High temperature in the child and cold limbs. Emergency

Quite often, mothers of babies ask the doctor a question: “What if the child has a high temperature and cold limbs?” Indeed, many of them noticed that if at a high temperature the arms and legs of the crumbs remain cold, then it is impossible to bring down. So they are in a hurry to find out from experts what this is connected with.

high fever in the child and cold limbs

What is temperature

Two processes constantly occur in the human body - the formation and release of heat. Normally, they are in equilibrium, at about 36.6 ° C. When any inflammatory process begins, heat generation intensifies and at the same time significantly exceeds the possibility of heat transfer.

Therefore, emergency medical care for the patient is aimed primarily at either reducing heat generation or increasing heat transfer. To do this, as Dr. Komarovsky advises, a child needs to be offered calm games and activities, not to force him to eat until he asks, and constantly offer plenty of water.

How to measure the temperature of the baby?

The baby does not need to be afraid of heat. For example, such a phenomenon as high temperature, Komarovsky considers it a vivid indicator of the strength with which the child’s body fights against hostile microorganisms, because heat is perhaps the most powerful protective mechanism in the human body.

The most reliable instrument for measuring temperature is still a mercury thermometer. True, in order for his indicators not to be distorted, you need to follow some rules:

  • the temperature is measured only half an hour after eating, sleeping or bathing, otherwise its indicators will be overestimated;
  • it is also impossible to take measurements with a crying baby, it must first be reassured;
  • the temperature in the ass and in the mouth is almost half a degree higher than that of the armpit.

If you want to measure the temperature of the baby anally, do not forget to first lubricate the anus with baby cream.

temperature 40

How can a temperature of 40 ° C be dangerous?

If the temperature is kept within 39 ° C, it is called febrile and it contributes to the production of interferon and a decrease in the activity of infection, which, in turn, leads to recovery. The temperature, which stays at values ​​close to 40 ° C, is called pyrethic, and it is dangerous for a child’s body weakened by a disease with complications in the form of cardiac disturbances or seizures. And increasing it above 41 ° C can cause irreversible reactions in the brain.

So, to allow a child to have a temperature of 40 ° C or higher is dangerous for his life!

When to start to bring down the temperature?

By the way, at what indicators it is worth starting to bring down the temperature, many doctors argue. Some believe that 38 ° C is the limit to which it is better not to bring it down at all, while others insist that in this case, the mother can only rely on the experience of her baby's behavior and well-being in such conditions. After all, every child is an individual. And if one at a temperature of 39.5 ° C still retains vigor and a desire to play, then the other at 37 ° C becomes completely lethargic and apathetic.

In one case, doctors are unanimous: if the child has a high temperature, then the baby needs a regular, plentiful drink, since the body in such cases loses a lot of fluid. Breasts in such cases often require a continuous stay in the breast in the arms of the mother.

the child has a high temperature

Why it is extremely dangerous to rub your child with vodka or vinegar

Speaking about the high temperature, one can not help but talk about such an old method as rubbing the baby's body with vodka or water with vinegar. It has long been believed that thanks to this procedure, the child’s heat transfer will increase and, as a result, the temperature will decrease faster. And if he, despite the fact that he has a high temperature and cold hands, then the spasm of the vessels will be relieved safely. From the point of view of physics, this is so. But before us is a living baby, and therefore we must not forget about what exactly we rub it with.

The thing is that vinegar and alcohol applied to children's skin are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and alcohol poisoning occurs due to this. And the drier and hotter the skin, the faster this happens. In addition, when rubbing, the child also inhales alcohol vapor, that is, poisoning occurs through the respiratory tract. Therefore, the World Health Organization categorically does not recommend rubbing the child with either vinegar or any alcohol-containing substances.

When will you need emergency medical care?

Do I need to immediately contact a doctor, parents decide based on the well-being of the child and the readings of the thermometer. But in some cases, it is better not to put off the consultation with a specialist in a long box. These include the following situations:

  • The baby has not yet turned 3 months old, and his temperature has risen to the mark of 39 ° C.
  • The tempering child is very lethargic and lethargic: refuses to drink, rarely writes, and his urine has become concentrated, dark yellow.
  • The rise in temperature is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • The use of antipyretic procedures or agents does not give an effect.
  • The baby has cramps at a temperature.

In all of these situations, medical attention is needed. Do not hesitate to call an ambulance and follow the advice of doctors in the future.

high temperature Komarovsky

What is white fever?

If your baby has a fever, be sure to pay attention to the condition of his limbs. The fact is that in modern pediatrics there are two types of fever: the so-called pink and white fever. In the first case, the temperature of the peanut ears and cheeks, as a rule, are pink in color. And all of it (and legs, and handles, including) to the touch evenly hot. In the second case, the baby's face and ears are pale, grayish. And, despite the fact that the child has a high fever, his hands and feet are cold.

This condition is quite dangerous and, as a rule, indicates that the baby has a spasm of blood vessels. By the way, it will not allow the temperature to drop even after taking antipyretic drugs, and in addition, the described condition can provoke the development of a convulsive syndrome in a child. This means that the primary task of parents in this situation will be to relieve spasm and restore normal blood circulation.

How is peripheral vascular spasm manifested and caused

If, when the temperature rises, the skin, as mentioned earlier, is warm, pink and moist, this indicates the presence in the child’s body of a balance between the production and release of heat. That is, the baby's body releases the same amount of heat into the environment that it produces. By the way, the well-being of the child in this case is poorly disturbed and often does not require any special measures to reduce the temperature.

If there is a high temperature in the child and cold extremities, and to these symptoms If pallor of the skin and chills join, then this gives out the existing spasm of the vessels. As a rule, the baby’s condition worsens noticeably - it becomes very lethargic and lethargic. By the way, it is the lack of fluid in the child’s body that most often provokes such phenomena: blood becomes more viscous as a result of temperature increase and evaporation of the liquid, and its movement in the capillaries slows down.

In addition, the baby may already have deviations in the central nervous system and blood pressure may be lowered, which also contributes to the appearance of spasm.

high temperature cold hands

How to relieve vasospasm at high temperature

So, if the child has a high temperature and cold extremities, then in order to alleviate his condition, he should warm his hands and feet. To do this, after collecting hot (but not burning) water into the basin, lower them in turn. First, warm the legs, wipe, put on your socks, then warm the handles. Put a cool, damp napkin on your forehead, give a lot of drink, make sure that the temperature in the room is around 19 ° - 20 ° C - and the baby's condition will noticeably improve.

By the way, if the baby has cold extremities, do not rush to give him an antipyretic or wipe it with cool water, as this can increase the spasm and even cause seizures. If the named spasm of the vessels does not go away, then the child should be given the No-Shpa preparation, which will help restore normal blood circulation.

About medications that help bring the baby down

The most effective for lowering the temperature in babies are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, as well as their analogues. They are produced in a variety of forms - in the form of syrups, suppositories, tablets, capsules and injectable solutions. And, as a rule, if there is an increased temperature in a child 6 months or younger, then syrups or suppositories are used to reduce it as more convenient.

Most often, parents use candles to lower the temperature. But you need to know that they "work" to a temperature of 38.5 ° C. And when it increases above 39 ° C in a child, spasms of not only peripheral vessels, but also vessels in the gastrointestinal tract are possible, which leads to poor absorption of the drug. Roughly speaking, it lies in the stomach or in the rectum, without exerting any effect on the patient's body.

In the event that the effect of taking one antipyretic in an adequate dose after 30 minutes has not occurred, then it can be replaced with another agent (Ibuprofen - Paracetamol or vice versa). But the interval between doses of the same antipyretic should not be less than 4 hours.


Permissible dosage of antipyretic drugs

In the case when the child has a high temperature and cold limbs, as mentioned earlier, it can be knocked down only after the baby's arms and legs become warm. In general, this symptom is sufficient to call a doctor, but if his arrival for some reason is impossible or delayed, then you will have to reduce the temperature yourself.

The following doses of drugs are used in this case:

  • "Paracetamol" is taken at the rate of 10-15 mg / kg. The maximum dose is to take this antipyretic 4-5 times a day. Therefore, the daily dose of the drug should not be higher than 60 mg / kg.
  • Ibuprofen is taken at the rate of 5-10 mg / kg. The maximum dose is to take this antipyretic 4 times a day. Therefore, the daily dose should not be higher than 20 mg / kg.

When using these funds in the form of candles, the amount of absorbed substance is greatly reduced, so the dose administered is multiplied by 2.

In which cases are necessary to reduce the temperature of drugs

As mentioned above, do not immediately, as soon as the child has an increase in temperature, take antipyretic drugs. There are less harmless ways to reduce it, which we have already mentioned above. But for some children, due to individual characteristics, such methods do not work. So, the temperature must be brought down necessarily:

  • if the baby does not tolerate her increase;
  • if the increase in temperature causes inappropriate behavior in the child;
  • if the baby's temperature causes shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • if the child is added to sweating, additional fluid loss in the form of vomiting, diarrhea;
  • if the child cannot be drunk;
  • if the baby has concomitant diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, cerebral palsy, the consequences of a traumatic brain injury, etc.);
  • if the child has previously had cramps at a temperature;
  • if the temperature rises above 39 ° C.

the child has a high fever his arms are cold

Let's summarize

So, let's repeat once again what needs to be done if the baby has a fever. First, pay attention to the condition of the child. If he feels normal, cheerful and drinks a lot, then you don’t need any special events. If your baby, for example, has cold legs at a high temperature, noticeable lethargy and pallor of the skin, then we have a case when you should urgently seek medical help.

Prior to his arrival, you can pre-warm with a heating pad or massage the limbs of the baby, to provide him with normal conditions. For this, the crumbs are dressed in things made of natural fibers (the baby should not be hot or cold), the room is wet-cleaned, ventilated and provided with a temperature of no higher than 22 ° C. The child must drink a lot!

Only if the temperature continues to rise or the child does not tolerate even its low values, antipyretics (Paracetamol and / or Ibuprofen) are required. Do not be ill!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20133/

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