Game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad: review, walkthrough, mods and codes

Today we’ll talk about the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. We are waiting for two main operations: “The Volga is near”, “Not a step back!”. Also in the game there is a multiplayer mode.


red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad
Before us is the beginning of the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. Training consists in following all the commander’s instructions to test one’s combat and physical skills. First of all, we run towards the bags. We jump over the trenches. We crawl through two logs. We pass through the trench along the third. We crawl along the stairs to the barricade. We meet the barbed wire. We accept the emphasis lying and creep under it. Squat and overcome the logs. We get to the landfill. We study the gun. Go to the next shooting position. We study the following weapons. As a result, we must master all the proposed types. We go to another polygon. Throw grenades. We throw the first into the pit. We send grenades to other pits. We follow to the machine gun. We blow up the truck. We go to the barrel. Tear it down.

Defense breakthrough

red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad game
Before us is "Spartanivka" - the first mission in Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. The passage begins with the capture of the church. We pass from one trench to the next. We approach the church. Soldiers are visible in the windows. We remove them from the trenches. We get as close as possible. Capture the first residential quarter. Next is the following. We seize the Village Council. We eliminate machine gunners using shelters. We enter the building. We replace the rifle with a machine gun. The first as well as the second floor are cleaned. Mission accomplished. We pass to the task "Red Barracks". Night operation, the purpose of which is to capture the warehouse. We go to him. We get inside. We clean the first as well as the second floor. We are occupying a school of political activism. The next object is a green building. We penetrate through the window. We attack from the rear. We go to the hospital. Through the trenches you need to advance to the administration. We get inside. We take a position.

Volga nearby

red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad walkthrough
The game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad continues with another training. We were awarded the rank of squad leader. Go through the practice. We select units. We give orders. We command: "Follow me." We head to the cart. We select shooters. We bring to the fence on the left. We send shooters. We place the machine gunners on the other side of the gate. Go to the soldiers. We give the attack aircraft orders to capture target 1 and 2. We ask the squad to proceed to the defense of the second object. We go to him. Using binoculars, we mark the house in front for shelling. Training completed. We get to the central station. In the north we capture the depot. We pass to the three-story station. We go to the third floor. We go to the central part of the hall. Through the basement we follow to the south side.

No step back!

red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad review
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad continues with a return to Spartanivka. Our task is to defend the area. Protecting the church. We retreat to residential areas, and then to the Village Council. We are trying to repulse the attack. We pass to the task "Red Barracks". We are returning control of the administrative building in the south. We go to the hospital. Nearby is a school of political activism. We are returning control of these items. The last point is the warehouse. We return it. The invaders are retreating. Mission accomplished. Next in line is the central station. We protect him. If a breakthrough is made, we retreat to the station. We do not allow the enemy to penetrate the south side. The next mission is the Elevator. We reveal the defense near the checkpoint. If we lose control, we retreat to the territory of the conveyor tower. Further - to the main building. The fourth floor is the last line of retreat, so we keep the defense on it by any means. The fracture begins. And again, "Spartan", which was captured by the enemy. We return it to control. We go to the village council building. Inside we find a radio station. Using this equipment, we cause shelling of residential areas No. 2, as well as No. 1. We go to the church. Spartan control. The next task is the defense of the working area. The main goal is to occupy the grocery store, returning control of other objects along the way. The first of these is a residential quarter. Thanks to smoke bombs on the bridges, you can secretly get to the object. Grab a position. The next object is the house of culture, located in the same courtyard. Carefully follow to the square. Next to the grocery store. The next mission is to defend Pavlov’s house. We occupy ourselves on the territory of the Zabolotny house. In case of aggravation of the situation, we retreat to the main object - Pavlov’s house. We find in it a radio station, with the help of which we provide air support and cover for mortar guns. The next task is a U-shaped house. It must be captured, and along the way a pharmacy. We attack house-81. Using binoculars, we establish the position of the enemy. We request shelling through the radio station. Having gained control of the building, we leave for the aforementioned U-shaped house. Grab it. We pass to the pharmacy. The next mission, Gumrak, is part of Operation Uranus. We pass to the capture of the airport. We start with the attack of the main airfield. We follow to the damaged administrative buildings. The next goal is an alternate aerodrome. We replenish the ammunition in the places indicated on the map. Repair is also possible at these points. The next mission is connected with the Red October factory. We turn to the defense of the shops. The first we protect finishing. If it is lost, we proceed to the defense of the forge shop, and then sorting.


So we figured out the passage of Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad. Game review will be considered further. It's about a tactical shooter. The plot tells of the Battle of Stalingrad - this is one of the most important events in the Second World War. The project is focused on multi-user mode. However, it does have a single player campaign. The opportunity to use the shelter system. Ballistics implemented. It is possible to adjust weapons and set the required range. A moral system is provided. It is possible to control tanks. In this project, topographic maps and photographs reliably modeled individual buildings of Stalingrad in which the fighting took place: a church in the village of Spartanovka, station Stalingrad-1, Ploshchad, Pavlov’s House, Gerhardt Mill.


red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad training
The game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad has special codes that can help you overcome a certain mission. To use this trick, press the “~” key and enter one of the following combinations: FallenFighters_sov, RedOctoberFactory_sov, open SP-10, Gumrak, CommissarsHouse, PavlovsHouse_sov, Apartments_sov, Spartanovka_Sov, GrainElevator_Sov, Station_sov, Barracks_sov. It should be noted that in addition to the official version, there are also several modifications of the game Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad with additional tasks and maps. They need to be downloaded additionally.


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