How to treat green snot in children?

Winter is in the yard. Children sledding, ice skating. Run around, rejoice. Good to them. But then your child appears at the door, and your mood worsens. Snot to the knees! They stand out so well on the rosy cheeks of your children. "Is it really sick?" - the first thing that comes to the head of a worried parent, despite the fact that the picture is often quite familiar. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Not always. It happens that snot cause serious concern! And this is signaled by their color. Green color!

How to protect a child from a cold?

On taste and color

What symptom of the disease are we most often the first to observe in children? Of course, a runny nose! Children in kindergartens and educational institutions are especially vulnerable to it. Many of them regularly experience unpleasant wet smudges at the nose. They arise for various reasons, and the color of these secretions is also different. It directly depends on these reasons. Typically, from white or tan to green. The viscosity also changes. Thick and liquid - such snot appear to the eyes of others, and then doctors.

Caution! Green color

If the snot in children is green, it not only looks frightening, but also gives rise to serious concerns. It is the green color that indicates the presence of a bacterial infection in the nasal cavity. If you observe thick green snot in a child - how to treat? This is a serious reason to contact a pediatrician who examines the child and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Green snot in children

Lesion focus

Being the most characteristic sign of colds and acute respiratory infections in children, a runny nose appears most often in the fall, winter and spring. It is during these periods that weakening of the protective functions of the immune system is observed and, as a result, susceptibility to diseases of a similar genus. Children are most exposed to these risks by visiting childcare facilities and by direct contact with those who may transmit the infection to them. If viruses enter the upper respiratory tract, the secretions are clear and liquid. If you do not start the treatment process at this stage, an environment that is beneficial for the pathogenic bacterial microflora (streptococci, staphylococci) appears on the nasal mucosa. The discharge in this case becomes thick and has a yellow-green, and sometimes just a green color. In children, thick green snot contribute to shortness of breath and pain, which greatly complicates the course of the disease.

Why is green?

In fact, this color of secretions can be both frightening and encouraging. After all, he, above all, says that there is a problem, but the mechanism for solving it has already been launched. Neutrophils began their action to destroy pathogenic bacteria. They accumulate in the nasal cavity, absorb and break down malicious violators of human health. And as a product of this struggle, green secretions signal that a special enzyme (it has a specific green color) has begun its work. But! The more saturated the green color, the greater the number of bacteria working to eliminate the inflammatory process. Remember this!

Pusher child up to 10 years

What are green snot talking about? Possible diseases

Green snot in children, first of all, are signs of some diseases. Here they are: rhinitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. All of them represent the inflammatory processes of various sections of the nasal cavity.

There are times when allergic rhinitis complications occur in children with allergies. The characteristic green color of the snot clearly indicates this.

Microbes under the microscope

To treat !!!

But how to treat green snot in a child? It is necessary to take care of the correct treatment of the child. After all, any runny nose is the cause of serious discomfort in children. The difficulty breathing caused by him often becomes the cause of headaches, and, as a result, the child becomes moody. Sleep disturbances are also possible, which is why the child may experience chronic fatigue. However, we are talking about this only to emphasize the importance of timely treatment. First of all, contact an otolaryngologist immediately. This is a specialist in the problems of diseases of the nasal cavity, and it is he who will help, having examined the child, prescribe the correct treatment. Given that bacteria are the main factor in diseases, a special analysis may be needed to determine the susceptibility of the identified pathogens to antibiotics.

Inflammation treatment

From simple to complex

If the form of the disease is not severe, it is best to limit yourself to local therapy. It includes procedures to normalize the outflow of mucous masses. Also, washing and using antiseptic drugs will help in this case. With snot that has a green color and arises on an allergic background, the use of antihistamines will be most effective. They will help ease inflammatory processes and cope with swelling of the nasal mucosa. Drinking a significant amount of fluid will help alleviate the condition of your child at this stage of the disease. Do not forget about the correct temperature and humidity in his room. With a relatively normal condition of the child, outdoor walks will be appropriate. Of course, not in extreme weather. And it is important to remember that with green snot you should never self-medicate! To the doctor! Only to the children's doctor! He will certainly help you by prescribing the drugs necessary to treat your child.

Know and be able to!

Of course, washing the nasal cavity is best done in a children's clinic. It is possible at home, but only after receiving instructions from a specialist on how to do this correctly without harming the child. Incorrect rinsing can lead to undesirable and even negative phenomena in the form of inflammation of the middle ear!

Little girl with a scarf

For the smallest

Most of the problems with washing arise with babies up to a year. How to treat green snot to a child at this age? Indeed, many adult skills are not available to him. For example, blowing out. Therefore, you will have to tinker with the kids, using special devices (aspirators, syringes). If the child is accustomed to the nipple, it is necessary to empty her mouth, since there is a risk of ear barotrauma. Conventional saline or seawater solutions can be used to moisturize the mucosa and rinse the nose. These sprays are great for treating babies. The frequency of prescribed procedures should be mentioned. They must be carried out three times a day. For babies who are breastfeeding or from a bottle, just before feeding, so that a clogged nose does not interfere with them during meals.

Healing drops

In some cases, as prescribed by a doctor, it is advisable to use therapeutic drops. The doctor will help you choose the type and dosage of such drops, taking into account the age and condition of the small patient: a two percent solution of Protargol, Albutsid, Isofra, Polydex and Bioparox. This is a series of drugs that can be prescribed to treat your child. Also, green snot in a child can be treated with effective "complex" drops. They are based on drugs with antibacterial activity, antibiotic solutions and antiallergic substances. You can make them, in principle, by the doctor’s own prescription, or order in a pharmacy. To this, it is worth adding that some well-known pediatricians warn against the use of antibiotics in the treatment of green snot in children. If possible, they recommend that you do with washing procedures, walks in the fresh air and maintaining the necessary microclimate in the house.

How to get rid of green snot?

In special cases, it may be necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops. As a rule, this need arises with severe difficulty or complete absence of nasal breathing. But they can be used only when absolutely necessary, for example at night. You should always remember the extremely negative consequences that their incorrect use can lead to.

Prevention and Precautions

Green snot in a child is an occasion for parents after treatment to think about preventing this unpleasant factor in all respects. It implies, first of all, maintaining immunity, preventing the incidence of acute respiratory infections and timely and qualified therapy at the first sign of a runny nose. Provide your child with good nutrition, regularly walk with him in the fresh air, provide the opportunity to play sports and monitor the cleanliness and microclimate in your home. Here are those simple rules for the prevention of green snot in a child.


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