Freshwater stingray: description with photo, conditions of keeping, breeding and care

A ramp is a pancake with a long tail. On the head of the “pancake” there are two protrusions called eyes. The appearance of the fish is unusual, it will become the highlight of the aquarium.

Wait, is it possible to keep a stingray in an aquarium? This is a sea fish that is painfully beating an electric shock. So it is called - an electric ramp. We will deal with this in detail in the article.

Miracle Judo, fish - stingray

Flattened body, and pectoral fins fused around the head. Add a long tail resembling a whip and two pimple eyes. Here is a freshwater stingray.

In general, these fish are divided into marine and freshwater. The former live quietly in the waters of the Antarctic and the Arctic. Yes, rajids can live not only in warm waters. By the way, these individuals reach impressive sizes. Some species grow to 6.5 meters.

Scat is a giant

Home views

For those who dream of an unusual fish, you should study the types of freshwater stingrays. So that this does not take much time, we have chosen the main ones:

  • Paratrygon;
  • Piesiotrygon;
  • Potamotrygon;

The third subspecies is the most common among aquarium enthusiasts. It is also called big-eyed or netted freshwater stingray. Despite the last name, the color of the fish is quite diverse.

Purple stingray

Conditions of detention

We will not discover America if we single out the basic that is necessary for keeping the stingray.

  • Aquarium. Large, 400 liters. If you decide on two or more individuals, you will have to buy a giant tank. Don’t worry, 1,000 aquariums, and even 2,000 aquariums, are not a problem these days.
  • Aquarium freshwater slope can adapt. For him, the hardness and acidity of the water is not important. Of course, within reason, but not in the first place. As for temperature, here the fish picks. This is not from harm, but from a love of heat. Love is a good thing, only the owner will have to think hard about providing a warm aquarium. But the stingray has its own requirements: the minimum water temperature is 26 degrees. It will be lower, the fish will immediately decide that it is necessary to get sick. And at the warmest point, the temperature should reach 31-35 degrees.
  • They say that ramps like to dig into the ground. Nothing like that, according to aquarists. Our freshwater comrades are unique. They live in aquariums without soil, and they don’t know grief. But they will not refuse soft sand. Or from pebbles round.
  • Freshwater stingrays in an aquarium are not only its decoration. These are also excellent designers. They will redraw everything, redraw it for themselves. The plant owner planted in the evening, fell asleep with a sound sleep. In the morning he woke up, looked at the aquarium and was speechless. All landings float to the surface. Curved, oblique, with broken roots. And stingrays strenuously pretend that they have nothing to do with it. They lie at the very bottom and pretend to be a flattened cutlet. Therefore, owners of aquariums who love planting, be patient. Better yet, pots for your plants. And plant them right in the pots.
  • Food is a sore spot stingray. This friend loves to eat. And the usual food does not get off. In general, lovers of these fish categorically do not recommend offering them food. Read more about stingray nutrition in another subsection.
Stingray in the aquarium

Putting together an aquarium

To keep freshwater stingray you will need a large aquarium. This we found out. But an aquarium is an "apartment box." It must be brought into proper shape, equipped with the necessary things.

When a human apartment is purchased, it is supplied with electrical wiring and pipes for plumbing. In our case, the filter and heater will become a replacement for wiring and pipes.

Let's choose a filter. They are divided into two types: external and internal. We sweep the inner one, if you have an aquarium of 1,000 liters, the inner one will sink in it. We draw attention to external filters, which are designed for volumes from 1,000 to 1,500 thousand.

With heaters is more difficult. Or you have to look for those intended for large volumes, or buy several at once. Only the second option is more dangerous, the water may not warm up properly.

What else is needed? Cupboard under the aquarium. And do not resist, saying that an excellent nightstand has already been prepared. The aquarium is large, heavy in itself. And its weight along with water is better not to voice. How our bedside table from a chipboard will break, and it is necessary to search for a freshwater slope on the floor. It is better to spend money and buy a special aquarium cabinet. It is already fortified, designed for large tanks. And unpleasant surprises can be avoided.

Yes, more: an aquarium mat. The fact is that the smallest speck can fall under the bottom. Or, a tiny irregularity that is invisible to the eye, but can lead to a skew of the container. Ultimately, the glass will burst. Can you imagine the size of the disaster? It is easier to play it safe than to solve the problem on an emergency basis. Rugs for aquariums are sold at pet stores. They are a black foam rubber piece, which is cut off with you, under the required length and width of the aquarium.

It seems that everyone has not forgotten anything. We talked about plants and soil above.

Spotted ramp

Choose a ramp

X day has arrived, we are going to fish. Here it is, our "plate" flattened. Swims in a large, empty aquarium, pulls its tail. Everything, take the poor fellow! What did he sit here alone?

Wait, dear owners. Who so chooses fish? Especially not cheap. Well, look at the tail. Whether there are kinks, white spots or rot on it. And what does the foundation look like? Thicker than the bottom of the tail? If the base is two to three times thicker and the tail is clean and whole, the fish is healthy.

Another sign of health is fat tubercles. They are closer to the tail. Have you found? If they perform well over the body, you're in luck.

The color of the fish is an indicator of good health. Evenly colored freshwater, without white spots and bald spots, inspires confidence.

By the way, it is not recommended to take small fish. Small freshwater slopes, whose diameter is 10-12 centimeters, are sick. Or very, very tiny in age.

At the bottom

Brought him home

Our freshwater ramp is at home. They put him in an aquarium, the fish swims, shows off. Suddenly he swims up to the glass, sticks to it and invitingly opens his mouth. So she says it's time to have lunch.

The owner pours dry food to the “new settler,” and he squeamishly tugs his tail and sets sail away. The owner is perplexed: good food, what did the ramp not like? They do not eat dry food, as discussed above.

How to feed a whim? We buy a large lake bloodworm. Attention, only lake! Estuary for feeding stingray is not suitable. Wash bloodworms, freeze. Before treating the fish, bloodworms are subjected to heat treatment. No, it does not need to be boiled, stewed or baked. Everything is simpler, just boil boiling water.

This is the main dish for your fish. In second place is shrimp. Very stingrays respect boiled krill ice cream. When buying shrimp do not take peeled. The fact is that when they are cleaned industrially, chemicals are used. And it is unlikely that the ramp will be grateful for feed with the addition of chemistry. The owner will have to buy standard shrimp, clean it on his own and after that feed an unusual pet.

As a top dressing, stingray is treated with squid, cod or pollock fillet. Speaking of squid: buy only Peruvian. The Far East, according to the owners of stingrays, is too tough for pets.

It’s also good to give scallops at least once a week. This delicacy is rich in silicon, and if the owner decided to breed stingrays, then the scallop will be of great benefit.

Yellow stingray


Is there a giant freshwater stingray? Yes, there is one. Only a two-meter fish, similar to a pancake, is not at all suitable for keeping in an aquarium.

But we were distracted, we will return to the breeding of these comrades. First pick up a couple. Despite the appearance of the stingray, gender differences are pronounced. The male has paired genitals. These are two thin tubes located on both sides of the tail.

Understood with sexual differences. Now, we find out that females are viviparous. And their pregnancy lasts 14-20 weeks. Babies are born - an exact copy of an adult stingray. A characteristic fact: a trifle in the mother’s body is rolled up into a tube. When stingrays are born, their body straightens.

Red stingray


Here it is - a freshwater slope. Naughty, harmful, loving seafood and comfort in the aquarium. But so beautiful that all his whims fade.


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