The poem "Prediction" Lermontov M. Yu.: Analysis

One of the darkest poems written by the ingenious Russian poet Lermontov is “Prediction”. Many consider him prophetic. It refers to the poet’s youthful poems, but in terms of level, attitude, writing style and accuracy of images, it is very mature for his work. In the first half of the nineteenth century, many writers in prose and rhyme addressed the theme of revolutions, as well as those irreversible changes and the breaking of human destinies that they must bring.

MU Lermontov prediction

Writing history

The poem "Prediction" by Lermontov was created in 1830. Some researchers believe that the reason for writing it was cholera riots in Russia, which broke out just at that time. The poet speaks of a certain “black year” when the royal power will be overthrown and the imperial crown will fall. He also predicted the emergence of a powerful person whose arrival will completely change life in Russia, and it will never be the same. And the description of the meaningless and merciless popular revolt belongs to Pushkin. However, the fact that such a revolution will come is not in doubt for the poet. For him, this seems to be an indisputable truth. Do not forget that the poet himself was only 16 years old, and much in the images and style was inspired by youthful maximalism. And the reason for such descriptions could be the execution of the Decembrists and the tightening of the political regime in the country as a whole.

Rulers and revolution - which is more dangerous?

According to Lermontov’s poem “Prediction”, we can determine the poet’s attitude to power in the then Russian Empire. It is very ambivalent. On the one hand, the fall of the tsar’s crown is broadcast even with some obligation, as if a nail was driven into the coffin. This is a very rebellious, revolutionary phrase. This is not surprising. Lermontov respected and undoubtedly supported any revolutionary events in Russia, supported the Decembrists. On the other hand, the arrival of a certain superman with a damask knife in his hands is far from a joyful event. No wonder the poet calls the year in which all this will happen.

Lermontov prediction

Almost biblical motives

Lermontov’s “prediction” apocalyptically describes the horrors that will come after the arrival of a person who will change everything. He eerie details shows us a picture of the process that will cause popular uprisings. This is war, and epidemics, and famine. Therefore, literary scholars believe that the poet really seemed to see the future. But on the other hand, the very style of the work refers us to the "Revelation" of John the Theologian. Indeed, there in exactly the same, and even more terrible colors, it speaks of the Last Judgment and the coming of Christ in glory, who will judge the living and the dead, and “kings and military leaders” will call stones from heaven on their heads.

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov prediction

Political and literary versions

It is widely believed that M. Yu. Lermontov in the "Prediction" described the events that occurred on the territory of the Russian Empire in 1917 - the February and October Revolutions. And that allegedly under the "powerful man with a damask knife" he described Vladimir Lenin. However, literary analysis shows us that this character, in which everything is “terrible”, is in some mystical way. No wonder they should recognize him and understand why he appeared. A demonic cloak, a high forehead - all this betrays the Antichrist, who will rule, kill, rule, ignoring the cries, crying and tears, and even laughing at them with God's permission. Of course, we can recall the appearance of Lenin on an armored car, when he was wearing a raincoat, and that he had a high forehead. But most often these are signs of a demon, Prince of this world. There is another “political” version. That, they say, the arrival of a "powerful man" is the prophecy of thirty years of the reign of Joseph Stalin. And the lines of another poet that “we live under ourselves without feeling the country” are heard as an echo, an echo to the epithets of the “Predictions” of Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov ...

Lermontov's prediction poem

Generalized image?

The poem clearly indicates that we are talking about mass popular uprisings. After all, the "mob", that is, the common people, will forget the love and reverence that surrounded the image of the "king-priest" before. People will hate power, see that it oppressed them, that the anointed of God is in fact an ordinary man of flesh and blood, but ascended to the top of the hierarchy. Patience will run out of people. But in response, they will begin to kill, break and destroy everything. In Lermontov’s “Prediction” we see a mystical image of food, which will serve as “death and blood”. He is unusually accurate and scary. There will be no law anymore, and women and children, whom there is no one to protect, will be the first to suffer. After all, the legal system will fall along with the royal crown. Therefore, it is very plausible that in the image of a “powerful man” the rebellious people themselves or some of their elemental leaders, like Emelyan Pugachev or Stepan Razin, are embodied.

Mikhail Lermontov prediction

Shadows of Scottish Ballads

Another interpretation of M.U. Lermontov’s poem “Prediction” is also possible. As you know, the poet was descended from a native of Scotland. It was George Lermont captured during the siege of the fortress of Belaya. We know that Mikhail Yuryevich was very interested in both his pedigree and Scottish legends and ballads. According to one of them, a certain poet Thomas Lermont received a golden harp and a gift of predictions from the fairies. And other Scottish ballads literally in the same words describe the black years of the kingdom and the fall of the ancient kind of rulers, as well as the plague that roams with a scarf among the huts.

Poem mu lermontova prediction

Poetic form

The size by which Lermontov's Prediction is written is a five-foot iambic. There is no gap in individual sentences, it is one continuous stanza. At the same time, the poet sometimes turns to an unknown interlocutor, as if warning him of imminent danger. The rhythm and style of the work seem to indicate the inevitability and inextricability of what should come. And the rhyming method, epithets and images create an oppressive atmosphere, as if anticipating the horsemen of the Apocalypse rushing ahead. “Gloomy and terrible”, “stinking bodies”, “overthrown law” - all these expressive phrases represent to us in paints the epic advent of the revolution.

Importance in Culture and History

We don’t know whether the poet believed that only through a bloody overthrow of power freedom is possible, or warned about what could happen if liberty "from above" does not come. But this and other similar poems explain the fear of the tsar and the Russian aristocracy before a young genius. No wonder they wanted to get rid of him so much, and in the end they deported him to the Caucasus in the hope that the young poet would be awaited by the death of a bullet. And when he did die, the reaction of the high society of Russia - at least, as archival documents tell us - was as follows: "There he is dear." But after 1905, when revolutionary events were brewing in the empire, various anarchists in their circles read Mikhail Lermontov’s “Prediction” and waited for it to come true.


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