Training of toy terriers: ways to teach a dog, commands, breed features that the owner should know

Despite their miniature size, toy terriers are very formidable comrades. Any owner will say that a very brave heart beats in a tiny chest. So courageous that, having rushed into battle, the toy terrier is not always able to soberly assess its capabilities. Therefore, a fight with a large dog for a baby can end in failure.

But the owner of the tiny terrier can soberly assess the mental and physical abilities of his little friend. For a toy terrier, upbringing and training are necessary, as well as for any other dog. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What kind of breed

Wonderful lady

Before you start a conversation about training toy terriers, you need to find out what kind of breed it is and what its features are.

These dogs barely reach 30 cm in height. They weigh no more than 3 kilograms, and their whole appearance is tender. But wait to smile and reach out to the animal's hand. The teeth of toy terriers are as sharp as a lot of needles. They will certainly be launched by these, at first glance, funny doggies. As soon as they see someone’s fingers in front of their nose.

They are very distrustful of strangers. They love dogs no less than strangers. If a toy terrier sees another dog in front of him, be in trouble. Be sure to get into a relationship. And it is good if someone else's dog is on a leash or calm temper. Otherwise, a visit to the veterinarian cannot be avoided.

Despite its militancy, the toy terrier is a sweet and very sociable creature at home. Get along with all family members. Very suitable for people who love outdoor activities. But in a family with children, toy terriers are better not to take, especially if the child still does not understand how to handle dogs. The terrier will not tolerate tugging at the tail or studying its own muzzle. Bite the offender.

How to care

Happy new year, comrades

Toy terriers are dogs for which training and home care are simply necessary. And if the first owner will have to suffer, then with the second - everything is simple. That is not whimsical in leaving, it is enough to comb out a pet once a week. As for swimming, it is better not to wash the baby unnecessarily. Two to three times a year will be sufficient if there is no severe contamination of the coat.

But the paws need to be washed after each walk. But this is not at all difficult. The one is so small that you can wipe its paws with special wet wipes for dog hygiene.

As for feeding, adult toy terriers are fed twice a day. If the owner prefers to give the pet dry food, then the dosage indicated on the package should be followed. When feeding natural food, it is important not to give more than what is appropriate. For one pet intake, 200 grams of food is enough.

Why do I need training

Two English Toy

We pass to the key moment. What are the features of training terriers, or rather toy terriers? These cute dogs are simply required to undergo OKD (general training course). Toy terriers are very intelligent dogs, and they are able to manipulate the owner. And given the fact that many dog ​​owners simply do not notice the manipulations of the pets, representatives of this breed quickly learn to make independent decisions. And if, on a walk, they decide that fighting with that shepherd is simply necessary, then they will carry out their plan. And the owner is not a decree.

If only he and the pet did not pass a special training course. Toy terriers can be raised and pacified, the most important thing is not to miss the moment.

Where to go

The owner of a tiny dog ​​decided to teach the pet the necessary obedience, but he has no experience in training. What to do? Where to go? Where are Russian toy terriers trained, and are there any such organizations?

Go to the dog site. Only not on the one on which they walk with dogs, but on a training one. In large cities, there are dog training schools and dog training centers. With them, sets are conducted in groups, there are individual lessons. Where it is better to go, the owner chooses. In the group, the dog receives much greater socialization, but the trainer cannot give it as much attention as in an individual training.

Where to begin

Doggie is small, but deleted

If it is not possible to teach a dog from a professional dog handler, then you should not despair. Training a toy terrier at home is not such a difficult thing.

It all starts with the game. With its help, contact is established with the dog. How to play with a pet? Get a small flagellum or ball on a rope and play with your pet like a kitten. Remember that the dog must always remain the winner and get the ball. If the pet grabbed the toy, praise him and give back what he earned. The game will haunt the dog and its owner throughout life. But not only it is important for the pet. Constant training in the first place.

How to educate

It all starts with young claws. The training of a terrier puppy must begin as soon as the pet has appeared in the house. More precisely, begin to educate. And training will begin a little later.

Toy Terrier

Remember, if you once forbade something, then this is forever. That is, if a dog is forbidden to jump onto a sofa, then this is for life. You can’t scold a pet for this today, and tomorrow let him sit next to the owner on the couch. No means no. The owner must be consistent in his words and actions. And of course, patience is indispensable.

Getting started with training

What can you say about the training of toy terriers? All dogs are trained according to one pattern. On the basis of unconditioned reflexes, conditioned ones are developed. At the first stage, the food unconditioned reflex is important.

By the way, all classes with a pet are performed only when he is hungry. As a treat, you can use boiled and finely chopped meat, offal, small pieces of cheese and dried white bread.

By giving a command, you mechanically help the dog fulfill it and fix the result with a treat. For example, you work out the "sit" command. Take a treat and show it to the dog, but do not tease. The animal is interested in goodies. What does the owner do? Loudly and clearly gives the command to "sit", at the same time, raises the right hand with a treat over the dog’s head so that it sits in order to see the yummy. And with the left hand the owner clicks on the croup of the pet, forcing him to sit down.

A similar principle of action and the development of the remaining teams. First, a sound stimulus (command), then the reaction of the dog (command execution), and then reinforcement (a treat) follows.

Is it possible to train an adult dog

Male Russian Toy Terrier

The need for training toy terriers arises as soon as a representative of this breed becomes a member of the family. But there are times when the animal gets to the new owners, being already an adult. What should the owners do in this situation? Is it worth starting a dog on your own?

In this case, some problems may arise, because the representatives of this breed are dogs with character. And the new owner of experience in training may not have at all. Therefore, it is better to seek the help of a professional dog handler.


The main goal of the article is to tell readers how to organize training of toy terriers. The main aspects:

  • Toy terriers, despite their size, are very brave and intelligent dogs.
  • As the saying goes, grief is from the mind. If you do not deal with the dog and do not direct it in the right direction, then it will be forced to make decisions on its own. And this is fraught with the most terrible consequences for the pet.
  • Training begins with raising a dog.
  • If the owner once banned something, then this ban is forever.
  • The owner must be consistent in his actions.
  • The dog is trained, developing conditioned reflexes. The irritant is the team, reinforcement is a treat.


I brought you a present

So, now you know what the breed of toy terrier is. How to care for such a pet, what is needed for his upbringing, and what is the process of training.

A small dog is a big responsibility. And it does not mean at all that you can not do it. Any dog ​​should know the required minimum of commands and be obedient. This is very useful in emergency situations that occur with enviable frequency in urban environments.


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