Dostoevsky. "Idiot": read slowly

The role of F. M. Dostoevsky, its influence on the minds of his own and subsequent generations is difficult to overestimate. Dostoevsky was a man with a complex character, while a deeply believing Orthodox Christian. The writer was often overwhelmed by passions, he fought with them, went on.

Dostoevsky's works can undoubtedly be attributed to such a rare phenomenon as literature with a spiritual content.

Dostoevsky idiot

Russian literature generally has a deep approach to life. These are not love adventures of a handsome man from Paris and not the adventures of lucky guys behind treasures. Russian classical literature almost always seeks answers to questions about the meaning of life, human being.

The questions of life and death are touched in one way or another in almost every great work: from the “Captain's daughter” of Pushkin to the “Demons” of Dostoevsky.

One of the works that Dostoevsky wrote is The Idiot. What is this novel with such a strange name about? About how a person comes to Russia who, due to his illness, perceives the world in a slightly different way than others, trying to see only the good side in everything. Unspoiled, pure, without hypocrisy, Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin falls into an ordinary noble family. In appearance, the family is completely ordinary, but serious passions boil inside it.

idiot Dostoevsky short

Dostoevsky, whose “Idiot” still excites his minds, and sometimes he himself could not cope with his vices. He was a gambler, impatient, proud person. Therefore, the experiences of a person who is terribly angry or envious to death, cannot survive resentment or humiliation, are well understood. After reading only one of his several novels, one can see the whole spiritual world of a person, the entire depth of his moral decline. It is all the more surprising that the author of these works is Dostoevsky. “Idiot” was written in two years (1867–1869). This is one of the early works of the writer.

It is believed that in Prince Myshkin he tried to portray Christ, if he were not God, some ideal man. Parallels are not absolute, but they still exist. Prince Myshkin at an age close to the age of Christ, he is as unconditionally kind, gentle, insightful as Christ. But still, Christ has a certain power, because he is not just a very good person, but a God-man. Myshkin does not have this power. What would happen to Christ if he were just a man? Many people ask this question, and Dostoevsky (The Idiot) tried to answer it in a work of art.

f m dostoevsky idiot

One of the most popular films of recent years was shot based on a novel written by Dostoevsky. “Idiot” (the director retained the original name) was staged with great love for the work. A lot of attention is paid to the details. The text of the dialogue is reproduced almost literally, all the scenes from the book are present. The main goal of the filmmakers is to convey to our contemporaries the meaning of the great work that F. M. Dostoevsky wrote. "Idiot" has again become popular, people re-read long-familiar or read new lines for themselves. This novel is not included in the standard school curriculum, so the summary is not popular. One must read completely such a novel as The Idiot. Dostoevsky, whose summary of his works provides even less information than usual, should generally be read very slowly. He does not have adventure novels, but works that need to be read and thought over.


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