Bandage for a cat: rules of use, photo, advice of veterinarians

Despite the large number of opponents of cat sterilization, this procedure is very important, because it allows not only to significantly simplify the process of keeping them, but also leads to a decrease in the number of stray animals. According to statistics, the operation does not cause special problems and is easy, which can not be said about the rehabilitation period. At the time of recovery, a special bandage for the cat is installed. Let's take a closer look at what a blanket is, how to tie it correctly, and why it is needed.

General information and purpose

postoperative bandage for cat

Before we talk about how to tie a cat a bandage, let's figure out what it is and what functions it performs. In simple words, a blanket is a special “cover” that is worn on the animal’s stomach and tightened tightly.

It simultaneously performs the following tasks:

  • prevents the entry of infection and pathogens into an open wound;
  • prevents the cat from tearing the seam and licking the abdominal area, which is trying to speed up the healing process, which in practice leads to a completely opposite result;
  • after the sterilization of cats has been performed, the bandage helps to increase muscle tone and prevents sagging abdomen.

Thus, the application of blankets plays a very important role, since it allows you to avoid the development of many negative consequences.

how to tie a bandage to a cat

Homemade blanket at home

It is not necessary to buy a cat bandage after sterilization. With your own hands it can be made from various improvised means. In this case, you may not even have the skills of cutting and sewing.

Next, we will consider the most common options that will make a good dressing. And so that it does not become contaminated with the mother of pearl and always remains clean, you can put a regular sanitary pad that will absorb all the discharge. However, in order to prevent the spread of pathogenic microflora, they should be changed every day.

In addition, it is recommended to periodically do air baths so that the wound can breathe. This contributes to the speedy recovery of the animal and its return to a normal lifestyle.

Body cloth from pantyhose

Such a bandage for a cat is one of the simplest, since it does not require any special manipulations. However, exclusively new or pre-washed tights should be used for its manufacture. In addition, the material from which they are sewn must have a high density so that the blanket fits as tightly as possible to the body of the animal.

So, how to make such a bandage? Very simple! Take the tights and cut a piece of them 20 centimeters long, then put it on the cat. It is worth noting that such a technique has both advantages and disadvantages.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • cheapness;
  • no need to take measurements;
  • tights are soft and elastic, therefore they do not hamper the movement of the animal and do not cause him any inconvenience.

As for the cons, they are as follows:

  • since the blanket has no ties, it will slide from time to time;
  • a cat can easily damage tights;
  • Nylon is easy to get dirty, so you have to regularly make new blankets.

A postoperative pantyhose for a cat is a very simple but not the best option. More interesting methods for its manufacture from improvised tools will be discussed later.

Sock blankets

This method is almost completely similar to that described above. To make a bandage, you need to find the sock of the right size and cut off the front of it so that you can put it on the body of the animal.

Such blankets have the following advantages:

  • large selection of sizes of socks;
  • low cost;
  • high strength fabric;
  • lack of dressings.

Among the minuses are:

  • since no mounting methods are provided, the cat often removes such a bandage;
  • Cheap socks are made from low-quality raw materials, so they tend to shed quickly, which can cause infection of the wound.

Thus, this method of swaddling animals that have undergone sterilization surgery, also can not be called the best. Its only advantage is the low cost of socks.

Blankets from old children's clothes

If you still have unnecessary blouses or vests, then they are perfect in order to sew a bandage for a cat. The main thing is to choose things that will be well fixed on the body of the animal, without causing him any particular inconvenience. Previously, you will need to take measurements from your pet, and then sew them in a blanket on a sewing machine. And you also need to think about how it will be attached. To do this, you can provide ties, buttons or Velcro. This option has absolutely no drawbacks, but only one of the advantages, which are that you do not have to spend money on the purchase of materials.

Towel blankets

towel bandage

What is their feature? If the method of making a bandage with children's things did not work, for example, you simply did not have them or there are problems with choosing the right size, then you can make it out of towels. Perhaps, such a blanket can be considered one of the best, because it combines the simplicity of tailoring, efficiency and practicality.

To make a cat bandage you will need an ordinary cotton towel, in which four holes are cut under the paws of animals. And also at the ends of the matter, ribbons are sewn, acting as ties that fix the blanket on the back of the four-legged friend.

Advantages of the technique:

  • all have towels;
  • no need for high sewing skills.

The disadvantages include the fact that the fabric does not have sufficient elasticity and density, so the bandages do not fit well with the body and often break.

Sewing blankets at home

cat takes off the bandage

If you tried all the methods described above, but they did not suit you, then in this case you can make a bandage for the cat with your own hands from scratch. Home-made blankets are in many ways superior to similar ones made from improvised means, but even here there were some disadvantages.

The main difficulties are that sometimes it is very difficult to choose the right size, as a result of which the “cover” has to be changed several times. There are still some problems with the choice of material. But if you do everything as you need, then the bandage will turn out to be of high quality.

Take measurements for a pattern

In order for the cat bandage to be practical to use and not to fall off constantly from your four-legged friend, you must correctly determine its size. Before sewing blankets, you must first take measurements.

For self-development of a pattern you will need the following data:

  • chest volume;
  • body length excluding tail;
  • distance between paws.

Some felinologists also recommend taking into account the coverage of the limbs themselves in order to calculate the optimal length of the ties, but this can be done without these data. When you have completed all measurements, they should be transferred to paper. In this case, you need to take a small supply, which will go to cut. As for the type of seam, there is no fundamental difference. You can use any that you own well.

Which fabric is better to use?

To ensure that the cat's bandage performs its functions well after sterilization, it is very important to use high-quality material. When choosing, the following criteria should be considered:

  • the fabric should be soft and flexible, but not too stretched;
  • threads, dust and other debris should not be strewed from the material;
  • it is best to take unpainted matter so that it does not fade.

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to use synthetic materials, since in the process of friction on the animal’s hair they will be electrified, which, in turn, will cause a lot of inconvenience to your pet.

We determine the method of fixing blankets

bandage for cat

After the bandage is ready, you need to think about how you will mount it on the body of the animal. As a rule, two options are most often used - ribbons and Velcro, but which one is better and more practical? It is difficult to give any specific recommendations, since everything here depends on the individual preferences of a particular person. So that you can decide on the method of fixing blankets, let's look at the main pros and cons of each of them.

Advantages of ties:

  • they can be made of any material;
  • easy to sew;
  • provide good fixation.

Drawbacks of ties:

  • can cling to surrounding objects;
  • it is problematic to untie a strongly tightened knot.

Pros of Velcro:

  • convenient and practical;
  • small in size.

Cons of Velcro:

  • require additional cash costs;
  • get dirty quickly, as a result of which they lose their qualities;
  • your pet can learn to unzip them.

Determining the method of fixing blankets, weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them well, and choose the best option for yourself.

How to wear a blanket?

cat bandage after sterilization

As you already understood, when cats were sterilized, a bandage is the only way to prevent wound infection and speed up the rehabilitation process. But as practice shows, most people have big problems with putting on blankets, because animals kick and are not given into their hands. To simplify your task, you should put the bandage on a flat surface and lay the animal on it sideways. After that, the edges are wound behind the body and fixed with ribbons or Velcro. It is not necessary to fix it too tightly, the main thing is that the “cover” should fit snugly against the body without hanging and sagging.

If you don’t know how to tie a cat’s bandage, you can harm your pet with your wrong actions. Too tight a tie not only fetters the movement of the animal, but also disrupts normal blood circulation, which is fraught with many serious consequences.

How and when do you need to take off your blanket?

It is necessary to free the animal from the bandage in the same sequence as putting it on. The cat is laid to one side, after which the bandages are untied. Experts advise every day to remove the blanket for about 30 minutes so that the wound can breathe. This has a beneficial effect on the healing process.

Completely from the postoperative protective "cover" get rid exclusively after examination by a veterinarian. As a rule, it takes about one week to fully recover from surgery.

What if the animal learned to get rid of blankets on its own?

Many people are wondering what to do if the cat removes the bandage after sterilization. Moreover, a similar problem occurs not only with “covers” made from improvised means, but also with blankets sewn with their own hands from elastic and durable fabric, which have ribbons or Velcro. In this case, one of the following methods will help:

  • restriction of physical mobility;
  • installation of a surgical collar;
  • sedatives.

It is not recommended to give medications without first consulting with a veterinarian. It is better to put your pet in a basket or an ordinary cardboard box. This will limit the cat's mobility, and she will no longer be able to take off her blanket.

Veterinarian Tips

do-it-yourself cat bandage

The use of postoperative bandage is associated with certain difficulties. Professionals to simplify this task recommend the following:

  1. When tying the ribbons on a blanket, try to keep their ends as short as possible, and the animal does not catch or strangle.
  2. In the early days of the rehabilitation period, you should always be with your pet, as he will try to remove the "cover".
  3. If the wound bleeds, put a sanitary pad under the bandage.
  4. When the cat wants to use the toilet, do not completely remove the blanket from it. Just untie the last two ribbons.

That, in fact, is all you need to know about postoperative bandages. However, in the end it is worth noting that sterilization is a great emotional shock for the animal, so you must be very careful and patient with it. Only with proper care can your four-legged friend recover quickly.


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