Guide to the Retry Paladin. Game wow

As you might guess from the title of the article, today we will talk about the game for Retri Paladin from World of Warcraft. Many users find this class simple enough to learn, but in reality it is not so simple. The impressive results at the Arena, shown by the top paladin players, could only be achieved through enhanced training. In order to simplify such a difficult way of pumping the hero, we prepared a special guide to the PVP Retriever Paladin. It will not only help you to feel the tactics of the game for this class, but will also introduce you more closely to the important features and specifics.

Choosing the Right Race

For a full game for the Retro Paladin, representatives of both factions are suitable. If the choice fell on the Alliance, then the most suitable candidates for the passage would be people. In this case, the paladin will acquire the ability "Each for himself", which will help to open an additional part of the equipment. Using blunt weapons and swords also improves skill by 3%.

Paladin retrieval game

As for the Horde, here it is better to choose the Blood Elf for the role of a paladin in the team. The user gets guaranteed access to the Silence spell and to an accelerated set of runic artifacts.

As many may have noticed, in fact, the choice of race for wagering for a paladin is not so great. However, for competent players this should not cause any problems.

We deal with the build

The main role in the distribution and selection of talent is played by the strengths and weaknesses of the hero. The contents of the builds can be changed at a time when the character is not in an active battle. To achieve this, the player must use the "Tome of Tranquil Mind" or a similar "Code". For the same purpose, so-called recreation areas are suitable, for example, taverns or capitals - in them the change of talents is allowed without additional conditions.

Below we present an example of one of the suitable builds. At the beginning of the game, it is recommended to pay more attention to saves - this will help the character to survive in the Arena for as long as possible. Therefore, do not forget about such skills as "Help the Sentinel" and "Sacred Victim".

pvp retry paladin 5

About the characteristics of Retri Paladin

Perhaps the main feature of this class is Strength. Such a characteristic has no limits, therefore, it can be collected to the maximum. However, do not forget about other, equally important indicators.

The "Accuracy" indicator in the game for Retrieval Paladin is 5%. It is very important for him to constantly hit the target in order to get rid of opponents as quickly as possible. This is especially true for opposing an enemy caster.

The next important feature to keep in mind when playing Retry Paladin wagering is Sustainability. The ideal minimum value should be 1100 points. Otherwise, the character will suffer greatly from enemy attacks.

As for the characteristics of Mastery and Critical Strike, they are not as significant as those we have already talked about. Their number and indicators depend on the quality of the collected gear. These characteristics can be obtained quickly and without any additional effort.

Using "justice" will help to accumulate a sufficient amount of light energy, which is used for spells. If you then activate the power of the "Sizzling Trail", then there will be a certain regeneration in the game by Retry Paladin. On the guide - 5 units of energy.

retrieval paladin guide pvp

How to use auras

Each Wow guide to the Retrieval Paladin talks about how important it is to master the skills of various in-game components. As for auras, at the beginning of the game it is best to use the one that is responsible for the defense. After gaining a certain amount of experience, the user will have much more opportunities. Against the caster, it will be possible to try an aura of concentration, and in any other cases, PVP - an aura of retribution. The truth before this is to collect a sufficient amount of equipment.

Opposing the Shaman Restor, you can resort to the help of the "Aura of Focus". If the meeting took place with ShP Priest, then "Protection from the magic of darkness" will come in handy. Another strong adversary that you may encounter at the Arena is the Frost Mage - the corresponding “Protection from Frost Magic” will help him defeat him.

From all this we can conclude that the most complete wagering for Retri Paladin is obtained only if the user has a good understanding of other classes. The decisive role in any battle may be affected by knowledge of the enemy’s weaknesses and the specifics of the battle.

Regarding PVP rotation

With this, Retri Paladin is quite simple and clear. Due to the fact that the events in the game develop according to the situation, there is no specific rotation in this case. Instead, paladin players have to rely on strategy and combat techniques.

What is more profitable to hit the enemy? Suppose, in the situation with the robbers, it is worth resorting to the Justice of Justice - the enemy will not be able to take his legs so easily. At the same time, during the game, Retri Paladin should not allow him to gain control over himself.

Paladin Retrieval Guide Description

As for magic enemies, they are one of the most difficult ones on PVP. It is not recommended to play against them alone, therefore it is better to have the support of one of the partners. If a critical situation arose, then the right decision would be to retreat beyond the distant column, where the spell of the mage has no effect.

Skirmishes with warriors can be simpler, but here it also depends on what skill a player possesses and what gear his character has in stock.

About cooldowns

The main assistant in this matter will be "The Punisher's Wrath." We recommend that you use this cooldown whenever possible, especially after applying Judgment and before magic that consumes light energy.

In addition, Anger is available for activation at key points in the battle. We are talking about the following stages: the beginning, the phase with increased damage by bosses and moments with additional goals.

What else is useful except auras

In addition to the components already described that a good Retro Paladin should have, you can add the use of seals. This is the second most important detail (after auras), which is worth paying attention to.

With the help of the Seal of Righteousness, we can increase the attack power on opponents. This is the main ability that every Retri Paladin should have in the PVP Arena. As for the rest of the seals, they are not always useful. To use them or not is the personal choice of each player.

In order to prevent the enemy from stealth, you can apply the seal "Justice of Justice". It is especially effective against classes such as the robber and Druid Ferala.

Paladin Retrieval Guide 5 Game

The Seal of Judgment of Wisdom replenishes mana perfectly. Its use is especially helpful at times when the player has given everything to the maximum, having lost a decent share of magical energy. You can activate the "Justice of Wisdom" in parallel with the restoration of CP.

It is known about the latest press of Justice of the Light that it plays the role of a weak health regenerator. The effect of it is so insignificant that the use of it by a paladin loses all relevance.

Learning to apply buffs in the Arena

The Paladin Retrie guides and descriptions do not provide detailed information on large sets of buffs. Despite this, what is there also requires proper use. With the help of the “Great Blessing of Kings” one can raise the status of intelligence, strength and dexterity of Retri Paladin to PVP (on the guide - 5%). The effect of the Great Blessing of Power raises the skill of mastery by as much as forty-seven units.

We select equipment

During the game, Retry Paladin is very important to get the best game items on which the future level of characteristics depends. For example, becoming the owner of a full set of A8, you can significantly increase the damage and attack power. For characters of the "Blood Elf" class , the items "Deadly Choice" and "Amulet" are suitable.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the "Brigantine of Impenetrable Darkness" - a bib that falls out of the non-player character Nightbane at the location of Karazhan. With it, you can raise the status of any accessory found in this place by thirty percent. As a result, the hero receives a significant increase in outgoing damage.

guide wow on a paladin retriever

Legendary items occupy an important place in the equipment of any character. Their high level guarantees a huge increase in overall performance. Prior to the release of the Legion game, Retri Paladin, like other classes, was allowed to wear only one legendary item. After the addition appeared, the characters had the opportunity of additional pumping, which expanded the previous limit to two cells. The selection of legendary items is usually made based on a comparison of benefits and status. These indicators always vary from thing to thing.

About important stones

Do not forget that for any Retry Paladin, the main characteristic is strength. As a rule, stones of red color are responsible for it, while yellow stones raise the status of accuracy, critical hits and healing.

To be more specific and give examples, it is recommended to take one cell with the “Eye of the Sabretooth Force”, and give all the others under the “Svetozar of Swiftness”. Good speed can be combined with the Deadly Eye of Prophecy.

Matching Enchantment with Retry Paladin

Basically, chants work as an increase in attack power - an important indicator for PVP. If at one time the profession of the enchanter was pumped, then you can do the same with two rings - so our paladin will get a good bonus. For this case, the spells of the "Binding of Power" and "Words of Power" will do.

On the necklace it is better to put the "Sign of the Unseen Satyr"; to the cloak - add the "Binding of Power" and "Word of Power" (the second will cost much cheaper).

description of wow retriever paladin

About Symbols

Here, unfortunately, the description for the Retry Paladin WOW also does not boast of a large selection, especially when it comes to the PVP regime. Among the required characters to use are:

  • Justice, Seal of Righteousness, Exorcism (large character size).
  • Blessing of Kings, Blessing of Power, Flair of Undead (small size of symbols).

During PVP, it is rarely possible to meet users who prefer other symbols for their Retro Paladins.

At the Arena, you should forget about the rule: the better the equipment, the better the player. Each victory is the result of a separately worked out and honed strategy.


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