Protective forests are .... Definition, category, features, purpose and use

In the process of life, a person not only uses the wealth of nature, but also participates in their reproduction. One of the ways to protect the environment and crops is to protect forests. In the article, we will consider why they are planted, into which categories they are divided and how they are used.


Protective forests are homogeneous forests, including trees and woody vegetation. Such plantations are mastered by humans in order to protect various objects from undesirable natural phenomena, for example, precipitation, wind, avalanches, landslides, erosion, drifts and other climatic influences.

In order to develop protective forests, a person applies a set of measures consisting of:

  • organization of the process of using the array;
  • operation and creation of green spaces;
  • planning of measures for the protection of the forest, its protection and reproduction;
  • carrying out a set of measures to preserve the living conditions of the animal world.

Forest plantations are divided into two types: artificial and natural origin. In fact, each forest performs a protective function. The social and environmental importance of arrays of protective purpose has superiority over their economic and economic value.

Protective forests this

Forest groups

To simplify forest management, all green areas of the country are divided into groups:

  • The first group includes plantations that perform water protection, sanitary-hygienic, protective, resort functions, as well as territories of protected areas and parks.
  • The second group is forests located in densely populated areas where transport routes are highly developed. Protective and production forests perform the functions of preserving natural objects, and also provide the region with resources. It follows a strict regime of forest management.
  • The third group consists of territories of multi-forest areas, mainly for operational purposes. Such forests are located in remote areas. They provide the national economy with wood.
    Operational and protective forests

What do guard arrays include?

Protective forests are represented as defined arrays, zones and stripes.

These include:

  • cultivated fields from drought and areas of protection from strong winds;
  • protective areas of the forest, for example, the slopes of ravines, the territory of transport routes and water bodies;
  • pine, grass and grass-shrub plantings - chippings - are created to increase humidity on the site and increase crop yields;
  • areas of natural or artificially created forests.

To protect the stands, forestry activities are planned, which are carried out in accordance with the planned rejuvenation regime for all stands. They occur with the use of a certain deforestation without violating the integral forest situation. The commercial type of felling of such trees that have not reached the age of natural destruction should be eliminated almost completely.

Protection Forest Categories

Functions of protective forests

In addition to their direct responsibility - to protect the natural zone - such forests also perform additional functions.

Among them:

  • the accumulation of organic matter;
  • oxygen supply to the earth's atmosphere;
  • climate mitigation;
  • drainage regulation;
  • promoting the conservation of the diversity of forest fauna species;
  • become a great place to relax.

To a greater extent, the environment-forming, water-protecting, and sanitary functions of forests are aimed at protecting contaminated soils, water bodies, and nature objects. Also their task is to ensure the safety and use of man-made structures and agricultural land.

Conservation forests serve to prevent watercourses and water bodies from the occurrence of silt and to preserve the quality of their coast. Spawning grounds for rare fish species are organized along such shores.

Sanitary and hygienic and recreational forests are located in urban areas and other populated areas, surrounding cities and industrial enterprises, as well as in a protected sanitary zone, water sources and resort recreation areas.

Forest Protection Areas

Types of forest plantations

The main difference between the objects of forest stands is the height of the trunks, depending on which the massifs perform their functions. Tall tree species are designed to protect the territory from winds, landslides, water flow after rains. Shrubs are planted for high-quality darkening of the soil, preventing it from drying out, effectively stopping snow and feeding the soil with substances after decaying of fallen leaves.

Often, protective forests are territories of bands formed of several species, but in the territory of Russia there are areas with the same plantations - areas where trees of the same species can grow. For example, pine and ash are used for planting in the central part of the country.

Man constantly cares for forest plantations. Withered objects are removed, and new ones are planted in their place. Properly organized arrays contribute to the formation of ecosystems.

Protective forests


Article 102 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation establishes certain categories of protective forests. They include:

  • Forests that are planted in specially protected areas. This group includes arrays of reserves, natural and national parks, natural monuments and others defined by federal law.
  • Forests planted in water protection zones. This is the territory of the coastline of water bodies, on which a special regime of conducting business activities is defined with the aim of protecting such a territory.
  • Forests that are planted to protect natural sites. This group includes plantings in the sanitary protection zones, along federal transport routes and railway lines.
  • Valuable forests - plantations of anti-erosion value, forests of historical or scientific significance, forest-park zones in cities, non-conservation zones and others.
    Protective, operational, reserve forests

Especially protective forests

In the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, especially protective green zones are allocated . These include:

  • Areas of forests that are planted along the slopes of ravines and banks of water bodies. Plantations perform soil protection and shore protection functions.
  • The edges of forests that border woodless space.
  • The territory of protected areas.
  • Areas where rare plant species grow, as well as narrow habitats of certain types of vegetation.
  • Territories inhabited by rare species of animals and others.

Especially protective forest areas are intended only for their intended use. They are prohibited from carrying out activities incompatible with such plans.

The definition of the territory of protective forests, their borders, methods of protection and restoration is carried out by authorities in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation.

Especially protective forests

Production and reserve forests

In the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, protective forests for operational and reserve purposes are allocated.

Production arrays are designed to produce high-quality wood and provide the industry with other forest resources. Planning for planting occurs after the approval of the plan for the restoration of reserve and protective forests.

The main tasks of creating forests include:

  • Ensuring the full and rational use of forest resources without reducing the number of forest objects.
  • Creating conditions for increasing wood growth.
  • Creation of conditions for improving the quality of wood and planting composition.
  • Planning to expand the area of ​​cultivation of highly productive plantations.

Reserve forests - territories where timber harvesting is not planned for the next 20 years. In such areas, measures are being taken to protect the arrays. Reserve forests can be classified as protective or operational.

Protective forests - this is the best solution to ensure the safety and integrity of many natural sites, the protection of crops and transport routes. Thanks to the creation of a special microclimate in such areas, representatives of the animal world can find a new home.


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