Device, principle of operation of a pulse voltage regulator

For the normal functioning of household appliances, a stable voltage is required. As a rule, various network failures can occur. Voltage from 220 V may deviate, and the device malfunctions. First of all, lamps fall under the blow. If we consider household appliances in the house, then TVs, audio equipment and other devices that work from the mains can be affected.

In this situation, a pulse voltage regulator comes to the rescue of people. He is fully able to cope with the jumps that occur daily. At the same time, many are worried about the question of how the voltage drops appear, and what they are connected with. They depend mainly on the load on the transformer. Today, the number of electrical appliances in residential buildings is increasing all the time. As a result, electricity demand is inevitably growing.

It should also be borne in mind that cables that are long outdated can be laid to a residential building. In turn, apartment wiring in most cases is not designed for heavy loads. To protect your equipment in the house, you should become more familiar with the device of voltage stabilizers, as well as the principle of their work.

switching voltage regulator

What functions does the stabilizer perform?

Mainly, a switching voltage regulator serves as a network controller. All jumps are tracked by him and eliminated. As a result, the equipment receives a stable voltage. Electromagnetic interference by the stabilizer is also taken into account, and they are not able to affect the operation of the devices. Thus, the network gets rid of overloads, and cases of short circuits are practically eliminated.

Simple stabilizer device

If we consider a standard switching voltage regulator, then only one transistor is installed in it. As a rule, they are used exclusively of the switching type, since today they are considered more efficient. As a result, the efficiency of the device can be greatly increased.

The second important element of a switching voltage regulator should be called diodes. In the usual scheme, they can be found no more than three units. They are connected to each other using a throttle. Filters are important for the normal operation of transistors. They are installed at the beginning, as well as the end of the chain. In this case, the control unit is responsible for the operation of the capacitor. It is considered to be an integral part of the resistor divider.

How it works?

Depending on the type of device, the principle of operation of a switching voltage regulator may vary. Considering the standard model, we can say that first the current is supplied to the transistor. At this stage, its transformation takes place. Further, diodes are included in the work, the duties of which include transmitting a signal to a capacitor. With the help of filters, electromagnetic interference is eliminated. The capacitor at this moment smooths out the voltage fluctuations and the current through the resistor divider again returns to the transistors for conversion.

Homemade devices

You can make a pulse voltage regulator with your own hands, but they will have low power. In this case, the most common resistors are installed. If you use more than one transistor in the device, you can achieve a high efficiency. An important task in this regard is the installation of filters. They affect the sensitivity of the device. In turn, the dimensions of the device are not at all important.

Single Transistor Stabilizers

This type of DC switching voltage regulator is capable of boasting an efficiency of 80%. As a rule, it operates in only one mode and can cope only with small interference in the network.

Feedback in this case is completely absent. The transistor in the standard switching voltage regulator circuit operates without a collector. As a result, a large voltage is immediately applied to the capacitor. Another distinctive feature of devices of this type can be called a weak signal. Various amplifiers can solve this problem.

As a result, better transistor performance can be achieved. The device resistor in the circuit must be located behind the voltage divider. In this case, it will be possible to achieve better work of the device. As a regulator in the circuit, a pulsed DC voltage regulator has a control unit. This element is able to weaken, as well as increase the power of the transistor. This phenomenon occurs with the help of chokes, which are connected to the diodes in the system. The load on the regulator is controlled through filters.

switching voltage regulator

Key Type Voltage Regulators

This kind of switching voltage regulator 12V has a efficiency of 60%. The main problem is that it is not able to cope with electromagnetic interference. In this case, devices with a power of more than 10 watts are at risk. Modern models of these stabilizers are capable of boasting a maximum voltage of 12 V. The load on the resistors is significantly weakened. Thus, on the way to the capacitor, the voltage can be completely converted. Directly generating a current frequency occurs at the output. The wear of the capacitor in this case is minimal.

Another problem is the use of simple capacitors. In fact, they showed themselves pretty badly. The whole problem lies precisely in the high-frequency emissions that occur in the network. To solve this problem, manufacturers began to install electrolytic capacitors on a switching voltage regulator (12 volts) . As a result, the quality of work was improved by increasing the capacity of the device.

How do filters work?

The principle of operation of a standard filter is based on the generation of a signal that is supplied to the converter. In addition, a comparison device is activated. In order to cope with large fluctuations in the network, the filter needs control units. In this case, the output voltage can be smoothed.

To solve problems with small fluctuations, the filter has a special difference element. With its help, the voltage passes with a limiting frequency of not more than 5 Hz. In this case, this positively affects the signal that is available at the output in the system.

Modified device models

The maximum load current for this type is perceived up to 4 A. The input voltage of the capacitor can be processed up to a mark of no more than 15 V. The input current parameter for them usually does not exceed 5 A. The ripple in this case is minimal with an amplitude in the network of not more than 50 mV. The frequency can be maintained at 4 Hz. All this ultimately favorably affects the overall efficiency.

Modern models of stabilizers of the above type cope with a load in the region of 3 A. Another distinguishing feature of this modification is the fast conversion process. This is largely due to the use of powerful transistors that work with through current. As a result, it is possible to stabilize the output signal. At the output, a switching type diode is additionally activated. It is installed in the system near the voltage node. Losses during heating are significantly reduced, and this is a clear advantage of stabilizers of this type.

switching voltage regulator

Pulse Width Models

The pulse adjustable voltage regulator of this type has a efficiency of 80%. It can withstand rated current at a level of 2 A. The input voltage parameter is on average 15 V. Thus, the output current ripple is quite low. A distinctive feature of these devices can be called the ability to work in circuit mode. As a result, it is possible to withstand loads up to 4 A. In this case, short circuits are extremely rare.

Of the shortcomings, chokes should be noted, which have to cope with the voltage from capacitors. Ultimately, this leads to rapid wear of the resistors. To cope with this problem, scientists suggest using a large number of them. Capacitors in the network are required to control the operating frequency of the device. In this case, it becomes possible to exclude the oscillatory process, as a result of which the effectiveness of the stabilizer decreases sharply.

Resistance in the circuit must also be considered. To this end, scientists install special resistors. In turn, diodes can help with sudden transitions in the circuit. The stabilization mode is activated only at the maximum current of the device. To solve the problem with transistors, some use heat dissipation mechanisms. In this case, the dimensions of the device will increase significantly. Inductors for the system should be used multi-channel. Wires for this purpose are usually taken from the PEV series. They are initially placed in a magnetic drive, which is made of a cup type. Additionally, it has such an element as ferrite. Between them, ultimately, a gap of not more than 0.5 mm should be formed.

Stabilizers for domestic use are most suitable for the "VD4" series. They are able to withstand the load current due to a proportional change in resistance. At this time, the resistor will cope with a small alternating current. It is advisable to pass the input voltage of the device through filters of the LS series.

DIY voltage regulator

How does the stabilizer handle small ripples?

First of all, a 5V switching voltage regulator is used by the start-up unit, which is connected to the capacitor. The reference current source must send a signal to the comparison device. To solve the conversion problem, a DC amplifier is turned on. Thus, it is possible to immediately calculate the maximum amplitude of the jumps.

Further, the current passes through the inductive drive to the switching diode. To ensure that the input voltage is stable, there is a filter at the output. The limit frequency can vary significantly. The transistor load is maximum capable of withstanding up to 14 kHz. The inductor is responsible for the voltage in the winding. Thanks to ferrite, the current can be stabilized at the initial stage.

The difference between boosters

Switching step-up voltage regulator features powerful capacitors. During feedback, they take all the burden on themselves. In this case, a galvanic isolation must be located on the network. She is responsible only for increasing the limiting frequency in the system.

Additionally, an important element can be called the gate, which is located behind the transistor. He receives current from a power source. At the output, the conversion process comes from the throttle. At this stage, an electromagnetic field is generated in the capacitor. Thus, in the transistor, a bearing voltage is obtained. The process of self-induction begins sequentially.

Diodes are not activated at this stage. First of all, the inductor gives the voltage to the capacitor, and then the transistor directs it to the filter and also again to the inductor. The result is feedback. It occurs until the voltage at the control unit is stabilized. In this he will be helped by installed diodes that receive a signal from transistors, as well as a stabilizer capacitor.

switching voltage regulator

The principle of operation of inverting devices

The entire inversion process is associated with the activation of the converter. The pulse stabilizer of alternating voltage transistors has a closed type "VT" series. Another element of the system can be called a resistor, which monitors the oscillatory process. Direct induction consists in lowering the limiting frequency. At the input, it is at 3 Hz. After the conversion processes, the transistor sends a signal to the capacitor. In the final analysis, the limit frequency can double. In order for the jumps to become less noticeable, a powerful converter is needed.

Resistance in the oscillatory process is also taken into account. This parameter maximum is allowed at 10 ohms. Otherwise, the diodes to the transistor will not be able to transmit the signal. Another problem is the magnetic interference that is present at the output. In order to install many filters, apply the chokes of the "NM" series. The load on the transistors directly depends on the load on the capacitor. A magnetic drive is activated at the output, which helps the stabilizer to lower the resistance to the desired level.

switching AC voltage stabilizer

How are lowering stabilizers arranged?

The pulse step-down voltage regulator is usually equipped with KL series capacitors. In this case, they can significantly help with the internal resistance of the device. Power sources are perceived as the most diverse. On average, the resistance parameter fluctuates around 2 ohms. The indicator of the operating frequency is monitored by resistors, which are connected to the control unit, which sends a signal to the converter.

Partially, the load goes away due to the process of self-induction. It appears initially in the capacitor. Thanks to the feedback process, the limit frequency in some models can reach 3 Hz. In this case, the electromagnetic field has no effect on the electric circuit.

Power supplies

As a rule, 220 V power sources are used in the network. In this case, a high efficiency can be expected from a switching voltage regulator. To convert DC, the number of transistors in the system is taken into account. Mains transformers are rarely used in power supplies. This is largely due to large leaps. However, rectifiers are often installed instead. In the power source, it has its own filtering system, which stabilizes the ultimate voltage.

Why install expansion joints?

Compensators in most cases play a secondary role in the stabilizer. It is associated with the regulation of pulses. Mainly transistors cope with this. However, compensators still have their advantages. In this case, a lot depends on which devices are connected to the power source.

If we talk about radio equipment, then a special approach is needed. It is associated with various vibrations that are perceived by such a device differently. In this case, the compensators can help the transistors to stabilize the voltage. The installation of additional filters in the circuit, as a rule, does not improve the situation. Moreover, they strongly affect the efficiency.

switching voltage regulator

Disadvantages of galvanic isolation

Galvanic isolation is established to transmit a signal between important elements of the system. Their main problem can be called an incorrect assessment of the input voltage. This happens most often with outdated stabilizer models. The controllers in them are not able to quickly process information and connect capacitors to work. The results diodes suffer first. If the filtration system is installed behind the resistors in the electrical circuit, then they simply burn out.


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