Motoblock "Ugra": description, specifications, manufacturer, reviews

The Ugra motoblock is the bright representative of domestic small agricultural machinery. It can be equipped with various types of motors, use multiple options for attachments. Regardless of the configuration, the principle of operation of this technique meets all the required standards. With the help of this unit it is possible to solve various problems in the agricultural sector.

Domestic motor-block "Ugra"

A little bit about the history of creation

The Ugra motoblock itself was developed at the Kaluga Engine plant. OJSC has been successfully operating since 1966. In Soviet times, it was divided into two enterprises: a turbine factory and a branch of the Research Institute of the Automobile Institute.

Modern production is established on high-precision and automated equipment. Most conveyors are manufactured abroad, which indicates the high quality of the equipment produced. Ugra motor-blocks have been in serial production for more than 10 years; in their price segment they have proved themselves exclusively on the positive side.

Power units

A feature of the Ugra walk-behind tractor is that it can be purchased with various types of motors. Conventionally, they can be divided into engines of foreign and domestic production. Power units differ in performance and power, however, they have approximately the same parameters, operate on AI-92 fuel. Among the models: "Subaru", "Lifan", "Honda", "Itek", "Kadvi", "Mitsubishi", "Wangard."

The power of these installations varies from 6 to 9 horsepower. The choice in favor of a particular modification should be made taking into account the type of soil being cultivated. For clay soils with stony inclusions, a more powerful option is better. The processing speed depends directly on the power indicator of a particular motor.

Engine of the Ugra motoblock

Reducer of the Ugra motoblock

This node should be considered separately. The equipment consists of a gear drive, the material of manufacture of which are ceramic-metal disks. This makes it possible to increase the strength of the block, as well as increase the working life. The main advantage of the gearbox is maintainability, parts can be found without problems.

Among other advantages of this element:

  • The absence of a wedge-shaped belt drive, which avoids slipping and breakage of the part.
  • Equipped with three forward speeds and one reverse gear.
  • Simplified work with attachments of various types.

Transmission unit

Transmission of any Ugra motoblock includes a gearbox, clutch unit, gearbox, differential. The considered unit is made in the traditional gear design, has bevel and cylindrical gears. The motor is rigidly fixed to the gearbox, which is fixed to the bevel gear. According to this scheme, the transmission of torque occurs.

Motoblocks "Ugra"

It is worth noting that you should not try to disassemble the transmission yourself, since for the correct operation of the equipment, certain settings and adjustments must be observed. At home, this process is almost impossible to carry out. The presence of a power take-off shaft allows you to aggregate with various attachments of a mounted type.

Unit Modifications

Motoblock "Ugra" is available in the following variations:


Features (type of power unit)

Power (hp)


"Kadvi" DM



Honda GX-200






Lifan -168



"Lifan" EX-17



"Lifan" EX-17



Kadvi -168






"Lifan" -177


The main difference between these models is the engines. With a foreign powerful power unit, the equipment will cost an order of magnitude more expensive. Versions with foreign motors are more reliable. However, they are more complicated and more expensive to maintain. It is cheaper and easier to get spare parts for Ugra motor-block on domestic and Chinese analogues.


The following is a list of attachments with which the equipment in question is able to aggregate:

  • Potato digger and planter.
  • Various coupling devices.
  • Plows and weights.
  • Cultivating cutter.
  • Harrow, plowman, hiller.
  • Brush.
  • Grousers.
  • Single axle truck
  • Snow blower rotary type.
  • Mower for the Ugra motoblock.

The specified equipment can be mounted on equipment with minimal time, since the walk-behind tractor is equipped with all the necessary clamps and fasteners. The best solution is to purchase the original versions of the listed devices.

Motor-block "Ugra" with the cart

Reviews on the motor-block "Ugra"

The advantages of the technique under consideration include the following points:

  • Maintainability.
  • Spare parts availability.
  • Ability to move in reverse.
  • The presence of high-quality pins.

The main advantage of the walk-behind tractor is its maintainability. Versions with domestic engines can be repaired without problems, spare parts are available, both on sale and on order from the manufacturer.

Some consumers note certain difficulties when lifting at an angle of more than 200 degrees. But this is not surprising. Indeed, the main purpose of the Ugra motoblock is to carry out agricultural work. Related functionality is relegated to the background. Therefore, for the transportation of heavy goods, cleaning a large area, it is better to purchase special technical equipment.


Units manufactured before 2013 were equipped with hexagonal pins and a special reverse handle. The main problem with this design was the uncompression of the switch, which increased the likelihood of failure of the transmission unit. The manufacturer of the Ugra motoblock took these disadvantages into account. Updated models are available with rounded pins, and the reverse gear knob is removed. The result - a decrease in the likelihood of damage to the gearbox and other important elements of technology.

Work motoblock "Ugra"

If you decide to purchase the unit from a dealer, and not at the manufacturer, consider that a special extension cord must be supplied with the package. It allows you to increase the track of the machine, resulting in a larger plowing area. In this case, the item is included in the standard set and should not be sold at a separate cost.

Price policy

As I testify about the Ugra motoblock, its price depends on the region, modification and the number of intermediaries. The cost of new models varies from 35 to 60 thousand rubles. The unit, used, will cost 2-3 times cheaper. In the second case, special attention should be paid to the state of the gearbox and motor. Indeed, the efficiency and reliability of the operation of the equipment depends on them.

Operation and storage

In order for this apparatus to work correctly and for a long time, it is recommended to replace the engine oil every 30 hours of operation, in the gearbox - after 100. In addition, it is necessary to regularly clean the units and parts of the walk-behind tractor from dirt, dust and other contaminants. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the technical condition of all moving parts and equipment joints.

The walk-behind tractor is stored in a dry place in order to avoid corrosion. All these measures will significantly extend the operational life of the device.

Multifunctional motor-block "Ugra"


The domestic Ugra motor-block in terms of functionality and maintenance is a worthy replacement for a small tractor. Models are almost in no way inferior to foreign counterparts, while they have a price an order of magnitude lower. The ability to use various equipment makes the equipment universal, which is simply indispensable for farmers and private farmers.


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