Onion Centurion: reviews and description of the variety

The need to supply the body with vitamins was known in antiquity. Their source was fruits, fresh vegetables, including onions. It is not very difficult to grow, it can be used both in raw and processed form (boiled, fried). Against the backdrop of a huge number of varieties, the Centurion onion stands out. Reviews about him from gardeners are only positive.

Morphology of culture

Onions refers to biennial plants. Propagated in two ways: sexual and vegetative. In the first year of life, the bulb and leaves (vegetative organs) form. In the second or third year, the plant throws a flower arrow, on which the seeds ripen.

The homeland of onions is Southwest Asia. In the wild, it is found in Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan. Against the backdrop of many varieties and hybrids bred by breeders, the Centurion onion stands out. Description of the variety, reviews about it can be found in this article.

Leaves have a tubular structure, color - from dark green to light green. Their length can reach 80 cm, in the cross section they are oval or round.

The bulb is a modified, highly thickened vegetative shoot. The number of external dry flakes, the density of their fit and color depend on the cultivar Luk Centurion (photo see text) has a yellowish-brown color. Tight-fitting and abundant, they contribute to the long shelf life of onions.

Internal juicy scales can have a thickness of 2.5 mm to 9 mm, it depends on the characteristics of the variety.

bow centurion reviews

The shape of the bulbs is mostly round. They can also be flat, elongated. The seeds are very small.

Onion set

It is a small onion, from which grows an ordinary onion. Early ripe, high quality - this is it, onion-set of Centurion. Reviews of amateur gardeners fully confirm the reliability of the hybrid and its excellent germination. This variety is a product of Dutch selection and is in great demand. What does the Centurion onion look like? The characteristic of the fetus is as follows:

  • onion small-bulb;
  • outer scales are yellow-brown;
  • the shape is slightly elongated;
  • internal flakes of white color;
  • weight - up to 120 grams.

Cleaning Features

Harvesting onion sets begins only after the cessation of the growth of new leaves. To make it easier to choose bulbs from the ground, lodging of leaves should not be allowed. It is important to ensure that most of the bulbs ripen, while the leaf apparatus must remain intact.

The best time for harvesting onion sets is the second half of July, during the hottest time. After several days of drying in the field, products are transported to sorting and storage facilities.

bow sevoc centurion reviews

There are several storage options:

  • Onions are placed in a circle - bulbs outward, and leaves - inside the circle. Height - within half a meter. The diameter should be such that the opposite leaves do not touch. This way you can store Centurion onion sets. Reviews about this option speak in his favor. The fact is that with such a laying, the leaves quickly overheat and dry, and the onions are perfectly ripened.
  • The second method involves laying onion sets in long narrow ribbons. At the same time, more time is spent on a selection of dried onion sets.

After drying and peeling the bulbs from the ground and dry leaves, they are sorted according to existing standards:

  1. The smallest ones, with a diameter of less than 0.7 cm, are not left for storage due to their complete drying. Such material is used for autumn planting.
  2. Large (diameter - more than 2.2 cm) are selected for planting in the spring. Forcing greens is the most beneficial use of such onions.
  3. The rest, depending on size, are divided into classes:
  • 1st class - from 7 mm to 14 mm;
  • 2nd class - from 15 mm to 22 mm.

In storages where onion sets are stored, the necessary temperature regime is maintained.

Centurion f1

Adding an “f1” to the name indicates that the seeds of this variety are first-generation hybrids. They are distinguished by increased vitality. Such hybrids grow quickly, give a good harvest and withstand adverse conditions. Centurion f1 is a bow that meets all of the above criteria.

The peculiarity of such varieties is that f1 hybrids cannot be used to obtain seeds. The phenomenon of heterosis is characteristic only for the first generation. Seeds obtained from f1 hybrids will disappoint an amateur agronomist. The harvest will be weak, the plants - so dissimilar that it would seem - sowed a variety of varieties in one area.

What attracts gardeners bow Centurion? Description of the variety (photo can be seen in the text) is given below:

  • belongs to the group of hybrids - which means it has increased vitality;
  • characterized by high productivity - 400 kg per hundred square meters;
  • medium early variety;
  • for use - universal;
  • has good taste;
  • not susceptible to disease;
  • resistant to shooting.

Agricultural technology

Agricultural technology involves the technology of cultivation of crops. Any plant when growing requires compliance with certain rules.

bow centurion characteristic
There are peculiarities in the cultivation of such a crop as the onion set Centurion. The characteristics and features of agricultural technology are as follows:

  • cultivate the crop in the open field;
  • if the growing area has excessive moisture, onions are planted on beds, with insufficient - on a flat surface;
  • planting density - up to 8 grams per 1 m 2 ;
  • sowing depth - up to 2 cm;
  • the landing pattern is as follows: grooves are formed at a distance of 15 cm from each other to a depth of 4 cm;
  • technical maturity occurs on average after 75 days;
  • care involves weeding, loosening the soil, top dressing and watering;
  • productivity reaches 8 kg from 1 m 2 .

Pest control

During the growth period, onions are attacked by pests. They are described by more than ten species: onion crypto-hunter, onion bug, onion moth, onion stem nematode, onion tick. The most common ones are listed below and control measures are briefly described.

  • Wireworm . Preventive measures include timely soil preparation, the sowing period should be early, at the optimum depth. Be sure to add ammonia water.
  • Tobacco thrips. Prevention measures: observance of a crop rotation - it is impossible to sow onions on the field where this crop was already grown, earlier than after 4 years. Warming up the bulbs before planting during the day at a temperature of 45 degrees.
  • Onion fly. Spraying with special chemicals, observing the early sowing dates, mandatory autumn deep plowing and embedding of the upper layer.

Especially often affected by the onion fly and onion moth is the onion variety Centurion. Reviews gardeners confirm this observation. Save the crop will help timely taken measures of protection and prevention.


Harvest time depends on the variety, climate and growing conditions. Basically, this process begins in August as the ripening of the bulbs, which occurs at more than one time. The bow of Centurion is no exception. Reviews gardeners note the uneven maturation of culture. For this reason, cleaning is done selectively.

onion centurion grade description photo

Harvested in boxes, more often in nets or nylon bags. You can store onions and in bulk for up to 8 months under the following conditions: the room should be dry, cool and dark. This helps to avoid unwanted vegetation.

The advantages of the variety include a narrow neck that quickly dries up. This significantly reduces the percentage of probability of various pathogens getting into the bulb.


There are some prerequisites for growing a crop such as Centurion onions. Description of agricultural requirements:

  • it is a culture of a long day of cross-pollination;
  • the plant prefers a red spectrum of lighting;
  • Demanding on soil fertility (acidity - close to neutral, light, rich in bacteria and humus);
  • in the initial stage of the growing season needs nitrogen-containing top dressing, in the second half it requires more potassium and phosphorus;
  • the onion is sensitive to watering, especially in the first two months (leaf formation period).

Onions have their own requirements for top dressing. First of all, it should be noted culture intolerance to excess fertilizer. The optimal dose is considered to be up to 6 kg of humus and not more than 150 grams of ash per 1 m 2 .

Grade description

Consider the Centurion bow in more detail. Description of the variety (photo in the article - onion in the context) as an excellent culture for the consumer market can start with the excellent taste of the variety. Delicate sharp specific taste, bright aroma, juicy pulp - gourmets Centurion onions appreciate this.

onion centurion grade description reviews

Fruits of an even shape, dense consistency. The husk has a bright straw color. The weight of one bulb is on average 100 grams.

This variety can be grown both from seeds and from onion seedlings. There are no difficulties in agricultural technology. The culture is quite frost-resistant. There is a certain pattern between the sharpness of the variety and its resistance to low temperatures. The sharper the taste of the onion, the lower the temperature it can withstand. + 12 heat is enough to start germination; in open ground, the culture can tolerate frost to -4.

During the vegetative period, watering is required, it stimulates leaf growth. During the formation and development of the bulb, this procedure is stopped.

The bow prefers lateral illumination of the red spectrum. To do this, it is planted on soil clean of weeds, and in rows, the distance between which is at least 20 cm. For 1 m 2, three grams of seeds of such a crop as Centurion onion are completely left.

The description of the variety, reviews of its productivity suggest that it can be used not only in personal plots, but also on an industrial scale. In a private compound you can get up to 4 kg per 1 m2, and in large areas up to 40 tons per hectare.


As with all crops, onions require care:

  • thinning is performed to form large fruits (preferably after watering or rain);
  • at least once every ten days loosen the soil;
  • make sure that the soil is always wet;
  • watering is completely stopped three weeks before harvesting;
  • the first mineral top dressing is carried out after the emergence of seedlings - after two to three weeks, after a week they are fed a second time;
  • it is not recommended to plant onions on one site for more than three consecutive years.
    variety onion centurion reviews

During the whole time they monitor the possible manifestations of diseases or pest attacks. To minimize harm, preventive and ongoing measures are taken.

Some tips for onion growers:

  • onions are not spud, but only loosen the earth around it;
  • the introduction of fresh manure can delay the ripening of the bulbs and provoke the appearance of pests;
  • dill planted next to the onion will serve as a “biological weapon” for repelling pests;
  • to accelerate the emergence of seedlings before planting, onion seeds are moistened with water at room temperature, after the seedlings reach 2 cm in height, they are sown in open ground;
  • dried onions are freed from dry roots and leaves, leaving no more than 5 cm of a false stem;
  • being late with harvesting can provoke secondary plant growth.

Grade Advantages

It is worth noting the advantages of such a variety as Centurion onions. Reviews of experts and amateur gardeners about its quality are primarily noted:

  • excellent combination of high stable yield with early ripening;
  • good resistance to shooting;
  • high quality peel;
  • ability to be well preserved;
  • pungent taste;
  • universality of application.


In cooking, they use Centurion onions with pleasure. Reviews of its rich and pleasant taste are given not only by professional workers, but also by ordinary consumers. They note its original taste, unique aroma and pungency. A slightly elongated, oblong bulb shape simplifies the chopping process.

It can be used as an ingredient for sauces and seasonings. It goes well with fresh salads. Onions can be preserved for the winter in combination with other vegetables or separately. You can cook from onions and an independent dish.

bow sevc centurion characteristic

Onions are used for medical purposes, in particular, nutritionists. The bow of Centurion proved to be especially good . Reviews of specialists about its ability to arouse appetite in patients are positive. This contributes to the strong aroma and appearance of juicy white slices.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20109/

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