Basic rules of conduct on the road

The rules of conduct on the road must be clearly known to both drivers and pedestrians. Failure to comply with established standards can lead to very sad consequences. Most accidents occur precisely because the pedestrian did not know the precautions or the motorist decided that no laws were written for him. As a result, due to rush or simple negligence, all road users suffer.

road rules

Pedestrian rules on the road

There are a number of rules by following which, you can protect yourself during the crossing of the road. Let's consider different cases.

Night time

First of all, it is worth remembering the fact that in the dark, the driver can notice a pedestrian no more than 10-15 meters away. Given that a moving car cannot make an instant stop, its braking distance will be about 20 meters. Having made some simple calculations, we can come to the logical conclusion that in such a situation an accident is inevitable. Therefore, it is recommended to make sure that the driver really noticed you and started to slow down. Remember also that a person sitting behind the wheel may panic and may not be able to control the vehicle. Therefore, you should begin to cross the road in the dark only after the car stops completely.

railway rules

Unregulated transition

Rules of conduct on the road include a section on the passage of the carriageway in unregulated areas.

  1. Go to the edge of the sidewalk and stop, making it clear to drivers of vehicles that you intend to cross the road.
  2. Pay attention to whether there is a traffic island on the roadway.
  3. Wait for all cars to stop or drive 40 meters from you.
  4. The rules of conduct for schoolchildren on the road, as well as all other participants in the movement, require complete vigilance. Therefore, look around several times and make sure that the carriageway is free to move.
  5. Upon reaching the island, stop and evaluate the situation.
  6. If it is possible to cross the remaining section of the road, follow the above points.
  7. If the traffic is too heavy or the drivers do not stop, carefully step on the roadway. In this situation, the driver moving in the lane closest to you will be forced to stop. It is very important only to step on the roadway, and not begin the transition. In some situations, the driver cannot stop if another car is moving dangerously close behind him.

pedestrian rules on the road

Adjustable transition

Pedestrian rules on the road contain recommendations for crossing in a regulated area. It is important to remember that even if the owner of the vehicle is categorically wrong and moves in violation of all traffic rules, this does not mean that you need to crawl under the wheels of the car. It’s better not to risk your life in order to prove your own right.

When crossing the road at a regulated intersection, it is recommended:

  • To pay attention to whether there are “reckless”, “pilots” and other irresponsible drivers among road users.
  • Cross the road exclusively in the area provided for this.
  • Do not cross the roadway into blinking green, and even more so into yellow or red light.

Outside the crosswalk

Studying the rules of behavior on the road, it is worth considering the possibility of crossing outside the pedestrian zones. If the nearest regulated area is very far, you can cross the roadway, following some rules.

  1. In no case do not stop in the middle of the road.
  2. Staying on the sidewalk, approach the edge and let the drivers know that you intend to start driving.
  3. Look around and evaluate the situation.
  4. Wait until all cars at a distance of at least 60 meters make a complete stop.
  5. Start the movement.

Remember that even if the car starts to slow down in the lane closest to you, there is a possibility that the cars moving behind it or near it are out of your sight. Therefore, you should move carefully, constantly looking around.

road safety rules


Rules of safe behavior on the road should be respected by everyone. Previously, only motor vehicle drivers were fined for violations, and pedestrians were not punished in any way. Today the situation has changed, and now people walking on foot are responsible for such violations. If you cross the road in the wrong place or at a red light, then you can be fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

rules of conduct for children on the road

Rail Code of Conduct

During the summer season, a huge number of people use rail. The main cause of injuries to children and adults at this time of the year is precisely non-compliance with the rules of conduct on the railway. Because of the fear of being late for the train, some risk: they cross the path under the platform, jump into a moving train, etc.

The basic rules of conduct on the railway include the following points.

  1. You can cross paths only in specially designated places.
  2. Getting under the wagons is strictly prohibited. Including it is forbidden to climb through automatic couplings.
  3. Do not jump into the carriage of a moving train.
  4. It is forbidden to keep doors and prevent them from closing automatically.
  5. Children should not play on the platform or on the tracks.
  6. While on the train, it is forbidden to stick your head or hands out the windows.
  7. You can leave the car only after the train stops completely and only from the landing platform.
  8. It is forbidden to cross paths in front of a moving train.

It is worth considering that a moving train cannot stop instantly, since its speed only seems small. In fact, modern trains can move quite quickly, up to 120 km / h. Thus, having braked, such a composition will still move by inertia for a rather large segment of the distance.

rules of conduct for schoolchildren on the road

In no case should you stand close to the edge of the platform. Firstly, you may accidentally stumble and fall onto the rails right in front of a moving train. Secondly, you run the risk of getting into a strong air stream, which is created during the passage of two oncoming trains. Its power is so strong that it can easily drag a person into an air funnel and throw it under a train.

The rules of conduct on the road near the railway lines also apply to drivers who are forbidden to cross the railway in places that are not laid up and not equipped for this purpose. Motorists are strictly forbidden to drive after the warning light comes on.

Children on the road

Young children are not always careful near the roadway, so parents are obliged to clearly and clearly explain to the kids how to behave when crossing the road. If special seminars are not held at school or kindergarten, at which young pedestrians are told the rules of behavior of children on the road, then you should pay special attention to this issue.

Warn the child that, even when crossing the roadway by the hand with an adult, he should still look around. It should also be explained that a road or railway is not a place to play.

For easier assimilation of the material, you can make special cards on which the correct and incorrect situations will be displayed. You can give your child a game exam in which he will answer questions related to crossing the road. Invite him to draw a traffic light or other warning traffic signs.

Well, of course, remember that you are an example for a child, so do not break the rules, and let your baby see how to act.

In most schools and other educational institutions, special classes are held annually on this topic. At the seminars there is also the topic "Rules of the behavior of students on the roads" for older children.

student rules on the road


Thousands of people die on the roads every year. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in elementary rules, but, alas, most prefer to ignore them. Not only drivers, but also pedestrians are increasingly neglecting safety precautions, endangering not only their lives, but also the health of others. Slipping into the red light, you can become the one who is guilty of a terrible tragedy, and forever destroy your future. It doesn’t matter what brand the car is with the driver or what position the pedestrian occupies, everyone is equal on the road. Only respecting each other, observing simple rules of behavior while driving on the roadway, we can protect ourselves and loved ones.


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