Modeling in the preparatory group. Plasticine molding for children

The way the development of fine motor skills in children affects the speech center is known to everyone today without exception. A surprisingly affordable and beneficial option for activities in this direction is modeling. In the preparatory group, this is why so much attention is paid to classes with clay, clay or salt dough. During the performance of work with these amazing materials, children express their attitude to the world and realize their creative potential.

modeling in the preparatory group

The benefits of practicing with plasticine

The molding in the preparatory group contributes to the expansion of knowledge about the world around us, helps to form the first initial concepts about the physical properties of materials, about the shapes of objects, their color.

Carers will tell you something new about what they are going to offer to fashion for children. During the initial opening remarks, teachers attract the children themselves to the conversation. Thus, modeling in the preparatory group helps to expand the vocabulary of kids, teaches to express their thoughts not only through created images, but also verbally.

In the process, various muscles of the fingers and hands are involved, which further helps children learn writing without any problems during classes at school. It was noticed that those children for whom modeling in the preparatory group in the kindergarten and at home was a favorite thing in school write much more accurately, evenly and with great pleasure than those who neglected these activities.

modeling lesson in the preparatory group

Plasticine construction

In addition to traditional creative tasks for creating volumetric figures, there are other ways to work with this magical material. For example, construction from plasticine parts is also a molding.

A lesson in the preparatory group to create a car, bus, wheelbarrow for transporting soil, manure, bricks, helps kids learn the basics of designing objects that move with wheels. True, for such an activity, little craftsmen will need axles for fastening the wheels. It can be matches with broken off sulfur tips, toothpicks with sharpened sharp ends or pieces of wire with twisted tips.

plasticine design for children

Basic building skills in modeling classes

It is very useful to give kids practical skills that may be useful to them in their future adulthood. For example, you can offer children to “build” a house. To build a building from plasticine logs, to build from bricks or to assemble from solid "plates" will also help modeling.

A lesson in the preparatory group with plasticine, which is based on the development of building skills, can begin with the manufacture of building materials: walls, bricks, logs. When “building” it is appropriate to use not only plasticine, but also, for example, cellophane as glass, use cardboard to simulate walls.

Plasticine molding for children

Kids really like to create household items. Therefore, it makes sense to invite children to sculpt doll furniture from plasticine : cribs, sofas, tables and chairs, armchairs and even a TV.

Plasticine modeling for children of dollware is fascinating and useful. Not only does the novice master create objects of various shapes, he is given the opportunity to decorate his own creations with an ornament, using "plasticine painting." You can apply patterns using small balls, "sausages" - straight or curved. You can also decorate objects with a relief, using the method of pressing or by scratching the surface with a sharp stick or stack.

plasticine modeling for children

Plasticine Paintings

The true masterpieces of children's creativity are plasticine drawings. The children really like to depict plots of fairy tales, pictures of nature in this technique. Interesting in this regard is the modeling of Autumn.

A kindergarten preparatory group can independently create a landscape using natural materials: colorful leaves, twigs to simulate tree trunks, plant seeds. Often for this direction in art use cereals, pasta.

modeling autumn preparatory group

Home Decorations

All people like not only the process of creating something, but also the feeling of the need and significance of the created. Therefore, the possibility of the practical use of fashioned plays an important role in creativity.

Hanging composition of autumn plasticine leaf, real acorns, mountain ash clusters (both natural and made independently) can be a nice decoration for a window, mirror or wall. And it’s worth only a little imagination and patience to make such a magnificent sculpture “Autumn”.

The preparatory group can also perform a desktop composition on this topic, which will perfectly fit into the interior of the hallway or children's corner.

modeling mushrooms in the preparatory group

Autumn plasticine composition with mushrooms

More simple for children is figured molding. Mushrooms in the preparatory group should be fashioned more naturally than is done in the middle and younger groups. You should not be limited to bright fly agaric or boletus with even rounded hats.

Modeling “Mushrooms” in the preparatory group involves more diverse options: mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, mushrooms. Their hats have a variety of shapes. Some mushrooms should be sculpted from a single piece of plasticine, rather than attaching a separately made hat.

It is also interesting to show children the play of color, in some cases even the transition from one shade to another. And also it is worth paying attention of beginning sculptors to the fact that in nature the edges of mushroom caps can be uneven, as if slightly torn.

modeling fruit in the preparatory group

Plasticine fruits and berries

The more children grow up, the more complicated is the topic of classes on fashioning berries and fruits. If in the younger groups it was possible to limit themselves to ordinary balls, which imitate the fruits, now they should be offered to make objects more complex in shape and color.

So, for example, modeling “Fruits” in the preparatory group can set a goal for the guys to make an apple with a stalk and leaf, with one barrel green and the other red. It is quite difficult for children to form a lemon or an apple with a recess in the area of ​​the stalk.

An interesting task will be to create a still-life composition in a vase. A bunch of grapes, plums, strawberries - all this is quite accessible for children's creative performance.

modeling vegetables in the preparatory group

Plasticine vegetables

Acquaintance with the outside world is impossible without obtaining basic knowledge about plants. Very effective in this regard are classes related to working with plasticine. The “Vegetables” molding in the preparatory group includes a conversation about what people grow in summer cottages and vegetable gardens, which plants yield in spring, which in summer, and which fruits delight us in the fall.

In these classes, you should draw the attention of children that vegetables vary in taste, method of application, the amount of vitamins contained in them, and also emphasize how important it is for people to eat these gifts of nature.

In order to get a good result in the classes for fashioning vegetables, it should be clarified that all vegetables have different shapes: round, flat, round, flattened, oval, with a sharp tip, with a recess in the place of the stalk, with grooves on the sides or with small pimples. It is also necessary to indicate the color of the fruit, to note that some vegetables are colored unevenly, have a white tip or stripes. During sculpting, you can suggest adding green parts of plants to the fruits themselves.

modeling of the bird in the preparatory group

Whistle, bird stand or pencil holder

In modeling classes, you can invite children to make a gift with their own hands, which will be pleasant to receive for mom, grandmother, dad, brother or sister. Perfect for achieving this goal is the modeling of birds. In the preparatory group, it is extremely important to instill in children a sense of the significance of what they are doing, to connect their work with practical application in life. Therefore, you need to teach them to sculpt not just a bird, but, for example, a whistle or pencil, a stand for an egg or salt shaker.

For these purposes, additional materials should be used: a plastic cup, a whistle, an old salt shaker. The peculiarity of this type of creativity is that in the process of sculpting, the child takes as a basis an object and hides it with plasticine, giving it the shape of a bird. It is important to do this as carefully as possible, so that the necessary holes remain working.

An interesting option in this type of creative activity may be modeling not from plasticine, but, for example, from salt dough, regular or polymer clay. You can burn (if necessary) finished products in a microwave oven, in several stages, periodically taking out a thing and cooling it. In the “microwave” you need to set the “defrost” mode to the minimum temperature and time of one minute. Then the little thing can serve for a long time, without deforming. After hardening, the product will need to be painted and varnished - this can already be done in the fine art classes.

Although children begin to sculpt birds in early childhood, more complex and important skills should be instilled in the preparatory group. It is very useful to teach children to give shape immediately to the whole piece of source material, and not to fashion separately the head, tail, body so that then they can be put together together. Of course, not all children will not immediately learn this, but they should set such a goal now. During the lesson, you can introduce students to Dymkovo toys and invite them to do the work in this style.

modeling of the person in the preparatory group

A pen, a leg, a cucumber - that’s the man left!

The modeling of a person in the preparatory group may also be associated with a Dymkovo toy. It’s best to start with a woman’s image, as a girl or a “young lady” is usually depicted in a long dress to the ground, which greatly simplifies the process. Clay should be used for manufacturing - this material is traditional for the Dymkovo toy. But there is nothing wrong with trying your hand with plasticine.

It is impossible to make a person realistic at this age. Therefore, you should not set the kids an impossible task. Let the little man be "cartoony", completely unlike the real one. It is important in this type of creativity to give the child the opportunity to fantasize using existing skills. Children really like to sculpt plot compositions on the theme of famous cartoons and fairy tales - so let them create for their pleasure!

Classes on working with clay, plasticine, salt dough - this is fertile ground for the education of a diverse personality. There is a place for the development of speech, and for replenishing the vocabulary, and for gaining knowledge about the world, art. And, of course, for the opportunity to realize creative potential.


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