The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are the main attractions of Moscow

The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are the main attractions of the Russian capital . Twenty towers and the same number of walls were, in fact, a grandiose fortification to protect against enemy attacks. Currently, the fortress has lost its fortification mission. The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are a visiting card of Russia, its cultural heritage.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Major Attractions

The Kremlin is located on the Moscow River, on its left bank, high Borovitsky hill. Several travel towers are located around the perimeter, the rest are of an architectural and historical nature. The main tower of the ensemble is Spasskaya, on it there are chimes, according to which it is customary to celebrate the New Year throughout the country. The watch is always accurate, a reference time. Spasskaya Tower is a separate attraction of Moscow, but for tourists its interior is closed.

The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are linked together and complement each other. Vasilievsky Descent originates from the Spasskaya Tower, leading to the Moscow River, Zamoskvoretsky Bridge and the Beklemishevskaya Angular Tower.

sights of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Ancient kremlin

In the 16th century, the Kremlin streets were expanded and improved: Nikolskaya, Chudovskaya and Spasskaya. This was done to resettle the numerous boyars and representatives of the clergy who literally flooded the territory of the Kremlin, settling down for permanent residence with their families. The vacated zones began to be built up. In 1552, the belfry "Ivan the Great" received an extension in the form of the Resurrection Church, then the churches of the Three Saints and Solovetsky miracle workers appeared in the courtyard of the Metropolitans. The Grand Ducal Palace was radically rebuilt. The royal family received the Bed Chambers near the Church of the Savior on Bor.

The main attractions of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

In the Kremlin are:

  • the Armory Museum, where unique exhibits are collected: royal carriages and clothes of monarchs, the world-famous Monomakh hat, a collection of Easter eggs by Carl Faberge, a Russian jeweler;
  • three grand cathedrals: Arkhangelsk, Annunciation and Assumption.
  • Church of the Deposition;
  • museum exhibit Tsar Bell;
  • belfry "Ivan the Great";
  • Tsar Cannon, a unique weapon.

which of the sights of the Kremlin and the Red Square

What is on the Red Square?

The main square of Moscow is famous for St. Basil's Cathedral, its other name is Pokrovsky Cathedral. The temple of tremendous beauty was created during the reign of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the conquest of Kazan. The architectural value of the cathedral has not yet been determined. This great masterpiece of temple architecture was created by architects named Postnik and Barma. Nine churches are brought together. Each has its own name. In the center is the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin. Then follow:

  • church aisle of the Three Patriarchs;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • Nikola Velikoretsky;
  • Cyprian and Ustigny;
  • the Lord’s entrance to Jerusalem;
  • Gregory of Armenia;
  • Alexander Svirsky;
  • Varlaam Khutynsky.

sights of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square letter

In the immediate vicinity of the Intercession Cathedral is a monument of Minin and Pozharsky. A little further - Frontal place where public executions were carried out. Further spread out a vast expanse of Red Square, covered with paving stones. At the end is the Russian Museum. On the left, along the Red Square, stretches the Kremlin wall, it ends with the Nikolskaya passage tower.

Until recently, the public was interested in the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and the site of the Kremlin wall with honorary burials. Today everything is planted with blue spruces, but this site is not popular. On the opposite side of Red Square is GUM, the oldest Moscow department store.

Lighting the sights of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, we can mention the annual military equipment parade, which takes place on May 9.

strong impression of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Soviet time

In Soviet times, many buildings of the Moscow Kremlin were destroyed. Moreover, this was done as a result of official directives of the Soviet government. The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square were not considered the property of Soviet power. Especially many exhibits were damaged as a result of the barbaric actions of militant atheists. Many attractions of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square were affected. The letter of the People's Commissar of Education Lunacharsky, which he sent to the chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR Kalinin in order to prevent further destruction, was recognized as harmful, anti-communist and anti-Soviet. Two ancient Kremlin monasteries, Voznesensky and Miracles, were immediately demolished.


The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square were successfully restored in the post-Soviet period. Cathedrals and museums operate, new exhibits appear. To the question of which of the sights of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square is the most interesting, there is no definite answer. All the sights are grand, each in its own way. The Armory, Pokrovsky Cathedral and the Russian Museum leave a particularly strong impression on the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square. It is also impossible to pass by church ensembles, Cathedral Square, other sacred buildings of antiquity. The exact answer to the question, which of the sights of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square is the most significant, will give the Moscow antiquities contest, scheduled for 2016.


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