The kitten has a bad breath: causes, possible diseases and advice of veterinarians

The basis of the cat's diet is raw meat and fish. Contrary to popular belief, milk and even more so soup categorically does not suit her. Of course, with such a diet, it is difficult to expect something more refined. But putrid notes, with shades of acetone or ammonia should alert. And if the smell of breath causes the kitten to recoil, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

the kitten has a bad breath

With what it can be connected

In fact, in young cats and especially kittens, such problems are not encountered too often. But this does not make them less serious. A kitten’s bad breath can sometimes confuse even a veterinarian:

  1. The most common are problems with the teeth and the oral cavity. Most often they occur in young cats aged one year, but happen earlier.

  2. Pathology of the functioning of internal organs.

Of course, this is the answer to the question only in general terms. Normally, the smell from the mouth is present, but it can not be called disgusting. These are just physiological features. If the kitten has a bad breath, and plus you see a deterioration in appetite, then it's time to be alarmed.

the kitten has bad breath

Teeth change

Milk teeth begin to fall out by 4 months. This is a difficult period during which inflammatory processes in the oral cavity often occur. Visually, you can see a red border around the teeth. The appearance of halitosis in a kitten aged 4 to 8 months is normal and does not require treatment. Everything will pass by itself when molars grow. Just wait, but for your peace of mind, you can wipe your mouth with soft wipes.

Veterinarian assistance may be required if the tooth cannot erupt on its own. Another point is if the milk tooth has not yet fallen out, and the root grows from below.

why does a kitten smell from the mouth


This problem usually affects older animals. But today, dental ailments are only getting younger. In case of malocclusion, congenital (hereditary) defects, serious disturbances in feeding and other concomitant diseases, stone can form at an early age.

At first glance, not so critical. But this is not just a cosmetic defect. Plaque and stone disrupt the nutrition of the tooth, cause inflammatory processes, which leads to the development of microflora. Of course, such processes are accompanied by a smell.

Trash bin on the castle!

If the kitten has bad breath, you need to analyze what he could eat in a day. Pets are very fond of checking the bin. If you threw something edible (spoiled cheese, sausage, salted fish), the bag should be tied up and it is advisable to immediately take it to the trash. After such a snack, the pet will not only have an unpleasant smell from the mouth, but digestion problems may also appear. And acute poisoning is completely fraught with dehydration. If you do not take action on time, you will lose the baby.


Bad breath in a kitten may be the result of poor nutrition. It is very important to feed the baby varied and correctly. It must be protein foods, vegetables. Fat trimmings or broth can cause digestion, and this leads to a variety of problems, including an unpleasant odor.

Ready-made dry food is another possible reason. Usually this applies to cases when a kitten is given cheap feed of economy class. Try to immediately abandon them. If you want your pet to live happily ever after, choose only specialized super-premium feeds.

the kitten has a bad breath

Foreign bodies

We continue to analyze the causes of bad breath in a kitten. There are a lot of them, so the veterinarian has to conduct a thorough examination, collect an anamnesis, and sometimes appoint an additional examination to find out where the problem came from.

It is very important to carefully examine the pet’s oral cavity, no matter how hard it resists. Often a foreign body remains in it, which gets stuck between the teeth, in the gum or palate, pharynx. Most often these are chips, bones. Accordingly, this leads to inflammatory processes, suppuration and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Viral diseases

These are the problems that are most often relevant for unvaccinated animals. Want to protect your pet? Then just take a course of vaccinations and the problem will be solved. Kittens become infected with calicivirus or rhinotracheitis. These are two diseases that, among other things, damage the mucous membranes of the mouth. As a result, the kitten has ulcers and ulcers in the mouth. There is increased salivation, bacteria multiply in the mouth, which is why the problem develops.

Pathology of the salivary glands

Understanding why a kitten has bad breath, you must carefully watch it during the day. How does he behave, how actively does he play and eat, is there excessive salivation? The mucous membranes of the oral cavity are constantly covered with saliva. It protects and moisturizes them. During chewing food, its production increases. But there are various diseases of the glands, in which it is produced very much or, conversely, few.

With a lack of saliva, food will injure the tongue, pharynx and esophagus. As a result, they become inflamed. But constant salivation also does not lead to anything good. But only to the fact that the chin will be constantly wet. So, wait for the development of bacteria, damage to the skin and, as a result, not only the smell, but also the lack of appetite.

your kitten at the dentist

Systemic diseases

Most often, this is characteristic of adult animals, when insufficient or incorrect functioning of one organ leads to a deterioration in the functioning of another. And so, in a chain, the whole organism is already losing ground. Here you can not do without a serious examination, and you can distinguish not one reason, but several at once.

It is clear that any disease affects the body as a whole. But there are those that lead to the appearance of a smell from the mouth. If the kitten was born with serious genetic defects, the owner may encounter this problem quite early.

In kidney diseases, when their ability to excrete decay products is impaired, you can clearly smell ammonia. In diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver, stomach or intestines, the smell is very sharp and quite peculiar. Proper examination, diagnosis and treatment will allow you to adjust your health. In this case, the symptom will no longer bother. In the chronic course of the disease, relapses are possible.


Neoplasms are not characteristic of young age. But in veterinary practice, there are times when they cause a bad breath. Most often in this case, doctors are faced with a swelling of the tongue. With its growth, the tissues disintegrate, bleeding is observed. The animal can no longer eat normally, it remains only to euthanize it.

What to do?

how to treat a kitten’s teeth

Does the kitten have a bad breath? So you need to take action! Watch him. If he frolics and plays, eats and sleeps well, then most likely your worries are in vain. Any deviation immediately affects the behavior of the pet. Moreover, at a young age, the problem is often associated with a change of teeth.

It will not be superfluous to carefully examine the mouth, to feel the chin. Are there wet areas, diaper rash, stuck in the teeth of the bones. Everything is good? We recall what fed the pet, what he could get himself while you are at work. If garbage and waste are safely hidden, high-quality feed, then these options are also eliminated.

It remains to go to the veterinarian. He will examine the animal and, perhaps, notice what was hidden from your eyes. Then it will be possible to find a solution to the problem.


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