Designer for boys: how to choose?

While the girls are fiddling with dolls, the boys are actively interested in technology, dismantle the devices that come to hand and build tall towers from blocks. Young researchers like to assemble a variety of models from a standard set of parts, fantasize and experiment. There are many children's designers for boys on the market. How not to get lost among this abundance and choose the one that will really benefit?

Selection rules

Designers for both boys and girls need and are important, as they develop motor skills, thinking, and imagination. Modern kits allow you to independently assemble various equipment, castles, military bases and fire stations. At the same time, the child tries on the roles of a designer, design engineer , assembler, installer, and tester. When choosing a toy, be extremely careful and follow the following rules:

  • Focus on age marking. The toy must be simultaneously accessible in complexity and safe for the child.
  • It is better when the designer is made in accordance with international requirements. Cheap Chinese products can cause an allergy in your baby, and parts made of thin plastic can quickly break down.
  • Give preference to multifunctional designers, from the details of which you can build a wide variety of models of your choice.

Baby gift

Up to three years, both boys and girls require the same toys. The main thing is that all the details are large, and the materials and colors - natural. The first designer for boys of the year often turns out to be a set of wooden geometric shapes: cubes, cylinders, bars, cones, prisms and arches. Of these, the kids build the first turrets. Although at this age they are more interested in the process of destruction.

baby plays with fabric cubes

A good choice would be a soft designer, the details of which are made of foam rubber. Such a toy can be played from 6 months. It is completely safe, the cubes do not have sharp corners, all parts are easily fastened together. Versatile are again considered sets of various geometric shapes. Soft Velcro constructors are also interesting. They have a playing field on which the baby can attach the details. The result is a ball, kitty or typewriter.

Constructor for children 1.5-3 years old

At about one and a half to two years, the kids are already able to fasten two large blocks together. So, it's time to buy a Lego constructor. For boys of the year, the best choice will be Lego Duplo with bright details. Many sets are on sale, from which you can assemble a train, farm, house, zoo or a whole garage of cars. In addition to cubes, arches, windows, doors and wheels, you will find people, animals. You can play a funny story with your child using these characters, or you can learn colors and numbers.

Lego Duplo

The only drawback of this constructor is that the model for assembly is predetermined by the creators in advance. To fix this, consider purchasing a universal set of essential elements. With its help, you can significantly diversify buildings.

Another famous brand of designers for babies is Mega Bloks. Parents should pay attention to two series - First Builders and Maxi. The details in these sets are about 2 times more than in the Lego Duplo constructors, and even one-year-old crumbs can connect the blocks.

Designers for a boy from 3 to 5 years

At this age, children begin to actively play role-playing games. It would be appropriate to buy thematic block designers. Their choice for boys is huge. You can easily find a knight’s castle, a pirate ship, a fire station, a space rocket or a gas station. The sets usually include figures of men, which allows you to play interesting stories, fantasize.

If you are growing a future engineer, one Lego will not be enough. Introduce the preschooler to other types of designers and mounts. It can be:

brush constructor
  • Brush constructor. The lateral surfaces of its parts are strewn with small flexible needles. This allows them to be fastened to each other in any position. The boy will like sets with rotating wheels, from which you can assemble both at home and cars. Such a toy has a good massage effect.
  • Ceramic constructor. It includes bricks, a spatula and a mixture for the preparation of cement. The kid will be happy to build real houses.
  • Tube constructor. It can be used to collect musical wind instruments or ball mazes. But, of course, any boy will remember the construction of his own water supply in the bath.
  • Collapsible toys with screwdrivers and battery-powered screwdrivers. At this age, kids love to unscrew the nuts, like dad. But cars and airplanes should be large. The time of the iron constructor for boys has not come yet.

We complicate the tasks

Designers for boys 6 years and older may have more complex mounts and look abstract. A striking example is the contour constructor. Its parts are flexible plastic tubes that are connected using rigid mounts. They can be rolled up, twisted, creating three-dimensional models of buildings, animals, geometric shapes. Such a toy makes it possible to draw in space.

contour constructor

Joint constructors are no less interesting. Their parts are plastic sticks, fastened with hinges. Thanks to this, moving models of dinosaurs, cars, skeletons, and even DNA chains are obtained. The horizons for creativity with such toys are endless.

Magnetic Constructor

For older preschool children, this is a very useful toy that allows you to build structures of the most bizarre shapes. At the same time, abstract thinking develops well. The magnetized parts have a different shape: it can be sticks, balls, flat or three-dimensional geometric shapes.

When choosing, it is important to convince the quality of the magnetic force, otherwise the assembled structures will not hold. On the market you can find sets with luminous balls and rods. From a magnetic designer for boys it will be interesting to build houses or spaceships that emit soft light in the dark. Very interesting and informative.

Metal constructor for boys

We all remember from our childhood plates of various shapes with holes that were fastened with nuts and screws. Gathering from them the existing construction equipment, dump trucks and helicopters, children learn how to handle screwdrivers, wrenches, and deal with the construction of simple mechanisms. Such a toy is a great gift for a child of 6 years and older.

metal constructor

Modern metal designers for boys are also colored, contain in addition to iron parts rubber, plastic elements. Models of them are even more realistic.


The more diverse the designers for the boy, the better. Transformers, popular in children’s environment, for example, give an idea of ​​the variability of forms. A combat robot can make a car, a tank, an airplane, or an entire city. Using this example, it is useful for a senior preschooler to realize the idea of ​​reincarnation, the transition of a substance from one state to another. When playing game stories involving transformers, you have to think wider, break the usual stereotypes.

Some parents are frightened by aggressive toys, so they refuse to buy such characters to their son. However, psychologists do not see them as a danger. Children need toys to repel aggression. Another thing is that there should not be too many of them.

In addition, transformers should not be given to boys under 5 years old. At such a young age, abstract thinking has not yet been developed, so toys should resemble real people or animals. It is necessary to take into account the fact that children are not able to see the fight between good and evil, courage, nobility, willingness to come to help behind fights and shootings.

Programmable robots

All boys love transformers, but it's even more interesting to create a moving robot with sound and light effects on your own. Pupils can do it. Buy your boy a robot. The designers of this plan allow you to immerse yourself in a game form in the study of technology, programming, mathematics, physics.

programmable robot

Such toys involve the gradual mastery of the material. Children 7-9 years old get acquainted with engines and various sensors, thus studying the laws of physics and mechanics. They create the simplest mechanisms in the form of cars, animals, insects. Designs can perform a specific task: to move along the black line, dance, move away from the edge of the table, make sounds, turn to the side when faced with an obstacle. Popular lines for this age are WeDo and WeDo2 from Lego, Robotics from FischerTechnik, and simple plastic sets from Huna.

Pupils of 10-15 years old not only collect mechanisms, but also actively study programming. For them, designers are released, providing for the creation of full-fledged controlled robots. A boy of this age can buy a set of EV3 from Lego. It is actively used in children's schools in robotics. Also noteworthy are brands such as Makeblock, FischerTechnik, Vex, Engino, the MRT line from Huna.

Electronic constructors

They can serve as visual aids in physics for children from 5 years old to the graduation class. The structure of electronic designers for young boys includes transistors, microcircuits, bulbs, switches, LEDs, microphones, capacitors and other elements. Of these, young engineers can create primitive electrical circuits, make doorbells, lighting fixtures, alarms, radios and lie detectors. No soldering is required.

There are two types of such constructors:

  • Engineering They include electronic elements that allow you to experiment, assemble various circuits. Such sets will appeal to boys keen on electrical engineering.
  • Gaming. They allow you to create full-fledged toys: flying helicopters, radio-controlled cars, drawbridges. This option is suitable for a child who is not very interested in physics.

A striking example of an electronic designer is the domestic "Expert". You can also note the brands Engino, Genius, Marbutopia.

We take on a soldering iron

Designers for younger students allow children to understand the basics of electronics, learn how to work with simple circuits. However, their functionality is limited. All that is required of the child is to insert the finished components into the corresponding holes on the motherboard. At the same time, it is not visible, for example, what details in the dynamics make sounds. Therefore, for a keen child, it is worthwhile to purchase more complex designers for boys. You can’t call work with them a game.

electronic constructor

The kits will teach schoolchildren to read standard circuits, mount electronic elements on a board with a soldering iron, check the health of electrical circuits. An example of such a constructor is "Electronics for Beginners" from Amperka. It was created on the basis of the book of the same name by C. Platt and includes all the necessary components for assembling circuits and conducting experiments. A good choice will also be the designers from the "Master Kit", which introduce students to basic electronic elements, microcircuits, the basics of assembly, as well as device settings.

Gift to the young ecologist

A science-enthusiastic student will enjoy the 4M Green Science series of designers. In total, it includes 20 models, distinguished by originality and attracting the attention of children to environmental problems. With the help of these kits, the boy will learn to disinfect dirty water, get energy from potatoes, salt water and mud, measure wind speed, amount of precipitation, temperature.

The collection of crafts will be replenished with potato watches, a buzzing robot from a can, an eco-rocket that takes off 25 meters, a solar water heater, a weather station and other unexpected inventions.

When buying a designer for a boy, be sure to consider his interests. Teach your child how to handle a new toy, collect several models together. Passion of parents will necessarily be transferred to the son. He may not become an engineer, but he will develop technical thinking and imagination. And she can look inside things without breaking them at the same time.


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