Earth axis precession and historical epochs in astrology: features and interesting facts

The continuous displacement of the earth's axis for astronomers and astrologers is no longer a secret. This knowledge fits seamlessly into their scientific picture of the world. On its basis, various theories are built and corrected. In astrology, historical epochs of the development of the Earth and humanity are distinguished. It is the movement of the axis of the planet that determines their cyclicity.

Earth with the moon in space

What is the Earth axis precession

The phenomenon of precession was discovered by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus back in the 2nd century BC. e. as a result of comparing the coordinates of the stars, determined by him from his own observations, with the coordinates of the same stars, established by the Greek astronomers Aristillos and Timokharis 150 years before him. In astronomy, precession refers to the slow motion of the axis of rotation of the earth in a circular cone.

In the Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Young Astronomer, compiled by N.P. Erpylev, a very simple and illustrative example is given for the perception of a complex astronomical phenomenon. To understand what the precession of the earth's axis is, the Earth is compared with a big top.

Globe like spinning top

Earth like a big spinning top

When observing the rotation of the top, you can notice that its axis continuously changes its position in space and describes a conical surface. This is explained by the laws of rotational motion under the action of gravitational forces.

Similarly, the Earth’s rotation axis is moving only very slowly. This occurs under the influence of the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun on the equatorial excess. The earth is a bit flattened, and therefore there is more substance at the equator than at the poles. The earth axis precession period is approximately 26,000 years.

Sphinx on the background of space

Zodiac era

The precession of the earth's axis and historical epochs in astrology are interconnected. A. Kudryavtsev and V. Guzhov in the book “Theory and History of Astrological Epochs” describe such an era as a long period during which the projection of the vernal equinox that determines the location of the Sun on that day falls into a particular zodiac constellation.

Due to the precession of the earth's axis, the vernal equinox constantly moves along the ecliptic at a speed of 50.3 arc seconds per year, which determines at some point its transition from one zodiac constellation to another. Constellations are unequal in length. This explains the different durations of their respective eras, which averages 2160 years.

The change of eras does not happen instantly. Only on the scale of history does this look like a swift and revolutionary process. During the transition period, the beginning of a new era becomes visibly tangible when quantitative changes are already accumulated in the culture and they begin to transform into a new quality.

Space clock

Laws and principles of the era

The movement of the vernal equinox due to the precession of the earth along one of the zodiac constellations determines the influence of the corresponding sign on the Earth and humanity as predominant. Throughout this period, the characteristics of the sign are fundamental to all processes taking place on the planet. This is especially true of social processes, since, first of all, such an influence affects the mentality of a person.

Each region of the Earth has a specific zodiac sign. Territories under the influence of the sign governing the era more than others feel its strength on themselves. Civilizations begin to develop and flourish there, which in all their extensive manifestations reflect the inner essence of this sign, whether in mythology, religion, symbolism, culture, science, the mode of production or the structure of society.

Zodiac circle and dial

Homes and zodiac signs defining an era

For the most complete characterization of the era, according to A. Kudryavtsev and V. Guzhov, it is necessary to take into account the influence of all 12 zodiac signs and 12 symbolic astrological houses that are responsible for individual spheres. Both that and others in aggregate will determine the basic tendencies of manifestation of mankind as a whole.

The sign of the era will correspond to the symbolic First House, and its action will be most noticeable as an external manifestation of a collective human personality. He will determine the face of the era, its main external features and manifestations.

Also of great importance is the opposing sign, that is, corresponding to the point of the autumn equinox. It will correspond to the symbolic Seventh House of the global horoscope. He will show the aspirations of mankind during the period of this era outside and all that will balance and resist the manifestations of the first sign.

Such an opposition between the "personal", outwardly visible features of humanity and its aspirations can sometimes reach a rather serious conflict. Therefore, when considering the signs that determine the epochs, the authors paid special attention also to their relationship with opposing signs.

Mermaid and dolphins

Eligibility and the Age of Pisces

The beginning of the Pisces era is traditionally associated with the origin and formation of the Christian religion, which comprehends God through mystical revelations and visions. The Pisces sign represents a certain higher knowledge, but not designed into a system, meditative and intuitive thinking, which is not tied to a specific logic, but subject to inspiration and revelation.

Pisces is characterized by a wise ethical acceptance of everything and everything, sometimes reaching the indistinguishability of good and evil, which quite often leads Pisces to reverie, illusion and self-deception. Neptune, the first ruler, gives the numerous manifestations of Pisces the color of fanaticism, and Jupiter, the second ruler, often directs the implementation of this fanaticism in the field of philosophy and religion. At the same time, Jupiter gives Pisces magnanimity, and Neptune an unearthly, transpersonal, unconditional love.

Opposed to the sign of Pisces is the materially oriented sign of Virgo, ruled by Mercury. The virgin is characterized by attention to detail, but lacks a vision of the systemic infinity of material phenomena. She has a pronounced desire to disassemble all material phenomena into details, and then describe them in great detail and systematize. But it does not take into account the properties acquired by the subject due to its systemic connections.

White and black fish

Pisces antagonism

The basis of development and at the same time the tragedy of the Pisces era is the imbalance of its internal contradictions caused by the confrontation of the signs of Pisces and Virgo. Pisces, with their characteristic high degree of unformedness in their manifestations, on the external plane is constantly inferior to the extremely formalized sign of Virgo, so in the end, according to A. Kudryavtsev and V. Guzhov, the period of Pisces is practically blocked by the influence of Virgo.

Throughout the era there has been a confrontation of spirituality, idealism and mysticism of Pisces with the materialism and rationalism of the Virgin. Regular outbreaks of religious fanaticism replaced the periods of atheism, the widespread dissemination of hobbies by mysticism - hobbies of scientific research. It was in this era that the human desire to test faith by practice was clearly manifested, backing it with material miracles and signs.

The problem of the era was the constant opposition of science and religion, regular attempts to use scientific approaches and results to refute religious truths. At the same time, the struggle within religion did not stop, caused by discussions and disputes over religious rules and regulations. The antagonism of the spiritual and the physical is also an expression of this struggle.

The polarization of the Pisces era has caused a strong polarization in the methods of comprehending the surrounding reality by individuals. The interhemispheric asymmetry became clearly distinguishable. For some people, the predominance of right-hemispheric, figurative thinking is characteristic, for others - left-hemispheric, abstract thinking. In the first case, the influence of the sign of Pisces is more pronounced, in the second - Virgo. The concepts of science and art are clearly distinguished from each other. In art, all the knowledge of mankind in the spiritual sphere is combined, completely rejected by science.

Water is pouring from a jug

Under the auspices of the era of Aquarius

The constellations, which account for the projection of the vernal equinox due to the precession of the earth's axis, are replaced simultaneously. Virgo is a longer constellation than Pisces, so its influence will continue at the beginning of the Aquarian era. In its pure form, a new era will be able to manifest itself only when the point of the autumnal equinox passes into the constellation Leo. And it will not be very soon.

The sign of Aquarius is controlled by two planets. Its first ruler is Uranus, the second is Saturn. Because of their constant struggle, Aquarius is an unstable combination of the incompatible. It manifests the unity and opposite of the uranic and saturnic properties.

The sign of Aquarius symbolizes sudden, rapidly developing events, unexpected turns, the combination of incompatible things, irrationality and, as a result, the seeming absurdity and illogicality of actions. He also personifies the destruction of established and obsolete phenomena, predetermining the emergence of new ones, continuing the old on a new level.

What in reality will be human society in the era of Aquarius, one can only speculate. According to the authors A. Kudryavtsev and V. Guzhov, the territory of Russia is under the control of Uranus, so the transformation process will be very relevant for its further development.

Thus, humanity is smoothly moving to a new round of a very large-scale development cycle. And since astrological epochs have a powerful influence on the mentality of mankind, accordingly, strong transformations can be expected primarily in the sphere of consciousness.


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