Irga: planting and care for berry shrubs

Irga, planting and caring for which gardeners are rarely interested, is perceived by many as an ordinary weed. This plant most often appears on the site spontaneously. But Irga (planting and caring for which in Western countries are carried out purposefully) can be an excellent decorative culture. It has a number of indisputable advantages: tasty and healthy fruits, lush flowering in late spring (which makes it look like bird cherry bushes), beautiful foliage of all shades of yellow in the autumn months.

Irga landing and care

Irga. Description

This plant causes many associations. With bird cherry in the flowering period. In England, berry berries are considered similar to small dark grapes. In Russia they call it wine berry, and in Provence - "bringing honey." Canadian Irga, planting and caring for which is one of the usual activities of North American farmers, is called "Saskatoon." This plant is from the family Rosaceae. In nature, she feels good in a sparse undergrowth, on forest glades, on low and well-lit slopes. Irga can grow at an altitude of up to two thousand meters, this makes it well adapted to the conditions of the tundra.

Irga landing and care photo
Species from the Caucasus and the Crimea are widespread in Russia. Irga, the landing and care of which is available to any farmer in any country, is very loved by birds. They have to drive away from the tart berries during their ripening. Thanks to birds, irgi easily spreads beyond the boundaries of cultural plantations and grows on the edges of forests. The plant is unusually hardy and tenacious, thanks to the characteristics of the root system. The gas contamination of the atmosphere, pests, diseases, excessive shading - all this does not interfere with the growth of the irgi. Shrubs live up to seventy years, with age they begin to resemble trees. Irga is a good honey plant. At the end of May, when it blooms, a swarm of insects constantly curls around it.
Irga Canadian landing and care

Irga: landing and care, photo

This undemanding culture still has preferences. For example, she very gratefully responds to high soil moisture, good light areas. If these conditions are observed, then you can get high yields of berries. The latter have a sour and astringent taste, they are very fond of children. Due to the high content of organic acids, vitamins C, P and A, as well as the presence of iodine, they are very useful for increasing immunity. Shrimp, planting and caring for which are similar to caring for other berry bushes (gooseberries, currants), should grow on well-moistened soil so as not to lose their decorative appearance. Also, it must be mulched with peat or humus. After the bush has taken root, it must be regularly trimmed with a good sharp secateurs. No need to regret weak shoots - in the future they will only worsen the appearance of the bush. You can propagate by grafting cuttings on rowan seedlings. Irga annually gives a crop. Delicate fruits with a cinnamon flavor can be used to make homemade liquor, stewed fruit, candied fruit, jam. They have a lot of pectin, so you can also make jelly.


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