets over the air loops of the previous row. Also, if desired, you can make a pillow of motives. To do this, you need to prepare several small squares, and then assemble them into a single interesting piece of furniture. Thus, you can revive any room. The main thing is to choose the shades of yarn taking into account the ensemble of the interior.

Pillowcases with African Flower

knitted pillow pattern step by step

If the previous pattern seems boring and ordinary, we offer a different version of pillowcases on a sofa cushion. Crochet pattern is very simple. But the motif is more suitable for creating hexagonal or rounded pillows. Most often, it is made from the remains of yarn, creating original motley pillowcases. But if you wish, you can limit yourself to two or three shades corresponding to the main colors of the interior. And then you can make a more comfortable room in the style of hi-tech or minimalism.

Pillowcases for pillows toys

A new trend in recent times has become the products that we will study in the current paragraph. They are interesting pillows decorated in the form of various animals. It is interesting that in this case, you can take as a basis any idea described earlier. The shape and size of the product can also be safely changed at your own discretion. The same applies to the pattern - the scheme. Crocheting pillowcases for pillows crocheting begins with the implementation of a square or round base. Which after “comes to life” with the help of various details, additions, jewelry. Moreover, it is important to note that not only children, but also many adults, are delighted with such products. Therefore, if you want to surprise someone from the household, you should try to connect this version of an unusual pillowcase.

However, it is important to consider the age and preferences of the person to whom the original thing will be presented. And also the stylistic orientation of the interior. Experienced needlewomen say that it is very difficult to choose a pillow model. After all, you can connect a sofa, floor and even anti-stress. And if we talk about the design of the conceived interior item, then here at all the scope of fantasy is unlimited. Therefore, you can embody any, even the most daring and original ideas.

knitted pillow toy

Original long pillow

Who says a pillow must be round or square? Many children will be delighted with snake-shaped pillows. We propose to study the execution technology further. So, "Snake Pillow." How to crochet such an original pillowcase on a pillow? The description (the scheme, by the way, can be taken to your liking) below will help to do this without much difficulty:

  1. Combinations of shades of yarn, like patterns, you can choose any. Therefore, this version of the product is ideal for beginners. Who can beat their idea with the help of interesting color combinations.
  2. To implement the idea, you need to connect a chain of five loops.
  3. Lock in a ring and tie with ten single crochet.
  4. Further implementation of the idea is based on the wishes of the needlewoman. But in any case, you will have to add loops, expanding the head of the snake to the desired size.
  5. Then we knit 5 rows without increases and decreases.
  6. Over the next few rows, we reduce half the loops.
  7. And then we knit in a spiral, forming the body of a snake.
  8. Stuff part of the pillow.
  9. Finally, we make the decrease. Do not forget to add the filler in time!
  10. When there are four single crochet stitches, break the thread and thread through them.
  11. Then we finish the work, hide the initial and final tip of the thread from the wrong side, embroider the muzzle, sew the tongue.

Image above. Illustrates a crocheted pillowcase. The photo does not explain the pattern. However, even a novice master will notice that the snake pillow is completely connected from columns with one crochet.

Adult Pillows

As we mentioned earlier, adults are also delighted with the original and spectacular knitted pillows. This item is especially popular among lovers. Therefore, pillows in the form of hearts are in great demand. It’s not difficult to execute them. Especially thanks to the detailed and simple schemes that we propose to study for our reader further.

knitted heart pillow

A bolder, but also original version of the "clothes" for the pillow is a pillowcase-chest. Of course, such a product looks extravagant. However, as soon as it appeared, it immediately pleased not only needlewomen, but also buyers. Most often, this model of the studied product is presented to best friends and acquaintances of men. Experienced needlewomen note that it is popular not only because it looks interesting in any interior. And also because it ideally fits the shape of the head, provides a convenient and comfortable rest.

It is important to note that even novice craftsmen will be able to crochet the original pillowcase on the pillow. The scheme and description of the sequence of actions proposed below will help you not to get confused and successfully cope with the task:

  1. First of all, we knit two rectangular fabrics of yarn, the color of which resembles the shade of human skin as much as possible.
  2. We sew parts from three sides, we stuff and finish the fourth.
  3. Lock in the ring.
  4. We knit three rows, moving in a spiral.
  5. After each loop we knit three new ones. In total, nine loops should be obtained.
  6. We knit two more rows, forming an even circle.
  7. Again we take flesh-colored yarn and knit two rows without making additions.
  8. In the next five rows, add new loops with an interval of one single crochet.
  9. Next, we knit seven rows without making additions.
  10. All your actions are recommended to be recorded. After all, by analogy, you have to knit the second part.
  11. We fill the breasts and sew to the base.
  12. In conclusion, we complement the original pillow with a bra so that it looks less defiant.
knitted pillow

So we figured out how to make different types of pillowcases crocheted. Schemes of the most interesting options we presented in the article. We hope they help readers do the original and interesting thing with their own hands.


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