What cabbage happens: varieties, description, photo, cultivation

Everyone knows that cabbage is a very healthy and tasty vegetable. It has many vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Do not cook borsch without cabbage. It is fermented, stewed, pickled, etc. In fresh form, this vegetable is used in various salads. Therefore, the owners of their own garden often grow this plant.

There are many of its options. There are species such as broccoli and cauliflower, white cabbage, Brussels, there are even decorative representatives of the species. Each of them has its own characteristics. To grow a good harvest, a summer resident must know the variety of seeds and its features. For different types of dishes, your type of cabbage is suitable.

general characteristics

Studying the question of what kind of cabbage is, attention should be paid to its characteristics. All varieties, except for Beijing, leaf, Chinese and color varieties are biennial plants. When breeding a vegetable, this must be taken into account. In the first year, biennial varieties develop a rosette of leaves, as well as storage organs (head of cabbage). To collect seeds for breeding, you will need to wait for next year.

What kind of cabbage happens

All varieties of cabbage can be divided into 3 groups. The early variety is ready for collection within 2-3 months after germination. Middle varieties yield after 3-5 months, and later - after 5-7 months.

Depending on the purpose of the breeding, it is necessary to calculate the collection period. If in spring you need cabbage for fresh salads, they definitely make a choice in favor of an early type of crop. Later varieties are suitable for harvesting vegetables for the winter.


In order to plant this wonderful vegetable in your garden, you need to find out where the cabbage grows, how to plant its seeds. The ideal time for breeding seedlings is February - May. At the same time, they must take into account when to wait for the harvest.

Seeds are best planted in pots with peat. Seedlings do not tolerate transplant. Therefore, they are left in these containers. When the seedlings will be 40-60 days, they are planted in the ground in the container where they grew. You can do this a little earlier, but you need to provide them with the most comfortable conditions.

If it is early spring, planting is performed in a greenhouse. Here, frosts cannot damage the seedlings. They will grow in such conditions strong and healthy, ready for growth in the open ground.

Growing history

Seedlings of cabbage, the varieties of which are known to us today, grew on the beds of ancient people 4 thousand years ago. This vegetable appeared in the Central, Western Mediterranean and was used as food by the ancient Romans, Egyptians and Greeks. A relative of cabbage, from which the modern head species originated, is a leaf variety.

Cabbage Varieties Description

In the process of development of civilization and trade, the plant consumed as a food began to be grown in the eastern territories. In accordance with climate conditions, soils began to appear new varieties of cabbage.

This plant came to our country in the 13-15th century from Western Europe. White cabbage tightly entered the life of the inhabitants of Russia. Many varieties of it were grown here. They are now exported to neighboring countries. In the 19th century, there were 22 varieties of cabbage. Some of them were unique.

In the pre-revolutionary period, imported seeds of this plant began to be grown in our fields. Crossing with native species, they gave rise to many new varieties. Since the mid-20th century, breeders have bred varieties characterized by increased productivity, resistance to climatic conditions.


Today in our country, both local and imported types of the presented culture are grown. Their total number now totals 133 varieties. There are also certain varieties of cabbage hybrids. They are assigned token F1.

They include 24 domestic and 58 imported artificially crossed cultures. The work of breeders in this direction has allowed us to create varieties resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Harvesting in different seasons, it is possible to eat this vegetable all year round. The earliest species ripen in April. Late cabbage harvests until October. It is possible to store the vegetable for a long time.

White cabbage

One of the most common in our country is white cabbage. Varieties, the description of which is suitable for this group, are also divided into early, middle and late. It should not be grown in the same place.

Varieties of cabbage for pickling

Seedlings grow well next to onions, potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers. The soil is prepared in the fall. It is dug and fertilizer (manure, humus) in the amount of 4 kg / mΒ². In spring, the earth is loosened. It is also necessary to make fertilizers. Seedlings are planted in the wells. Humus and fertilizer are poured into the pits. Then they pour water into them. When it is absorbed, seedlings begin to be installed inside each well. Their root system should have a lump of earth.

The distance during planting should be 75x35, 60x40 or 50x50 cm. In the early days, watering is carried out around each plant daily. After 1.5-2 weeks, you can water the entire area of ​​the beds.

The most popular in our country are such varieties as early: Number one Gribovsky 147 (head 1-1.5 kg), June (1-12 kg); mid-season: Golden hectare 1432 (1.2-2 kg), Stakhanovka 1513 (1.5-2.5 kg); later: Amater 611 (2.5-3 kg), Wintering 1474 (3.5-4 kg).

Red cabbage

Studying what cabbage happens, it is necessary to consider such a variety as a red-headed variety. This subspecies belongs to the previous group of cultures. It is distinguished by the violet-red color of the leaves and head of cabbage. This plant is more resistant to cold. It is used for the preparation of salads, including diet. This vegetable is pickled. The healing properties of the plant are widely used in folk medicine.

Where does cabbage grow

This culture is planted in open ground. Its growth period is 160 days. Leaving and planting seedlings is made like white cabbage. Popular varieties are Example F1 (4 kg), Firebird (3 kg), Juno (1.2 kg).

Savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage (photo below) has wrinkled leaves. They are covered with bumps and bubbles.

Savoy cabbage photo
It is eaten fresh or after heat treatment. This vegetable is not stored as long as its white-relative. But then the taste and dietary characteristics are significantly superior to the latter.

Savoy culture has a high content of vitamin C, mineral and protein components. This variety is grown in the same way as previous varieties. It is necessary to take into account the timing of planting its seedlings.

Popular varieties are Mila 1 (3 kg), Yubileinaya 2170 (0.8 kg), Sphere (2.5 kg).


Savoy cabbage, the photo of which was presented above, is distinguished by its dietary qualities, but it is stored poorly. Therefore, the housewives began to use such a variety as kohlrabi in the preparation of various dishes.

Such a cabbage has a spherical stem. It is used in the preparation of soups, salads. This vegetable produces high yield and high content of vitamin C. It is grown both in the greenhouse and by the open method. Plants are planted at a distance of 25x15 cm.

Harvesting occurs when the stems become 8-10 cm in diameter. In our country, most often grow Picant (0.5-0.9 kg), Vienna White 1350 (up to 2.5 kg).

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts can become a source of protein for the body . According to this parameter, the presented variety is 1.5 times ahead of the white-headed group. This plant has a high stem, on which small heads of cabbage develop in the axils of the small leaves.

Cultivation of Brussels sprouts in the open ground

During the development of the leaf system, it is necessary to enhance the nitrogen supply of the plant. When the growth of cabbage heads begins, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The cultivation of Brussels sprouts in the open field is characterized as a rather lengthy process. Seedlings are placed in holes with a frequency of 60x60 or 70x70 cm. This plant does not need abundant watering. Only in particularly dry periods should a sufficient level of soil moisture be monitored.

Domestic farmers grow such varieties as Hercules 1342 (20-30 heads of cabbage), Cassio (60-70 heads of cabbage).


Considering what cabbage happens, one can not ignore another popular variety. Its head, eaten, looks like a very sprawled inflorescence. Hence the name of the variety. This is cauliflower.

Broccoli and Cauliflower

She sings very quickly. Literally 15-20 days after planting in the soil, its head is already edible. This vegetable is soft and meaty. Prepare it in all possible ways.

Best culture grows at a temperature of 14-17 degrees. In this case, the humidity of the air and soil may be low. The plant does not tolerate strong dry winds. Before planting, the ground is fertilized with manure, humus. The first batch of seedlings is introduced into the wells at the end of April. Later, you can make another 2-3 calls with an interval of 10 days. Harvesting is carried out after 2-2.5 months.

Such varieties are in demand today as the Snow globe (650-850 g), Express (350-500 g).


Broccoli and cauliflower are the closest relatives. But the first of them is tastier and healthier. Broccoli has a loose head. The lower part of the shoots is also suitable for food. Therefore, this variety is also called asparagus cabbage.

This species is unpretentious to growing conditions. It can be immediately sown in soil at the end of April. If the crop needs to be harvested in autumn, it is planted in June. You can also plant seedlings. It becomes the strongest on 35-45 days after the shoots shoot. The hole interval is 20x50 cm. It is necessary to loosen the soil, weed the beds and water them. Often grown varieties Linda (0.5 kg), Monterey (1.9 kg).


If the climatic zone is characterized by a short summer, it is worth considering kale as an option for breeding . This is a biennial plant. Presented variety includes feed and decorative varieties.

All types of kale can be used to prepare different dishes. Especially after frost. But more often this variety is bred as an ornamental plant on a personal plot. The culture has cirrus leaves. Their color varies from green to purple.

This variety can be planted in open ground by the seedling method. It does not require a lot of moisture.

Salads are made from kale, it is used as an additive for pickling. It is worth noting that some varieties of Beijing cabbage are also classified as leaf. However, this culture can grow in head and half head forms. Unlike the leaf variety, Beijing cabbage is very demanding on watering. But its yield is high due to the short ripening period.

Nutritional and medicinal properties

Regardless of the variety, cabbage has a high nutritional value. Many varieties are used as dietary food. It is fried, stewed, pickled and eaten raw.

Depending on the growing conditions, the vegetable receives a certain set of properties. If watering was scarce, there will be less sugar in cabbage. With optimal lighting and temperature, she manages to accumulate more vitamin C. The vegetable contains a small amount of protein. But then it is well absorbed by the human body.

Also, this vegetable is a rich source of vitamins. Of trace elements, it contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine. This product is useful not only in fresh, but also in fermented form. It is used as an additional tool for removing stones from the liver, gall bladder, as well as to improve digestion.

Choosing a variety of cabbage for pickling, you need to pay attention to Slavyanka, Yuzhanka 31, Biryuchekutskaya 138, Volzhanka 9. These are high-yielding crops. They form a large head out. They determine the high sugar content, which accompanies the high-quality fermentation process. All vitamins and minerals of existing varieties of cabbage are actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body.

In people who regularly eat this product, immunity increases, digestion is established. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating this vegetable for a variety of diseases and for prevention. The variety of varieties that exist today will allow everyone to choose the version of this food product to their taste.

Having considered what cabbage happens, you can choose the best variety for your garden. Proper care will allow you to harvest rich crops. By eating this vegetable regularly, you can improve your health, boost your immune system, and even get rid of certain diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20119/

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