The device of a roof made of metal: technology, instructions

Increasingly, builders and owners of country houses make a choice in favor of metal. The installation of a roof made of other materials (slate, sheet metal with an anti-corrosion coating, etc.) requires a lot of time, money and effort. It is quite difficult to independently install the flooring (and it is also dangerous), therefore, it is strongly recommended to contact roofing specialists.

Metal roof

Advantages over other roofing materials

As already mentioned, metal tiles compare favorably with other options.

Such material is available in the form of extremely lightweight sheets (density is 4 to 6 kilograms per square meter). Therefore, the roof frame can be assembled from a cheaper metal profile or from thinner wood blocks, which can significantly save on materials.

Any element of the roof can always be safely removed and a new one installed in return, which makes the repair procedure quick and easy. The technology of the device of the roof made of metal is also extremely simple and understandable, and not at the expense of the quality and reliability of the roof.

It is safe to say that metal tiles will not cause any harm to human health, which is very important in the modern world, where ecology is becoming a global problem.

This type of coating is also an energy-efficient solution and allows you to save on heating: it is possible to install an insulated roof made of metal tiles and heat-insulating material.

Manufacturers willingly accept orders for custom color solutions. In this case, the total amount differs very slightly from the base. And the standard color palette is able to satisfy even the most demanding landscape designer.

Among other things, the material is very durable: if the roof of the metal tile was carried out in compliance with the requirements for proper installation, then the sheet material, having a thickness of only half a millimeter, can easily withstand a specific pressure of 200 kilograms per unit area (meter squared). Not every material can boast of such indicators: traditional tiles are very fragile, and corrugated board does not have stiffeners.

In accordance with the instructions, the installation of metal roofing is allowed under almost any climatic conditions, since the material is resistant to temperature fluctuations in the atmosphere and has a negligible expansion coefficient when heated.

The disadvantages of metal compared to traditional roofing materials

The use of metal tiles does not give any significant negative effect. One of the few drawbacks is a slightly higher noise level during heavy rain, not to mention the rain with hail. But if a layer of glass wool is laid under the sheet material, then this almost completely solves this problem.

Also, iron sheets are prone to corrosion, and since the thickness of the sheet is insignificant, they can rust through and through in a relatively short time. At the plant, an anti-corrosion coating is applied to the outside of such sheets, which does not allow oxidation of the metal. But in the galvanic shops of plants, work is often performed with violations and deviations from the technological process, as a result of which such a coating is unreliable, it is easy to damage it.

Calculation methodology

Before proceeding with construction and installation works, it is necessary to calculate the amount of necessary material, take into account all the nuances. Only after this, you can proceed to the device of the roof of metal. The laying technology must be observed very carefully at all stages. Otherwise, the first strong gust of wind will take away the roof with it. Externally, the sheets of metal imitate the coating of traditional tiles: vertical columns and horizontal β€œwaves”. The distance from one row to another is called the tile pitch. The module (unit of measure) has a step of 0.35 meters and has six waves. Sheets are delivered with a module value of 1, 3, 6, 10. Manufacturers are willing to accept orders for the production of custom sheets, if the volumes allow you to get a profit. Of course, the price of such products on an individual order will significantly exceed the price of standard sheets.

When determining the required number of sheets, one should take into account the fact that the metal tile is stacked on top of each other with an overlap around the entire perimeter.



When installing a roof from a metal tile, special steel two-meter strips with brackets are additionally purchased, as well as metal sheets with a width of 0.2 meters and a height of 0.12 meters. It is desirable that these products are painted in the same color as the tile itself.

Planks, in fact, are staircases that are installed on the roof. This element is required when installing a roof made of metal with a steep slope. But many install similar supports on gently sloping roofs. It should be said that the roof can be covered with metal, the angle of which is equal to or exceeds a value of 11 degrees.

The necessary tool for work

The device of roofs of various types of metal tiles is similar, and there are no fundamental differences in it. For work, you will need a cutting tool to give the metal sheet the necessary shape. For these purposes, a jigsaw, scissors for metal (tin) are well suited. A grinder, like any other abrasive tool, cannot be used: in the cutting zone, a high temperature occurs, and the edge changes color, burns. In addition to the unpresentable appearance, such a surface will serve as a source of transcrystalline corrosion of the metal, which will develop and progress at a rapid pace. Even applying a coat of paint will not save.

To install a roof from a metal tile on a wooden crate, a screwdriver with the corresponding bat under the head of the screws is needed. It is necessary to screw a large number of screws without preliminary drilling. This greatly facilitates the installation process.

There must be at least two hammers in the arsenal: metal and rubber. The latter is simply irreplaceable when it becomes necessary to smooth out dents, from which no one is safe. Rubber is much softer than metal, and therefore it does not damage the protective and decorative coating.

Roulette is also indispensable, as well as without a measured rack. You also need a long cord (for tracing), a marker for marking, sealant with a gun.

The construction of the roof frame

Foundation requirements

Due to the small specific gravity of the material, the device of the roof of metal tiles on a wooden crate is made without reinforcing the latter. It is quite enough to put together a simple design of racks. The distance from one rail to another is equal to the pitch of the tile. If this condition is not met, then you will have to torment yourself by screwing the screws into the void.

Installation of metal

General installation guidelines

In the case when the sheets are stacked from right to left, then each subsequent sheet is superimposed on the already installed one. If the sheets are stacked from left to right, then the new sheets are driven under the installed ones.

When installing a pitched roof made of metal, four adjacent sheets are initially clung to the base, and after fitting and alignment, they are finally fastened together by self-tapping screws. So the roof will look much more neat.

You should not save on consumables, including self-tapping screws. The life of the roof directly depends on the quality of the screws. For these purposes, you need to buy hardware from a trusted manufacturer, covered with a protective layer. It is best if the layer is diffusive, since the layer will not fall off when the screw is deformed and will perform a protective function.

Planks from the ends are overlapped and fixed. The wave is cut to the size of the slope, otherwise the crest will bulge.

The cornice is attached to the outer battens. They are installed with an overlap (minimum 10 millimeters). A seal is placed in the space between the flooring and the eaves.

When it is necessary to carefully cover the surfaces adjacent to pipes or windows, then two sheets with one module are taken and shaped pieces are cut from them in the form of elements.

With significant deviations of the roof surface, the space between the ridge strip and the sheets of material itself is covered by the so-called aero roller, which prevents atmospheric precipitation from penetrating under the roof.

The ridge plate is fixed at the ends. This strap must protrude on both sides by at least 3 centimeters. If the roof surface has a significant slope (more than 45 degrees from the horizontal), then difficulties may arise when installing the ridge plank. In such cases, you must make sure in advance that all elements are compatible. If this is not taken care of, then it is possible that you will have to completely disassemble the roof and then reassemble it. And it will cost time, money and nerves.

When installing a mansard roof made of metal, one should be guided by the same principles. But it should be noted that the roofing of the attic is associated with a much greater risk to life: almost vertical walls will have to be covered.

Installation of metal

Cutting and fastening material

The installation of a roof from a metal tile for finished runs starts with measuring the length from the cornice to the ridge. Particular attention is paid to areas with complex surface geometry (the base of the chimneys, windows, ledge, etc.) For cutting, a special tool is needed - metal scissors. The use of another tool can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of foci of corrosion or uneven edges.

Installation work can only begin after all the elements of the roof are ready (all pieces are cut out). It is recommended to start laying the material from top to bottom from left to right. In the case of arrangement of the tent roof, they start from the top and lay the sheets immediately in both directions.

The extreme (lower) row of metal should hang down about 5 centimeters.

The first sheet must be fixed near the ridge, for which the screw is screwed into the crate frame.

All subsequent sheets are overlapped. Self-tapping screws are screwed along the entire length of the lap with a certain step so that both adjacent sheets are securely screwed to the wooden crate. The consumption rate of self-tapping screws is 8 pieces per one square meter of roof.

This material must be handled very carefully, as thin sheet material can get a dent even with a small impact. If there is a need to stand on the metal tile with your feet, then shoes with soft soles should be used. Of course, it is not permissible to use the sheets as a stand for weighty objects.

In the process, scratches and chips may form on the surface of the metal tile. It is better to prevent damage, as they become foci of corrosion. But if you still could not avoid scratches, then they should be degreased and covered with any paint to match the color of the tile itself. This measure will extend the service life and delay the occurrence of rust for some time.

The device of a roof from a metal tile

Design and installation of the valley

The endova is mounted at the end of all work and is the final stage when installing the roof from corrugated board and metal.

Each endow must be attached to a separate bar. Sheets are overlapped. The amount of overlap is about 30 centimeters. Just below the level of the cornice, the endova is cut off. Under the sheets insulation material is laid. The empty space between the sheets of the valley and the axis is also filled with insulation. Sheets that have been trimmed are securely fixed with screws to the wooden grill along the cut line. If all the calculations were carried out correctly, then the valley sheet should touch the wooden block, to which it is attached with self-tapping screws.

To prevent the uneven edges of the valley on the sides, they are masked with special decorative overlays. These elements are mounted from bottom to top. A special sealant is applied to the place of contact of the tile and the lining. They are stacked with an overlap (at least 10 centimeters). It is very important that the screws on which the pad is attached do not damage the endow.

Violation of the sequence of actions will inevitably lead to gaps through which water will penetrate during heavy rains.

Sometimes situations arise when the endova ends on a slope. For example, when an obstacle arises in the form of a dormer window. In such cases, they lay a separate board under the valley. Part of the shape of the window is cut out in the sheet material, and the window walls are surrounded with a sealant.

Caring for a metal tile

A thin sheet of metal has a protective coating that prevents corrosion. But under the influence of sunlight and precipitation, dust settling, the integrity of the layer may be violated. For this reason, the roof must be looked after and washed regularly.

To eliminate dry fallen leaves, a not very stiff brush is used. If the situation is running, the dirt along with the leaves of the trees has dried and layered on the roof, special detergents intended for cleaning polymer surfaces should be used. Aggressive detergents are contraindicated in this case: they corrode the protective coating.

Gutters are flushed with water under pressure.

Particular care must be taken when cleaning the metal roof from snow. In no case should you use metal shovels. For these purposes, usually use brooms and plastic buckets.

Roof device

The device of a cold roof made of metal

If a warm roof is used for residential premises, then a cold roof is built over non-residential premises. The main difference is the absence of a layer of insulation under the roofing material, which determines its operational characteristics.

The principle of the device remains unchanged: the roofing material is laid on the crate.

Of course, such a roof requires less financial costs: you have to spend only on waterproofing materials.


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