Electric convectors for heating a private house: consumer reviews

If you live in a private house and use a central system for heating, which does not do very well with its tasks, then you can pay attention to the most popular heaters. One of them is electric convectors, which can be installed in any room where there is access to electricity. These include country houses and cottages, as well as pavilions.

Some features

electric convectors for heating a private house reviews

Temperature control in such devices can be done automatically or manually. Units are made of metal, which underlies the body. A tubular heating element is installed inside, which has a spiral in its composition. The latter is sealed and covered with a ceramic composition. The metal case of the device has two rows of holes, some of which are located below, while others are on top. The bottom row draws cold air into the system, while the top one releases the already heated streams.

Why you should choose a convector

electric heating convector for a private house

The air temperature will depend on the power of the convector and sometimes reaches a limit of 100 ยฐ C. Electric convectors for heating a private house, reviews of which you can read in the article, are environmentally friendly, because dust with little heating does not burn on the surface of the device, so the device meets all fire safety requirements.

Reviews of wall convectors

wall mounted electric convectors

Wall-mounted appliances are strengthened with the help of special brackets, work on the principle of convection, which was described above. Consumers note that some appliances include a thermal fan that blows out the warm air masses that spread throughout the room. Such devices are more expensive, but due to the presence of a fan, their power increases by 2 kW.

Consumers quite often choose convectors with a temperature sensor that monitors air temperature. The design may include a thermostat, with which you can adjust the degree of heating of the heater. Wall convectors can be divided into baseboards and high, which differ not only in power, but also in size. If you are interested in electric convectors for heating a private house, reviews about them are recommended to read. From them, you can understand that those consumers who want to install the device under the window opening choose tall devices whose height is the limit from 40 to 45 cm.

On sale you can also find skirting units, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm. Consumers respond especially well to the small power, which does not exceed 3 kW. Such a device does not give out so much heat, but can be used as an additional source of heating.

If with the help of a baseboard type electric convector you want to equip the main heating system, it is recommended to purchase an elongated device, the length of which is 2.5 m. Wall convectors are best installed under the windows. According to customers, this installation method saves a certain amount of heat. After all, most of the cold gets into the room through the window, and a convector that releases a stream of warm air upwards is able to create a thermal barrier that prevents the penetration of cold air inside.

Reviews about outdoor appliances

home heating electric hobs reviews

Electric convectors for heating a private house, reviews of which will help to make the right choice, can also be outdoor. According to customers, their main advantage is the ability to install almost anywhere in the room. Such devices are more in demand in stores or offices, as well as in those rooms where there is a need to provide heating for a certain zone. Floor electric convectors for heating a private house, reviews of which may be different, are able to heat the entire room. They have legs with rollers, which, according to customers, provides ease of movement. For the reason that such a convector could become a source of danger, it is equipped with a rollover sensor, which automatically turns off the device if the heater falls and there is no person nearby.

Reviews of convectors in terms of heating element

electric heating reviews

An electric heating convector for a private house can have a different heating element, so, it should be highlighted:

  • monolithic;
  • tubular;
  • needle.

The second type of heating elements has aluminum fins. The needle-shaped ones are a thin dielectric plate on which a nickel-chromium heating thread is mounted. It is coated with an insulating varnish. According to customers, appliances with such heating elements cool down and heat up almost instantly. Convection in such devices is based on a needle heater and is carried out thanks to the design of the housing. Due to the fact that the varnished thread is almost not protected from moisture, the operation of equipment with such a heating element in a humid room is not recommended. According to customers, the main advantage of such devices is the cost, but the durability of the device is doubtful. In practice, needle heating elements are rarely used, but if you encounter such an assembly during the selection process, it is best to pass by.

Wall-mounted heating electric convectors can have tubular heating elements, which are steel tubes with nichrome thread. According to consumers, efficient heat transfer is ensured by aluminum fins, which enhances convection. Such elements heat less than needle ones, but are more durable. Many units with such heating elements are made in a spray-proof design and can be used even in bathrooms. Consumers note that such equipment also has its drawbacks, which are expressed in sounds similar to crackles that occur when there is a difference in the thermal expansion of the ribs and tubes during the operation of the device.

If you are interested in electric convectors for heating your home, but you do not want to put up with noise, then consumers advise you to choose monolithic heating elements, the casing of which is solid. Ribs are an integral part. Buyers note that such devices work with the smallest heat loss, and therefore are highly efficient. Quite often, experts advise to opt for electric convectors, which work due to tubular or monolithic heating elements. The last option will be perfect.

Reviews about the power of devices

electric convectors for home heating

Heating a house with electric convectors will become effective if you choose the power of the device correctly. The average parameter can be selected by the formula, which implies the need to choose one kilowatt for every 10 m 2 of area, this is true if the wall height does not exceed 2.7 m. If this figure turned out to be larger, then for every additional 10 cm of height, add 10 % power.

Consumers are advised to pay attention to some points if the electroconvector is supposed to be the source of basic heating. Thus, for high-quality heating, as many convectors are needed as there are windows in the room. If we are talking about a corner room, as well as one that is located above a cold basement, then you need to equip the area with a convector with a power reserve. This also applies to those rooms that have an impressive area of โ€‹โ€‹glazing. According to users, the above formula should be enough for a preliminary calculation of heating.

Reviews of convectors in terms of temperature regulators

electric heating at home

If you are interested in economical electric convectors for heating a private house, then you should pay attention to models equipped with temperature regulators. With their help, you can maintain the required temperature in the room. Due to the thermostat it will be possible to control the device using an electronic or mechanical system. The latter option, according to customers, reduces the cost of construction, but introduces certain inconveniences into the operation process, among them:

  • consumption of more electricity;
  • poor temperature tolerance;
  • work tracking with characteristic clicks.

You will hear extraneous sounds when the device turns on or off, for some consumers this factor is annoying. The electronic thermostat, according to customers, wins against a mechanical one, since it:

  • silent
  • able to reduce energy consumption;
  • maintains a certain temperature with the minimum error;
  • allows to carry out climate control remotely;
  • can work in several modes.

Wall-mounted electric convectors for heating a private house with an electronic thermostat will cost more compared to mechanical options. However, such an acquisition can be called profitable.

Performance Reviews

Electric convectors for heating a private house can have different sizes and power, it is these parameters that most often raise questions from consumers. For example, some customers do not know which convectors - high or low - are more efficient in their work. Experienced consumers answer that efficiency does not depend on size; power affects this parameter. Form factors are created by the manufacturer for the convenience of installing the device in a certain interior. You may wonder whether the convector is dangerous when it is left unattended. Consumers note that such devices are completely safe. If the wiring can withstand the total power of simultaneously operating devices, then do not worry.

Sometimes consumers also face such a question, which is expressed in whether convectors can be used as the main source of heating. Everything will depend on the specific model and manufacturer's recommendations. In any case, it is necessary to calculate the heating by electric convectors according to the above formula. If you cannot decide whether to install such a device in a children's room, then you need to listen to the opinion of experienced users. They argue that on sale you can find models specially designed for children's rooms, they have streamlined shapes, a robust body and are devoid of sharp corners. If you want to choose the unit yourself, then you should prefer one that has small holes so that the child can not stick anything into them.

Positive feature reviews

Heating a house with electric convectors, reviews of which you can read in the article, has some advantages and disadvantages. Among the first, one should also single out the possibility of programming the operation of such devices. Consumers note that such functionality may be needed if the house remains without owners for some period. In this case, convectors can be programmed to maintain the temperature in the house in a certain temperature range. This will eliminate unnecessary energy consumption. But a few hours before the owners arrive, the appliances will be able to turn on at full power to well flood the house.

Heating with electric convectors, reviews of which will allow you to understand whether it is worth buying such appliances for your home, has another positive side, which is expressed in the demand for such a system in the off-season. Buyers note that during this period it makes no sense to melt a large furnace, which is able to "eat" a huge amount of fuel. However, any savings will not be achieved. But you can be saved by small sources of heat. Electroconvectors can be used not only for heating apartments and houses, but also for other unheated rooms like kiosks, tents and pavilions. Here, such designs play the main role of the heating system, because it is not possible to carry out other types of heating, and it is simply unprofitable. As for manufacturers, user reviews recommend first of all to pay attention to the products of Noirot Melodie Evolution, Electrolux, Ballu, Resanta.

Why do some refuse electric convectors

When cold weather sets in, many property owners have the following words in their heads: โ€œconvectorโ€, โ€œheatingโ€. An electric device of this type for a private house can be a real salvation, but for the other half, convection air flows seem to be only a source of creating dust and spreading it throughout the entire space of the room. It should be noted that the distribution of heat will not be even, because it rises to the ceiling, and the temperature at the floor will be much lower, which is especially felt if the house has an unheated basement.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20055/

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