Spain Visa Application Center in Nizhny Novgorod: opening hours, activities and location

The Spain Visa Application Center in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the official, authorized representations of this state in the Russian Federation. It provides services for the reception of documents and applications for visas to this country.

The service and visa center of the Spanish Kingdom in N. Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the largest cities in Russia. Therefore, the placement in it of the official representation of Spain is quite reasonable and rational. Hundreds of thousands of Russian tourists come to Spain every year, the number of which is steadily increasing. Most likely, the number of people wishing to make a visit to this country would be much smaller if the Spanish authorities had not bothered to create a large number of representative offices in Russia that would facilitate obtaining a visa and, accordingly, a visit to Spain.

Spain Visa Application Center Nizhny Novgorod

The placement of the Spain Visa Application Center in Nizhny Novgorod is due not only to its great potential, as more than a million people live in the city, but also to its convenient location in one of the most densely populated areas of the Russian Federation.


Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region and neighboring constituent entities of the Russian Federation can obtain a visa to Spain in Nizhny Novgorod. The visa center was created specifically for the purpose of serving potential tourists who want to relax in Spain.

In addition to this visa center, there are other representative offices of the Kingdom of Spain in Russia, but extensive customer service is carried out here. Thousands of people annually apply for visas through this center. Here, work is underway to receive documents and applications.

Visa Application Center Nizhny Novgorod Spain Kerch 13

The collected packages of documents are sent to the consulate for processing. The consulate’s response to a positive or negative decision on the application is sent back to the Spain Visa Application Center in Nizhny Novgorod.

A client can get a ready-made visa already at the center, without visiting the consular organization directly. Thus, the visa center (Nizhny Novgorod) performs an intermediary function between a person who wants to obtain a visa and the consulate.

Thanks to the activities of the visa center, it is possible to significantly alleviate the burden on the consulate.

Spain Visa Application Center in Nizhny Novgorod: reviews and location

The services of this center are used by a large number of people, not only residents of N. Novgorod itself, but also visitors from neighboring cities and regions.

Getting to him is easy. After all, the visa center (Nizhny Novgorod) of Spain is located on Kerch, 13. It is easy to get there by public transport from virtually anywhere in the city.

visa to spain novgorod visa center

The Spain Visa Application Center operates in Nizhny Novgorod according to the standard five-day schedule from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. They accept visitors here both by appointment and without it. In addition to directly accepting documents, consultations are held here on various issues related to holidays in Spain and the country as a whole.

There are both positive and negative reviews about the work of the visa center, but for the most part they are quite neutral in nature, since the center's clients highlight both the pros and cons at the same time. In general, the organization’s work is evaluated at a fairly high level, so it can be unequivocally argued that this Spanish mission is coping with its responsibilities.


This center in Nizhny Novgorod plays an important role in the development, promotion and strengthening of Russian-Spanish relations in the field of tourism. Thanks to all the official representations of the Spanish Kingdom in Russia, it was possible to reach a qualitatively higher level of interaction between the two countries.

A significant role was played by the visa center in N. Novgorod, which, although it is not a large representative office and has only one key area of ​​activity, nevertheless has a significant impact on the increase in the attendance by Russians of resorts in Spain.

visa center spain nizhny novgorod reviews

Despite the fact that Russia has a large number of Spanish representative offices, there are very few Russian representatives in Spain. This is largely due to the fact that the Russians are actively visiting Spain, and they, in turn, are reluctant to go to the Russian Federation. Most often, Russians spend their vacations in this country in order to enjoy a vacation in warm, sunny sea resorts, sunbathe on sandy beaches and get to know the temperamental Spanish culture, vibrant architecture and extravagant customs.


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