Korolenko V., "Children of the Underground": A Brief Retelling

The story "Children of the Underground", a brief retelling of which is presented in this article, is one of the most famous works of Russian writer and publicist Vladimir Korolenko. This is a story about a boy who grew up in a prosperous family, but faced with injustice and cruelty towards the poor. Overcoming difficulties, he regularly showed kindness, compassion and nobility, helping the destitute.

History of creation

Korolenko Children of the dungeon

The story "Children of the Underground", a brief retelling of which will help to better understand this book, was written by the author during his stay in exile in Yakutia. This was between 1881 and 1884. In 1885, he was modifying it, already in St. Petersburg, when he ended up in a pre-trial detention cell. He spent several days there, who worked diligently to refine the work.

In the same 1885, the work "Children of the Underground" (a brief retelling will help prepare for the exam or standings) was first published in the journal Russian Thought.

Interestingly, it was originally called quite differently - "In a bad society." The author himself admitted that he took many features from nature, so the description turned out so realistic. The author described in detail the city of Rivne, which was bred under the name Prince-Veno. It was there that Korolenko himself studied in a real gymnasium, starting from the third grade. In the image of a judge, you can find the features of the father of the writer.

Reading even a brief retelling of "Children of the Underground" by Korolenko, the image of the old castle, in which many urban beggars lived, is remembered. Its analogue was a wooden castle, which was built in the 15th century by Maria Nesvitskaya. When Korolenko was a child, the building had already stood abandoned for many years; tramps and homeless people settled in it. The palace was finally dismantled at the beginning of the 20th century. Now a stadium and a hydro park have appeared in its place.

A brief retelling of the chapters of "Children of the Underground" will help to better understand the author’s intent, to understand the features of his work. He included it in his book called Essays and Stories, which was first published in 1886, and then went through many reprints.

The name "Children of the Underground" appeared in 1886, when an abridged version of the story was published in the journal Rodnik. It was in this version and under that name that they began to be reprinted throughout the 20th century, so she gained her popularity.

At the same time, Korolenko himself reacted extremely negatively to such a reduction, was dissatisfied with editorial liberties, even claiming that the story was now impossible to read.


Illustrations of the story Dungeon Kids

"Dungeon Children", a brief retelling of which is in this article, begins with the story of the main character of the boy Vasya about the death of his mother. This happened when the child was only 6 years old.

Vasya's father grieved greatly, while he began to focus on his daughter named Sonya. Perhaps because she was very much like a mother. The boy grew up, left to his own devices, not experiencing special care and love.

Prince Town

Heroes of the story Children of the dungeon

According to the plot of the story Korolenko "Children of the dungeon", Vasya lives in a place called Prince-Town. Around him is surrounded by dirt, stink, a lot of poor and simply poor people. There are many ponds in the Prince-Gorodok, one of them has a large old castle, in which the homeless and various dark personalities are hiding.

Between them often quarrels and conflicts arise, in the results of some they even drive them out of the castle. Left homeless, they absolutely do not know where to go. Therefore, Vasya is very sorry for them and worries about these people.

Among the outcasts who live in this castle, Tyburtius Drab stands out, who has a terrible appearance, many even say that he looks like a monkey. At the same time, they note that in his eyes shines his mind and insight, but his past is covered in a veil of secrecy. Almost always with him two kids. This is a 3 year old girl and a seven year old boy.

Once Vasya and his friends climb into the chapel, which is located near the castle on a high mountain. In the darkness of the chapel, friends scold the devils and run away, leaving the protagonist alone. As a result, Vasya gets acquainted with baby Marusya and Valk. Soon they become true friends.

New comrades take Vasya into the dungeon, show how they live.

Away in the dungeon

Tale Kids Dungeons

A brief retelling of the story "Children of the Underground" will help anyone who has ever read this work to quickly refresh it. In the continuation of the story, Vasya often begins to visit his new friends, although it is believed that they come from a "bad society."

It turns out that Maroussia is the same age as his sister, but at the same time looks very painful and weak. Almost always, she is sad and very pale. Her favorite game is to sort through the flowers. Valek claims that the “gray stone,” which there are so many in the dungeon, sucked out of it all his life.

Vasya is constantly tormented by doubts about whether his father, the local judge, really loves. Even the summary of the story "Children of the Underground" always describes these doubts and experiences. The protagonist learns from a new friend that everyone around him considers his father to be a very honest judge who is not afraid to speak out against influential people, and even condemned a wealthy count. After that, Vasya begins to relate to his father in a different way.

Tyburtium learns about the friendship of children

Book Children Dungeons

Tyburtius soon learns of this friendship. Because of this, he begins to get very angry, but does not forbid Vasya to visit the dungeon, because his children are happy about this. The main character soon finds out for himself that most of the inhabitants of this place survive due to petty theft. He continues to feel sorry for Marusya, who is always hungry, begins to wear toys for her.

By the fall, the girl’s condition worsens. Vasya talks about his new acquaintance sister, persuading her to give her the best doll, which the dead mother gave her. The girl, delighted at the unexpected gift, begins to walk and get better.

Conflict with father

Characters of the story Children of the dungeon

But Vasya’s father is dissatisfied with this friendship. At home, he discovers the doll is missing, after which he forbids his son to leave the house. Valek and Vasya decide to return the doll to its place, but when they take it from Marusya, she begins to cry bitterly. Vasya understands that he cannot deprive his friend of his last joy and refuses to pick up the toy.

At this time, his father suspects his son of theft and, with partiality, interrogates in his office. In response to this, Vasya admits only that he took the doll, but does not tell to whom he took it.

Suddenly, the doll is brought to the judge by Tyburtius, he is all talking about the friendship of their children. The father realizes that his child is actually a very responsive and kind person. He asks Vasya for forgiveness.

The death of Maroussi

Tyburtius tells terrible news, it turns out that Maroussia has passed away. The judge lets Vasya say goodbye to the girl. He even gives him money for the poor.

Soon after the funeral, Maroussi Valek and Tyburtius disappear from the city. Since then, Vasya begins to carry flowers to the girl’s grave every spring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20059/

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