Orchid from beads: a master class and instructions

An orchid from beads turns out to be very similar to a real flower. It can be weaved in various shapes and sizes, because in nature, these flowers are very diverse. In this workshop we will produce a speckled bud with sharp tips. For one bud, you need 5 petals, each of them is made separately. We will make two large petals, three middle and middle separately, and then we will collect the bud. Having sewed the details, we will make a fringe around the edges so that the petals are twisted and look more neat.

orchid flower

Necessary tools and materials

Despite the bulkiness of the product, it will not need as much material as it seems. We stock up with patience and beads No. 10 and No. 11 of two colors to your taste. Speckles in the central part of the petals and in the middle will be made of smaller beads so that the product looks neater. If you take the same beads, then the fringe will not be elegant, but coarser. The main part of the weaving bead No. 10. For 1 bud it will need about 20 grams and 5 grams of smaller ones - this will be enough. One flower needs about 1 m of monofilament for the middle and 80 cm for the petals. It is best to weave on monofilament or on a thin fishing line so that the decoration keeps its shape and is strong enough. The monofilament has a small diameter, it lies more evenly. With ordinary nylon thread, this will not work. It is best to use the thinnest fishing line on which you are comfortable weaving. It is more rigid, therefore it can twist, which greatly complicates the work process. You will also need scissors.

central part

We begin a master class in orchid from beads with weaving the middle of the flower. We will work in the classic mosaic weaving technique:

  1. We take the fishing line and tie a knot on one bead, leave a thread about 10 cm long. This is necessary so that later it would be convenient for us to fix the knots at the ends of the fishing line.
  2. Now we pass it through the needle and collect 25 more beads. Together with a knot on the thread will be 26 pieces.
  3. We move 2 beads with a needle and in the third, we pass the needle towards ourselves.
  4. Then we begin to collect 1 bead and thread the needle through one bead in a row towards you. We pass to the edge. It should be a snake from triangles. We do not touch the nodular bead - we will remove it later.
  5. We begin to move in the opposite direction: we collect one bead and thread the needle through the bead, which sticks out. When we do 2-3 rows, the snake will no longer curl and it will become easier to work.
  6. We pass to the top, repeating the steps, if we want to get a plain middle of the flower without intersperses.
beads in jars

Creating blotches on the bud

For those needlewomen who want to diversify the buds, in our master class “Orchid Flowers from Beads” we will show one trick. It will help to create an interesting coloring without using a scheme, focusing only on your taste and wishes:

  1. We pass about 20 beads of the main color, and then we collect one additional and pass the thread as usual.
  2. Two more times we recruit the main and again one additional.
  3. Having reached the end of the row, again we collect the bead and begin to go down.

Beads of additional color are placed between the same in the bottom row. But doing just that is not necessary at all. You can change the pattern to your taste or use material of only one color. Try not to tangle the thread. If a knot has formed in an unnecessary place, immediately untie it, otherwise it will be very noticeable on the weave.

Features of weaving edges

We continue the row to the end. This part of the process of creating a flower is the most painstaking and requires the most time and patience:

  1. Once at the very bottom, we no longer collect the bead, but simply draw the needle through the last one in the opposite direction, start a new row.
  2. Having finished it, we collect 4 beads and lower them down, push three to the side and draw the needle through the fourth.
  3. It should be a cross of beads. We continue the row as usual, adding one bead each, combining the colors to your taste.
  4. At the end of the row, we again do not collect a new bead, but simply return the needle through the last one. Then on one side of the canvas will be a smooth edge.

Having finished the row, we collect 2 beads and go down, after which we return through the last, reach the end and put on two beads again.

beads orchid

We make a few more rows until the number of free beads in the upper part of the canvas reaches five, and then proceed to its expansion.

How to expand a number

From the other end you should get 11 beads - with their help we will sew the product. We weave a row, as usual, to the penultimate bead, after which we pick one and go up without passing the needle through the last bead of a rounded edge. Having risen up, we do not add new beads anymore, but go back through the last and begin to move down again:

  1. Again, we pick one at the very end and rise up, finishing the row, do not pick a single one and go down, thereby forming a rounded edge of the canvas on the other side.
  2. We knit a row to the penultimate bead and type another one.
  3. We repeat the steps, returning to the penultimate bead on the other hand, we make another row.

Now you need to return to the very beginning of weaving. To do this, draw the needle through the last bead in a row and why through all the beads in the second row from the edge. We do not touch the nodular, we display the thread through the last.

Repeat all the steps to weave the second half of the petal. It should turn out heart-shaped. No need to try to make the pattern on it symmetrical - when assembling the flower, uneven spots will look even more interesting than the same ones.

Assembling Petals: Method One

bead orchid

We begin to sew the part. Our thread comes from the bottom of the petal:

  1. Fold it in half and bring the thread out through the first bead from the edge.
  2. Then we draw the needle through the first and second beads on the other hand and begin to tighten the petal.
  3. We pass to the second bead on the other side.
  4. Next, draw the needle through the second and third beads on the opposite and, stretching the thread, sew it with the third.
  5. After passing the thread through the third and fourth beads, we connect with the fourth on the other side, thus continuing to sew the fabric to the rounded part.
  6. We straighten the petal and additionally fasten the thread, passing the needle through several beads.

Do the fringe

Now we make a fringe, and then at the next stage of our master class we learn how to weave an orchid from individual petals from beads:

  1. We collect one bead of additional color and draw the needle through the adjacent bead - next to the one through which the thread comes out.
  2. Once again we draw a thread through it and again we pass the needle through a new bead.
  3. We collect another 5 pieces and pass the needle through the bead on the left side of the petal which is not in a row.
  4. Then we collect 4 more, draw the needle through the next bead in a row.
  5. We continue to weave in a circle in the same way.
master class flowers orchid

How to make narrow petals

Our master class "Orchid from beads" with a step-by-step guide continues. Now we begin to manufacture long petals. We use the same mosaic weaving. We begin to create narrow petals - they will need 3 pieces. These details will be in the background:

  1. The first step at this stage of the Bead Orchid Beginner’s workshop for the beginners is the same as at the previous one - to collect one bead per thread and fasten it with a knot.
  2. Leave a tail about 5 cm long to facilitate further work and tie the threads together.
  3. The nodular bead is ready, now we need to make the first set - another 8 beads of the main color, 1 bead of additional and again 1 main.
  4. Next, skip the first three beads and draw a thread with a needle towards you in the fourth bead from the end. This is all the same mosaic weaving, often in a similar way petals are made for other flowers, including lilies.
  5. Next, we collect one bead of the main shade, pass one in a row and draw a needle through the neighboring one (as in the previous step).
  6. We reach the end without touching the nodular bead.
  7. Now we collect 1 bead of additional color and return through the last of the previous row.
  8. Add one bead of the main one and go through the protruding beads.
  9. At the end of the row we take two primary colors, one additional and one primary - only 4 pieces.
  10. We set the three aside and draw the needle through the fourth.
  11. We get to the bead of additional color, without touching it.

We pick up another one of the same color and begin to climb up.

We continue until the number of beads of additional color on the inside reaches 12. Then, in our master class “Orchid from Beads” with step-by-step instructions, we will learn how to make the sharp tip of the petal and weave its soulmate.

phalaenopsis orchid bead

Create the second part of the narrow petal

When we twisted the half of the petal, again we collect two beads of the main color, one additional and one more of the main, we begin to return down, gaining one by one. After the third, we begin to weave a corner:

  1. Now we don’t go up again, but we collect the bead of the main color and draw the needle through the additional one on the inner side of the petal.
  2. We pick up one more main one - and only now we return up until we get to the penultimate of this color.
  3. We need to go down again so that the weaving is uniform, we collect one bead of the primary color and one additional, after which we draw the needle through the bead on which the row stopped.
  4. We continue the series as usual.

At the end, we collect one bead of the main color and draw the needle through the next one in the row of the main color, as in the previous step. We pull the thread, our petal begins to wrap. We collect another bead of additional color and return through the one we just added, head up until we remove the needle from the bead one lower than the previous free one.

Finish weaving the petal

The master class “Orchid from Beads” continues: now we collect one additional bead and one primary color and begin to fall down. Next, the steps will be repeated - the beads of additional color are woven with the main one, and two beads of different colors are added at the corner according to the picture. We knit a petal to the end of a row of beads of additional color. Soon, in a workshop on weaving with orchids we will learn how to finish this detail.

phalaenopsis orchid

Thread fastening

If everything is done correctly, the thread will come out of the bead next to the nodule. To finish weaving, draw a needle through the last bead of additional color and through the next one. Pull and draw the needle through the bead in the bottom row. Now the nodular bead can be removed, remove the needle and tie the ends of the threads. 3-4 knots will be enough. Such parts will need 3 pieces.

Making wide petals

At the new stage of the “Bead Orchid” workshop, we will make wide petals. In this case, we also use a nodular bead. Weave detail will be somewhat different than a thin petal. You can use the first option, the result is the same - we choose a more convenient one and begin to create:

  1. We collect one bead, tie a knot and leave a tail of 5 cm. After the knot, we collect 11 beads of the main color, 1 additional and 1 more main.
  2. Move the last three with a needle and draw it through the last.
  3. We weave a row as usual, weaving including nodular bead. At the end of the work, we will not shoot it.
  4. Now we collect 1 bead of an additional color and begin to move in the opposite direction, using beads of the main shade.
  5. At the beginning of a new row, we collect 2 primary beads, 1 additional and 1 primary color, draw the needle through the fourth and continue the row until we reach the penultimate one in the row.

In the master class "Orchid from beads" the weaving process has already been described. We make the rows in a familiar way until the number of additional beads in the center reaches 10 pieces. After that, we will rotate the canvas and create the second part of the wide petal in the same way as previously done with the narrow one.

The final stage of creating a wide part

Having finished the petal, we fix the thread. Draw the needle through the last bead of additional color and through the adjacent one. We display the thread through the one next to it. We pull the thread and tie some knots. More than 4 knots do not need to be done, otherwise they will become noticeable. We make one more same petal and move on to the next stage of the master class. Beautiful orchids from beads, which can be used to create jewelry or flower arrangements, we get after assembling parts.

orchid bead master class with step by step

Orchid plant

We begin to sew narrow petals:

  1. We fix the thread on the bottom bead of the main color on one of the parts. We collect through bulging beads, moving up.
  2. We bring the needle up, draw it through the first bead on another petal and again through it.
  3. Then we connect in pairs: we draw the thread through the first and second on one side and the second bulging on the other.
  4. Having reached the top row, we draw the thread down through all the beads and sew the third petal.

When finished, we make a fringe, gaining 3 beads, we go through each additional color along the edges of the petals.

Wide details are sewn differently - we create a series by mosaic weaving, adding new beads of the main color to the penultimate one. We take the last one, apply the second petal and begin to connect it immediately by passing the needle through the beads on both sides. If everything is done correctly, the connection line will not be visible.

We fix the thread and sew the petals with the core in the same way. Care must be taken to ensure that its central part is exactly in the middle between the petals. Then we make a fringe and sew the last part. To do this, connect the petals so that their centers coincide.

How to neatly connect parts

We will pass the thread through the beads so that it is not noticeable:

  1. We fix the thread in the middle of one of the thin petals and display through the fifth additional color in the center.
  2. We attach the second part, bring the thread to the wrong side and hook the two beads in another part.
  3. We return through the same one from which the needle was withdrawn. Now we go to the edge of the petal, hiding the thread, sew the corners.
  4. Repeat, moving in a circle.

The sizes of the petals can be changed by gaining more beads. Various types of orchids with beads and a master class with step-by-step photos are of interest to many needlewomen. But there is nothing difficult for independent development.

Options for weaving orchids from beads

We examined the method of mosaic weaving orchids. It is quite painstaking, but as a result the product turns out to be very smooth, durable and beautiful. You can create this flower in different ways and using different materials. There are other weaving options that you can meet in master classes. Blue orchid from beads (or any other color) is a very beautiful craft. Making it is not very difficult, but the result will exceed all expectations. Orchids from beads (the workshop by Natalya Verbitskaya is especially noteworthy) will not differ much from each other, so you can take any method as a basis and use it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20142/

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