What is an idyll in relationships and literature

What is an idyll? The answer to this question cannot be unequivocal. Serenity, a happy existence (or coexistence), a cloudless relationship, a complete absence of disturbing feelings - this is what an idyll is in the general sense of the word. But along with this interpretation, there are other definitions. The meaning of the word "idyll" is used in several categories. In painting, this is a miniature picture of rural life, of a pastoral or bucolic nature. In the literature "idyll", this is about the same thing - a description of the blessed plots from the serene life of the village lovers or couples. Moreover, such paintings, as a rule, are of a long-term nature and can last for years and even decades, since the word "idyll" expresses the state of mind of a person to which one should strive. However, disappointments also occur, but they are small and irrelevant.

what is idyll

Idyll is epic, lyrics or drama

In folklore, there is always a place for talented writers, artists and musicians. Therefore, terminology does not always matter. What is an idyll in classical literature? The writer inserts idyllic sketches into the narrative, as a rare decoration, and these fragments really ennoble the novel, story or even a short story.

Notable examples of idylls in the literature are few in number, but characteristic. The immortal work of N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" contains (first book, second chapter) a magnificent plot on this subject. The writer turned to sentimentality and romanticism, made them the basis of the chapter on the landowner Manilov, whom Chichikov stopped by during his journey.

"English Park" in the middle zone of Russia

The entire Manilov estate is literally riddled with idyllic foundations, but, unfortunately, this is a pseudo-idyll, the result of the rather false aspirations of the landowner. And his whole life is somehow artificial, arranged according to the principle "it is so necessary, so it is customary in high society." From time to time the landowner travels to the city "in order to see educated people," despite the fact that he is not interested in anyone there. Owing to his limitations, Manilov does not see and does not feel neglect on the part of the city counterparts, and he is happy to communicate with barely familiar people, this is his own idyll.

The landowner’s return to the estate is accompanied by his anticipation of a meeting with his native home, and most importantly, with the “magnificent English park”, which is broken in a prominent place. The park amazes with ruggedness and neglect, the "English lawns" - it is an unevenly trimmed rough sod, several crooked flowerbeds and a dozen pathetic birches that did not work. Nevertheless, the landowner is happy, and this happens because a person has an idyll, even if invented.

Marital Relations

However, Manilov has a "light in the window." His relationship with his wife, whom he calls nothing more than “Lizanka,” is in full accordance with idyllic norms. Mutual understanding has been established at the minimum level that sometimes allows you to joke, have lunch together and even kiss over evening tea. These relationships are far from ideal, but quite idyllic.

meaning of the word idyll

Old World Landowners

At one time, Russian literature gravitated toward descriptions of measured rural life, the patriarchal existence of a village family. The idyllic existence of the old landowner Afanasy Ivanovich Tovstogub and his wife Pulcheria Ivanovna is described in the best possible way in Gogol’s novel “Old World Landowners”. Mutual love, which nothing clouded throughout life, gradually turned into a monotonous series of days. The old man's only amusement was to approach his wife with a stern look and half to death scare her with a story about some kind of war. After that, both went to dinner. The "Old World Landowners" gives an answer to the question of what an idyll is in a relationship. There is nothing to add here.

Idyll has one characteristic property - it never goes into other forms. And when Pulcheria Ivanovna died, the life of Afanasy Ivanovich also ended, although he lived for another five years, or rather endured them, every day dreaming of leaving for another world, in order to finally meet his beloved wife. This is what an idyll is, in the true sense of the word.

Anna Karenina

The work of the Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" is an example of an idyll of a special property. Life and death, two completely opposite categories, are presented by Tolstoy as an illogical example. The idyll, or "harmony," sometimes takes on rather bizarre forms. Several stories described by L. Tolstoy in the novel relate to people in love who are trying to connect. However, as soon as they begin to live together and before the idyll, one step remains in the relationship, everything is necessarily perverted.

Quarrels and misunderstandings, however, love is still alive, and even getting stronger. However, death is already coming to the forefront. And her role, no less, is the idyllic alignment of the situation, hopeless and tragic. Vronsky lives without interest; sooner or later he will die in a duel or from an accident. Levin is afraid to walk with a gun, as he feels the temptation to shoot himself. The main character, Anna Karenina , throws herself completely under the train. In the interpretation of Leo Tolstoy, an idyll is a drama, even if such an explanation runs counter to logic and universal values.

idyll is that

Poet Osip Mandelstam

Mandelstam’s poetry has a clear desire for idyll. Another thing is that not one of his poems is completely peaceful, and this feature just determines the degree of serenity of a literary work. Only individual lines from the poems of the poet can be considered idyllic:

"... do not be discouraged, take the tram, so empty, so eighth ..."

The theme is calming, the sound of the couplet is calming. This is the idyll of Mandelstam. The poet followed his immutable rule all his life - "do not be discouraged." He sincerely tried to understand the reasons for the betrayal of his wife Lily Brick, but he did not understand anything. However, later, the poet accepted her connection with Vladimir Mayakovsky as a kind of idyll, inevitable and grandiose. Jealousy, a sense of offended dignity faded before the greatness of the term. They decided on that. So it turns out that the idyll is lyrics, love and devotion.

However, this story ended tragically, Mayakovsky committed suicide because of unrequited love. And here the interpretation of the concept of "idyll" in the spirit of Leo Tolstoy - "love and death" is already on the scene. In essence, the meaning of the word "idyll" in its pure form implies something good, kind, and most importantly, pleasant. But, as we see, sometimes it bears the seal of tragedy.

what is an idyll in a relationship


The most idyllic paintings are reflected in two genres, both in literature and in the visual arts - these are pastoral subjects and bukolik. True peace can be felt only in nature, among flowering meadows, a clear lake, a mushroom forest and many other landscape attractions that surround us.

Bukolika is a poetic depiction of the life of shepherds and shepherdesses. A bucolic story usually begins when the sun rises, when cattle in the pasture are driven from the whole village. At the same time, there are no signs of civilization, the shepherd is usually barefoot, with a whip in his hands and a canvas bag with a loaf of bread on his shoulder. Nothing more is needed, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables can be picked from any village bed along the way. The picture of cattle grazing is extremely simple, even primitive. But the main thing lies in it - unity with nature. A herd of cows or sheep, as well as other cattle, is brought to the pasture for the whole day, until sunset. Then the herd led by the shepherd returns to the village, and each cow goes to her house.

word idyll

Flute grandparent

A long summer day goes slowly, while the cattle is nibbling grass, the shepherd is trying to do something. This is where the bucolic plot begins, many elements of folk art came out of shepherd's fabrications.

For example, a symphony orchestra instrument such as a flute has historically appeared in meadows and pastures. It all started with a pipe made of elderberry carved by a shepherd and revived in his hands. Later, shepherds learned to make a pipe, a more complex instrument that could already be called musical. Sounds similar to notes were extracted from the flute, albeit without half-tones. The shepherds picked up the simplest melodies by ear and repeated them hundreds of times until they were remembered. Thus was born musical folklore.

Pies as an art of seduction

Since young guys went to the shepherds, the pipes did not save them from loneliness. And so it happened in Russia - "where there is a shepherd, there is a shepherd."

In those days, the village shepherd was considered an enviable groom. And quick mothers who had daughters of marriage, did not lose time. The girl put the pies just baked by her mother in a basket and hit the road. By noon, she came to graze and treated her chosen one. Who will not be happy with pies and a beautiful girl? It happened that the lady was delayed, and she and the shepherdess woke up only in the evening, in the shade of an old oak tree. And then, in the fall, weddings were played.

idyll is a genre


Literary works, prose, poem, ode, essay ... A whole layer of Russian culture, an idyll of the narrative genre! Music, symphonies, arias and other classical works can also be pastoral. Unlike bukoliki, the pastoral does not include shepherd’s stories, most often it is based on rural life, measured and unhurried. Also in the pastoral genre can be depicted nature, landscapes with or without peasants, but in any case, the theme of paintings, literary works and musical masterpieces depicting people against the backdrop of nature, fields, meadows, forests and rivers - this, in fact, there is a pastoral genre. At the same time, animals, lambs, lambs, goats must be involved in the plot.

Tablecloth on grass

A favorite theme of artists writing pastoral paintings is the "out-of-town picnic", which usually depicts representatives of high society who have gone out in the countryside with family or friends. Often next to them are their favorite hunting dogs, which greatly diversify the plot. On the grass spread a tablecloth, laden with bottles and plates with refreshments. Thus, it becomes clear that the idyll is a genre of fine art, comprehensive and quite ambitious. Like any other direction, which involves the presence of talent in the artist.

idyll is the lyrics

The concept of "idyll" is something unforgettable, under the influence of novels, operas, symphonies in this genre, adults and children, ordinary people and intellectuals remain. Everyone is susceptible to real art, and everyone understands that any story once had its beginning and continuation, as well as the end, but how this story is presented today is another question. The idyll is something special, a unique art genre.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F201/

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