A tale about autumn. Children's fairy tale about autumn. Short tale about autumn

Autumn is the most exciting, magical time of the year, it is an unusual beautiful tale that nature itself generously gives us. Many famous cultural figures, writers and poets, artists tirelessly praised autumn in their creations. The fairy tale on the theme “Autumn” should develop emotional and aesthetic responsiveness and imaginative memory in children.

fairy tale about autumn

The genre of epic works

By definition, a fairy tale is a special genre of epic works in literature or folklore, the content of which is entirely based on fiction. Tales come in two forms:

  • folklore - is a unique genre of oral folk art, which includes certain subspecies of narrative prose folklore, which opposes real (reliable) works like legends, epics, etc .;
  • literary is an epic genre, but the work, although closely connected with a folk tale, in contrast to it belongs to a specific author. Traditionally, a literary fairy tale imitates folklore, but sometimes it turns into a real didactic work based on completely non-folklore subjects.
    fairy tale on the theme of autumn

There is no objection to the assertion that a folk tale historically unambiguously precedes the author's literary.


Autumn, entering into its rights, immediately immerses us in a real fairy tale. All the vegetation boldly changes the color of its decoration, changing into brighter, more colorful outfits: crimson maples glow with scarlet, yellow aspen trees tremble gently in the wind, and a fire of red mountain ash flames. The time of miracles ...

Thus, any fairy tale about autumn can begin, of which there are a great many, like those of famous writers, of folk origin. Absolutely everyone can compose them, even children of preschool and primary school age.


Imagination is in each of us. Only in someone does it sleep and is about to wake up, while someone fell into a prolonged lethargic dream. But everything can be fixed. You just need to sincerely believe in the personal possession of a creative streak and give her a little push, after which she will wake up and begin to generate fabulous ideas, each time surpassing herself.

short tale about autumn

Imagination is the ability to create stories and images, to find the unusual in the ordinary, to give life to the unreal and inanimate. But it needs to be fed, after which a fairy tale will begin to take shape. Various life situations, such as seasons (in our case, autumn), changes in the environment, achievements, successes, problems, failures and failures, can become this recharge.

Talking with a small child can help wake the imagination. Answering leading questions, he will answer you how and what should happen in a fairy tale. Writing fairy tales with children is a very informative activity, because they have the most vivid, vibrant and colorful imagination. Imagine, revive the inanimate. Let the road run from under your feet, the door says, the closet is happy at your arrival and asks you to scratch your back. Particular attention should be paid to the name. It should be short, capacious and intriguing, for example: “Autumn on the doorstep”, “The Tale of the Autumn Miracle”, etc.

children's fairy tale about autumn


The source of inspiration can be found in music, paintings, in the images of famous fairy tales and the world of cinema. And unity with mother nature can awaken ideas even in the head, which is completely crammed with vanity and worldly concerns. To tune in the right way, to get a certain charge of inspiration, you can listen to P.I. Tchaikovsky or the declaration of a wonderful work by V. Bortsova "The Tale of Autumn-Goldilocks." It will not be superfluous to view reproductions of paintings by I.S. Ostroukhova "Golden Autumn" and I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

As a sample, you can read the works of the following authors: Iris Revue "Children's Tale of Autumn", Larisa Zubanenko "Tale of Autumn", Schukina Tatyana "Hedgehog and Autumn", Ekaterina Karagodina "Tale of Autumn", Dmitriev Vasily "Tale of Autumn and its Three daughters. " They will help determine in advance what your fairy tale about autumn should be like.

Honest and kind

When you start writing or choosing a story to read, it is worth remembering that in fairy tales evil forces always prevail over good, mind surpasses stupidity, and the main character always receives a reward and recognition from others for his good deeds. But do not go deep into open moralization.

Courageous and courageous

The fact that most fairy-tale heroes are not only infinitely kind, but also courageous cannot be denied. The use of such an image will give both the writer and the listeners self-confidence, will help to overcome their fears and complexes through identification with the main character. Any children's fairy tale about autumn can give fertile ground for confidence.

Autumn is on the verge of a fairy tale

Piquant Details

Naturally, if there is evil / villain in history, then of course he should be punished, but you should try to miss the bloody details (like chopping off your head or tearing up your stomach, as in "Little Red Riding Hood"). Children do not have enough life experience, so their imagination, managing the information received, can draw frightening pictures, which obviously will not benefit them.

When and what to tell

Even the shortest fairy tale about autumn will surely arouse the imagination of little lovers of fairy tales, cause a stormy emotional outburst and response.

After reading a fairy tale or story, listeners can experience all the events and turns of the narrative for quite some time. Therefore, it is better to tell adventure-rich stories at the active time of the day, and before you go to bed, you should give preference to a calm fairy tale, which will certainly end safely, although it will not be without moralizing. Such a fairy tale about autumn will not leave unanswered questions in the child’s head about the events that have occurred, thereby contributing to a sound and peaceful sleep. Dream about your world, about yourself, let your wishes come true in the created fairy tale. But be careful, because desires tend to come true, so think positively!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20126/

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