Original thread decoration: interesting ideas, features

Every girl loves jewelry. For any outfit, you can purchase suitable beads or a necklace. In the article, we will present an option for making thread jewelry with our own hands . Such products look original, there are few of them on sale, and you can choose the right thread color for any outfit.

In order to learn how to make such decor items, it is not necessary to be a handmade master; you only need to have patience and endurance, since weaving is a painstaking task. You will also need care and accuracy. After all, even one wrong turn will stand out from the rest. The work is a little monotonous, since for the manufacture of lacing you need to perform the same turns. So be patient and start making original jewelry from threads.

Big pendant necklace

Before you begin, think about what dress or blouse this thing will be worn on. Having decided on the color scheme, go to the sewing accessories store and look for suitable threads. You will also need a large pendant. If it is golden, as in the photo, then the fastening threads must also be chosen gold. Then the product will look aesthetically pleasing.

1. The first thing you need to unwind the skeins. To do this, use some dense template. For example, take a cardboard shoe cover or simply pull them between the sticks of the back of a chair. The pattern should match the length of the decoration of the thread.

2. Threads are removed from the template and the edges are trimmed. It turns out a bundle of threads of the same size.

3. Now you need to separately make a buttonhole for a button on which the entire structure will be held. To do this, insert a small round button into one of the threads and tie a knot. Having correctly measured the length of the necklace, on the other hand we make a buttonhole to fit the buttons and also knot. Thus prepared thread is applied to the rest. The ends of the bundle are tied with threads so that they do not fall apart during further work.

thread decoration

4. The most painstaking work remains. It is necessary to weave golden rings around the main part of the decoration of the thread tight rings. The edge is hidden at a distance of 1 cm from the end of the beam so that it does not come out. Then we begin to tightly wind the thread around. There are two ways: simply wind the thread, firmly pressing it to the previous turn, or do each time pulling into the loop of the previous turn. In the second version, a pigtail will be visible on the side, which will need to be evenly positioned. But the threads will not fit on each other and the product will turn out neat.

Necklace with roses

The principle of manufacturing such a jewelry from threads is the same as in the previous method. In this product, instead of a button, a large bead is put on one end of the beam, in the tone of one of the roses. When the entire main part is done, we begin work on decorating with flowers.


To do this, separately wrap a bunch of threads of the main beige color and the same - contrast, for example red, as in the photo. The ends on both sides are wound with brown threads so that they do not fall apart. Then we make several turns of yarn in a circle, threading the bulk of the bundle into the loops formed. But not tightening tight. The middle of the rose should be free. Finished decorative elements are placed in the center of the necklace and sewn on the back with simple threads. They should not be visible on the front side.

Adding Pigtails

A necklace made of thread, made by a method familiar to readers, can be diversified by adding any details. It can be beads or rings, pendants and nodules. The following necklace is made with weaving thin braids. At the first stage of pulling the threads on the template, you need to weave several braids separately. For this, several threads are taken in each strand so that they have a volume. It all depends on the desire of the craftswoman, because you can weave several different braids, using a different number of threads for the strands.

what is the name of the thread decoration

Then the finished pigtails are placed in a bundle, located in different places so that each one is clearly visible. You can decorate the decoration of the yarn with a bright contrasting bead.

So that she does not roll up and down the yarn, it is necessary to tie a knot that will hold her in one place. The pigtail that comes out of the bundle with a bead looks beautiful. The result is an asymmetry that adds originality to the product.

Big pigtail

A thick pigtail is woven from floss threads. She put on rings of beads and beads. They should be bright and contrasting with the main color of the yarn.

jewelry on a red thread

The lock on this model is purchased. Now you know how to weave a beautiful ornament out of thread. It is not difficult, but it looks very impressive.

Decoration with loop

For such a product, you need to choose the same threads of two contrasting colors that would harmoniously look together. They are selected the same length. Then the bundles intertwine, forming a loop in the middle. Then, purchased plastic or metal jewelry is inserted from one and the other end, and they should be the same.

how to make jewelry from threads

How to make a decoration of threads next? The ends are fastened also with purchased locks suitable for the kit. They are large enough to fit so many threads and a bundle of them.

"Chocolate with milk"

This original jewelry is also made in two parts. The first half is represented by chocolate-colored yarn, which is assembled from threads long and folded in half. Since the necklace has an asymmetric structure, brown threads should be longer than white ones.

One end of the yarn is wrapped in black thread. In the same way, the central part of the beam is cut in half.

Further, the same manipulations are carried out with white yarn. Only the size of the threads is a few centimeters smaller. Thus, you can shift the center in the decoration of thread with your own hands.

do-it-yourself jewelry

The lock is made according to the method described earlier, only a large bead is used instead of a button.

Thread earrings

Now fashionable are earrings made in the form of tassels of thin silk threads. Making them is very simple, you just need to know how. If you have never done such things before, then check out the step-by-step instructions. There is nothing complicated. The only thing is that you have to wind the threads for a long time on the template, since they are very thin. To make the brush so magnificent, you will need to unwind the whole coil. The template should be tight. You can use a wooden plate or a very thick cardboard.

how to weave a beautiful ornament

When the bundles for earrings were wound tightly of the required thickness, the extreme turns are knotted. Then everything is removed from the template. It turns out a ring tied from opposite sides to the nodes. Putting the threads together, we perform several windings around the end, under the knot. And the bottom part under the ruler is neatly cut.

If it didn’t work out right the first time, you can trim the edges with sharp scissors. The upper bundle with the winding is hidden in the purchased elements of the earrings. The second earring is made in the same way.

When the master makes the jewelry yourself, you can choose the color of the threads for any outfit. When buying finished products you will have to choose only from what is presented in the window. The desired combination of shades can not be achieved. And the purchased will not always fit perfectly. So do not be afraid to try to make the jewelry yourself. It is not so difficult, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Simple plain bracelets

To make such jewelry, you will need to purchase a plastic straight bracelet and thin silk threads of the desired color. PVA glue is also used here. Before you start winding the thread in a circle, you need to tie a knot at the beginning of work and hide the edge under the turns of thread. A bracelet of 1 cm is spread with glue and we begin the painstaking work. When the entire area is filled with threads, then the next centimeter of the surface of the product is smeared. The glue dries quickly, and winding is slow. Threads need to be tightly tightened so that there are no areas with sagging.

yarn decoration

The end of the threads must be hidden under the last couple of turns. You can make a whole set of matching colors, consisting of two or three bracelets.

Wide bracelet with decor

Such an ornament is made in a similar way, only a plastic ring is bought in a larger size. After completing the winding with threads, work begins on decorating the bracelet. To do this, from the thinnest satin ribbon in blue weave a simple single pigtail in the size of a circle. Stick it in the center of the ringlet. Further, from two sides, two rows of purchased chains of plastic balls are placed. Their large selection in hardware stores.

original thread jewelry

It remains to stick the half beads with rhombuses at a certain distance from each other. Everything, a beautiful bracelet is ready!

The popularity of baubles

If people on the street are asked about the name of a thread ornament, then the answer will be unequivocal - a bauble. This is a woven bracelet. Weaved such products even the Indians of North America. Their weaving of threads was associated with strong friendship. Such traditional jewelry has been handed down from generation to generation. If the bracelet was removed or returned to the person who presented it as a gift, then this was considered a very offensive act, interruption of communication. Especially if the removal of baubles occurred in public.

The ancient Slavs also wove such jewelry with symbols to protect them from evil spirits. Such amulets were popular with both women and men. In the last century, they remembered such wicker hippie jewelry. Baubles also received another meaning. Jewelry on a red thread was worn by couples in love. Also, special baubles were made, having the meaning of a talisman, a symbol of friendship. Each color has acquired its own meaning. Let's consider how to make a simple red bauble for a couple in love with our own hands.

Bauble of love

An ornament of threads, the name of which is a bauble, can be not only woven from different threads, but also twisted from one. For lovers, they are usually made of red thread. This is a symbol of love. In the center of such baubles put on either the same beads, or the letter, which is the first in the person’s name. They make such a product simple. A thick red thread is taken. Having hooked it on some strong base (hook, back of the chair or cabinet handle), knot is tied and two threads are twisted together. Approaching the central part of the bracelet, several knots are made. Then they put on a letter or a bead and again tie the same number of knots so that the product looks symmetrical. Then again, two threads continue to twist.

thread decoration name

At the end, a knot is made, which will be inserted into the first turn of the thread. He will play the role of a lock fastening a bauble on the wearer's wrist.

Lovers wear such products as a sign of eternal love. Make them the same.

Thread products can be made any way, it’s easy to make them, and any creative ideas can be embodied.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20082/

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