Bead lizard diagram for beginner needlewomen

Animal jewelry from beads - crafts in the form of various animals and insects, whose coloring is based on contrasting harmony, is still incredibly popular. The wire base allows you to give the product any shape, and the color harmony of the bugle makes it unusually spectacular.

If you want to learn how to make unusual brooches with your own hands, this article is for you. In it, we will tell you how to make a lizard from beads quickly and easily, present detailed work schemes and give necessary recommendations. We hope you find our tips helpful.

lizard weaving

What needs to be prepared to create an animalistic brooch?

To complete the lizard you will need:

  • beads of two shades of green;
  • 2 black beads for the eyes;
  • wire;
  • blank for brooches;
  • scissors.

For the manufacture of this craft, you do not need a large number of beads, so we recommend that you purchase more expensive, high-quality Czech beads, packaged in small bags.

Chinese counterparts are cheaper, but often have a heterogeneous structure and vary in shape. For one small brooch it is better not to skimp on good material.

Getting started on the Lizard brooch

Having prepared everything you need, proceed to the creation. The body of the lizard begins to string on the wire from the head, which is made of four to six rows. We start with three beads of the first row, in each subsequent increasing the number of beads by one. In the manufacture of the last row of the head, you should make out eyes from black beads, picking them second and second to last in a row. In the work on the craft, the following bead lizard scheme is used.

how to make a bead lizard

The body of the lizard is built from ten to fourteen rows, depending on the desired size. The first three to four rows contain five beads, the next five to six rows - seven, and then two rows - again five pieces. In the final section of the trunk, one or two rows of three beads are made.

The tail of the lizard is made of the same number of rows as the body. Each of them is created from two beads, while both ends of the working wire are passed towards each other. The creation of the tail is completed by introducing the ends of the wire through one bead with its subsequent twisting. The remaining ends of the wire are hidden and cut off.

Knit limbs for our bead lizard

The scheme of work on the legs is as follows. We take beads of a dark green shade. We string 3 beads on the wire, departing from the edge of 10 mm. Wrap the free end around the last bead and pass through the other two. Next, bend this end and string on it the beads of the middle finger. The last principle is performed according to the same principle.

First, the base of the lizard’s foot is made of two beads, while the ends of the wire are threaded towards each other, and then of three. At the final stage of work on the foot, the ends of the wire are twisted. By analogy with the first, three more exactly the same paws are made.

bead lizard weaving pattern

The final stage

Having completed all the necessary elements, proceed to the assembly of the product. Paws are attached to the body (in the diagram of the beaded lizard these places are marked with arrows). The finished product is given a wavy shape that mimics the body of a lizard in motion. The application is fixed on the blank for the brooch and enjoy the result. Lizard beadwork completed.

If desired, the composition can be complicated by using several harmonious shades in the manufacture of the body. It is important to monitor the preservation of the symmetry of the picture. Now you know the pattern of bead lizards and you can safely use it in your work. I wish you creative success!

Another option for weaving a lizard for beginners

We bring to your attention a very simple scheme for creating animalistic applications. Such a small lizard will be a great accessory, such as a key ring for a phone or keys. We recommend that you work on this product with your child, an interesting lesson will surely captivate him.

To complete a small lizard, you will need a piece of thin wire and a small amount of green beads. If desired, you can use additional colors. So you get a more elegant craft. We will work according to the following pattern of beaded lizards.

bead lizard diagram

Weaving begins with the head, first picking up three beads. Through two of them we pass both ends of the working wire. Next, we work according to the presented scheme, difficulties should not arise. We carefully consider the number of beads.

Please note that the head consists of 5 rows, the body of 8, and the tail of 10. At the same time, only one bead is strung in the last four rows. At the end of the work, we fix and twist the wire. So our little bead lizard is ready. The weaving pattern is extremely simple and affordable even for a child. Get creative together while developing your children's talent. Good luck!


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