"Trichodermin" or "Fitosporin": which is better, instructions for use, reviews

All crops, regardless of the place of cultivation, whether it is a window sill in an apartment or a summer cottage, can periodically be attacked by pests and be affected by various diseases. The cause can be both fungi and viruses. But at present, a huge amount of funds is being released that help to cope with all problems, it is important only to use them in a timely manner. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from a huge assortment. We will try to help a little and consider what is better "Trichodermin" or "Fitosporin" in the fight against plant ailments.

To begin, consider the features of each drug.

Composition and scope of "Trichodermin"

The biological product "Trichodermin" is an antifungal agent that can destroy more than 60 types of diseases provoked by parasitic fungi. Most often, manufacturers produce the product in powder form, but recently, "Trichodermin" appeared in a liquid state.

trichodermin or phytosporin which is better

The composition of the drug includes:

  • Spores and mycelium of the Trichoderma fungus.
  • Soil substrate in the form of a powder or suspension, obtained on the basis of peat fermented with fungus.

What is Trichodermin used for? Instructions for use indicate that it is intended for:

  • Fight against fungal diseases of cultivated plants.
  • Seed dressing before planting.
  • Enrichment of planting soil.

The drug is suitable as a disinfectant and prophylactic. He effectively fights against diseases in plants, such as:

  • Late blight.
  • Fruit rot.
  • Fusarium
  • Microscopy
  • Rhizoctonia.
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Scab.
  • Blackleg.
  • Fomoz and many others.

You can use the tool for:

  • The soil.
  • Seed and other planting material.
  • Seedlings of plants.

Everyone can buy Trichodermin for plant protection, the price is quite affordable - within 100-200 rubles (depending on the volume of the pack).

The principle of the drug

So, we talked about the composition and cost of Trichodermin. Instructions for use will be discussed later. In the meantime, we study the mechanism of action of this tool:

  1. After using the drug to treat plants, the fungus that is part of it begins to intensify reproduction. In this case, biologically active compounds and antibiotics are released.
    trichodermin instructions for use
  2. Enzymes and excreted substances adversely affect the process of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. The product emits carbon, which takes part in the process of splitting organic substances into inorganic ones. Compounds of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus are formed.
  4. Soil is enriched with nutrients.
  5. The process of nitrification and decay is accelerated.
  6. Cellular juice enhances immunity in plants, accelerates growth processes. The culture grows faster, acquires resistance to diseases and negative environmental factors.

"Trichodermin" or "Fitosporin" - which is better? Hard to tell. But after processing, positive results are noticeable in a short time.

Recommendations for use

The drug "Trichodermin" can be used to care for many cultivated plants. Recommendations for use can be given as follows:

  1. Processing planting material and seedlings. As for the seeds, they must be soaked in a 2% solution of the product for 5 minutes or you can sprinkle with the powder of the drug. To prevent rot of bulb crops, before planting the bulbs and root crops, treat with Trichodermin suspension, 30 grams is enough per kilogram of material. In the process of planting seedlings directly into the soil, you need to add 3-4 ml of the drug per plant, you can directly pour the powder in the amount of 25 grams per square meter.
  2. Use for tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetable crops. How to breed "Trichodermin" in this case? Add 100 ml of the drug to a bucket of water. For preventive purposes, use a solution for spraying plants every 14-20 days. The procedure is best done in the evening or in cloudy weather.
  3. When growing potatoes, the drug helps protect plantings from phomosis, scab, black legs. Processing can begin with planting material. To process 100 kg of seed tubers with a solution, take 10 grams of Trichodermin powder per 10 liters of water. Processing should be carried out three times: after emergence, during flowering and after it.
    trichodermin Price
  4. Fruit crops. "Trichodermin" helps save plantings from rot, cytosporosis, late blight. The solution is used for spraying. To prepare the solution, you need to take 50 ml of the suspension in a bucket of water. The procedure can be performed from the moment of swelling of the kidneys and during the growing season several times.
  5. It is recommended to use "Trichodermin" to improve soil composition and disinfection. You can make the drug in autumn along with mulch, green plant debris, or shed the soil in the spring before planting.
  6. For indoor plants, the tool is used at the rate of 10 grams of powder per liter of water.

From the above it can be seen that Trichodermin is widely used, the price of the drug allows you to purchase it without problems for the family budget. Moreover, you can always buy a smaller amount of funds.

Benefits of the drug

The tool is popular among gardeners and gardeners, and to answer the question: “Trichodermin or Fitosporin, which is better?”, Consider the advantages of the first tool, and they are:

  1. The substances that make up the drug are completely safe for animals and humans.
  2. Does not have a toxic effect on plants.
  3. The drug does not affect pollinating insects.
  4. It does not pollute the environment.
  5. Significantly increases crop yields.
  6. When used, it does not accumulate in fruits, root crops.
  7. It can be used together with fungicides, pesticides, except for chemicals with the addition of copper and mercury.
  8. It shows the same effectiveness on different types of soil.
  9. It remains valid for a month after processing.
  10. Increases plant immunity.
  11. Accelerates growth processes.

These advantages explain the great popularity of the drug.

And then it’s logical to consider the features and application of Fitosporin in order to answer the question of which drug is better.

Appointment "Fitosporin"

The drug "Fitosporin" is a biofungicide for combating fungal and bacterial diseases of plants. The product is environmentally friendly, due to the use for the production of a bacterial culture of natural origin. The basis of the drug is spores and cells of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis 26 D.

Effective in the fight against:

  • Late blight.
  • Root rot.
  • Scab.
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Brown rust.
  • Septoria
  • Mold and other diseases.
    phytosporin how to apply and for what

After treatment, the drug immediately begins to exert its effect. The tool is available in several forms:

  • Powder "Fitosporin".
  • Paste.
  • Liquid.

Depending on the destination, one or another form is chosen for a more effective impact.

Methods of using Fitosporin

Among the main methods of use, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Tillage or compost heaps. Watering in spring or autumn. Dilute a tablespoon of the product in 10 liters of water.
  2. Soaking seeds, tubers, bulbs, cuttings before planting. Enough 4 drops of funds in a glass of water.
  3. Processing during the growing season. You can apply spraying or watering. 15 ml of product per 10 liters of water.
    phytosporin preparation
  4. Watering indoor plants.
  5. Processing before depositing. Agricultural products are sprayed or dipped and dried.

Depending on the form of the drug, a different type of treatment and concentration are used.

Recommendations for the use of paste, powder and liquid "Fitosporin"

How to apply and for what, consider for different forms of the drug. If you take the product in powder form, it is recommended to breed it a couple of hours before use:

  • For processing bulbs and tubers, 10 grams of powder is enough to dissolve in 0.5 l of water.
  • Seeds before planting can be soaked in a composition prepared from 1.5 g of powder and 100 ml of water.
  • To prevent root rot, seedlings are soaked before planting for 2 hours in a solution: take 10 grams of the drug for 5 liters of water. You can use such a solution for watering the soil.
  • To prevent fungal diseases, use a spray agent:

Process potatoes every 2 weeks by dissolving 10 grams of powder in 5 liters.

For cabbage, 6 grams is enough to dissolve in 10 liters of water and process after 3 weeks.

Tomatoes, peppers and eggplant can be sprayed with a solution of the same concentration as for potatoes. Spraying is carried out three times with an interval of 2 weeks.

  • For the treatment of indoor flowers and garden use 1.5 g of powder per liter of water.
  • The solution can be used to treat greenhouses before planting: 5 grams of the powder should be diluted in a bucket of water and the soil should be shed one week before planting.

The paste contains all the necessary components, so it can very well be used as an independent tool for fighting diseases or prevention. The dilution process is as follows: Dissolve 100 g of paste in 200 ml of water. Use this concentrated solution for dilution in the right ratio for processing plants:

  • Processing before planting any planting material (tubers, bulbs) with a solution prepared from 3 tbsp. l concentrate and 200 ml of water.
  • Soak the seeds of vegetables, fruits and flowers in the composition: 2 drops of concentrate in a glass of water.
  • Accelerate rooting: dissolve 4 drops of solution in 200 ml of water.
  • Spraying during the growing season: 3 tsp. dilute the concentrate in 10 liters of water.
  • For the treatment of indoor plants by spraying, 10 drops per liter of water are enough, 15 drops are needed for watering.

In the Fitosporin solution how to apply and for what, it is written directly on the package. It can be used for spraying, watering, processing before planting or bookmarking for storage. On sale you can see preparations intended for certain crops and types of processing, for example, “Fitosporin-M-storage” is intended for spraying tubers, bulbs before laying for winter storage.

The popularity of "Fitosporin" for cucumbers

Among all vegetable crops, cucumbers, tomatoes occupy a special place in our plots. Cucumbers are often affected by various diseases, which leads to a sharp decrease in productivity or even to the death of the plant. To prevent this, you can use Fitosporin. Instructions for use for cucumbers are as follows:

  • Treatment with the drug should be carried out at all stages of the growing season, starting with soaking and ending with the fruiting period.
  • For spraying cucumbers use 5 g of Fitosporin per 10 liters of water. Repeat spraying after a week.
    phytosporin instructions for use for cucumbers
  • Processing is carried out in the evening, because the bacterium in the composition of the agent dies in the light.
  • If the solution is used for irrigation, then you can do it in any weather, but given the slower effect, it is better to carry out the procedure every five days.

If you are not lazy and regularly process crops on the site, you can be sure that the crop will not be affected.

We process strawberry plantations

“Fitosporin” for strawberries can also be used at different times and for different purposes:

  • Soaking seeds, if you decide to propagate the culture in this way, is carried out in a solution prepared from half a teaspoon of the drug per 100 ml of water. Soak the seed material in this composition for a couple of hours.
  • Before planting strawberry seedlings, place the root system in a solution prepared from 10 grams of the drug and 5 liters of water.
    phytosporin for strawberries
  • In order to prevent or treat a disease, use the solution in the same concentration, spray 2-3 times, the interval between treatments is 2 weeks.

"Fitosporin" for strawberries, as well as for other crops, must be used in the evening or on a cloudy day.

Reviews about "Fitosporin" and "Trichodermin"

The information presented in the article does not give a final answer, which is better - "Trichodermin" or "Fitosporin " . Both drugs cope well with bacterial and fungal infections. They can be used in different periods of vegetation. Do not pose a threat to humans and animals.

If you take "Trichodermin", customer reviews are only positive. Almost everyone who decided to use the drug noted the emergence of sprouts, an increase in productivity during tillage. In the initial stages of fungal and bacterial diseases, the drug copes with them perfectly.

Reviews about the drug "Fitosporin" are also excellent. All gardeners and gardeners are happy with the result. Not only vegetables after treatment feel good, but also indoor plants get rid of diseases, accelerate growth and delight their owners with lush flowering.

Both drugs can be used even on harvest day, this will not affect human health. Both for one remedy and for the second there is a small recommendation for use in the evening or in cloudy weather. Here's how, after this, you can give preference to one of them? Gardeners will have to decide for themselves which tool is more convenient for them to use and in what form.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20086/

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