How to teach a child to swallow tablets and capsules: tips for mothers

During the illness, other problems are added to the anxiety of the parents about the well-being of the child. Children are not always ready to take medicine. In order to persuade them to do this, it takes a lot of time and effort. How to teach a child to swallow pills?

How to give medication

Each parent is faced with the question of how to give pills to a child aged 0 to 5 years. This may be needed in the treatment of cough, vomiting and other diseases.

How to teach a child to swallow pills? Such drugs as Ambroxol, Ampicillin, Paracetamol cause a lot of negative emotions on the part of the baby when taken. However, you need to give pills, so there are tips for parents on how to do it right.

Pediatrician teach a child to swallow tablets

Before the baby takes the medicine, it is necessary to study its annotation. Parents must know the contraindications and side effects of the drug in order to be alert. Mom should explain in an accessible language to the baby why this or that pill is needed. All children are inquisitive, therefore, having satisfied their interest, it is possible to reach agreement on taking the medicine.

From the treatment process you can make a real game. Parents should strain their imagination and come up with a fairy tale about insidious microbes that offend the baby's body. But the good fairies in the form of pills fight them.

Many parents have heard the saying that in order not to harm the gastric mucosa, you need to drink the tablets with milk. Despite this, doctors insist that only water should be used to take pills, medicines, and syrups. In extreme cases, if the medicine is very bitter, then sweet tea at room temperature.

How to teach to swallow tablets

There are a number of tips that will facilitate this complex process. Education begins at the age of 3โ€“3.5 years. At this time, parents can already agree with the baby, explain to him the need for treatment, and also listen to his fears and concerns.

Oddly enough, but many experts advise to conduct training when the child is completely healthy. With a good mood and no sore throat, he will fulfill the request of his parents without difficulty. As substitutes for these capsules, you can use small vitamins.

How to teach a child to swallow Komarovsky tablets

When can a child be taught to swallow tablets? The first drugs in his life should not be large. Start the learning process from 3 years:

  1. Parents need to set an example so that the baby repeats after them. It should be explained that tablets should only be washed with water.
  2. Mom must teach the child to correctly position her in the tongue. Lay the tablet far on the tongue, but not too close to the root, so as not to cause a vomiting effect. The same goes for capsules.
  3. Moms should explain to children how to swallow tablets without feeling their taste. To do this, they do not need to chew.

How to teach a child to swallow pills? Pediatricians are advised to adhere to the above recommendations. They will help parents deal with this problem.

If the baby succeeded, then you must praise him. You can reward him with something tasty and tell all relatives that the child has become big and treating him will not be difficult.

Be sure to tell the baby that he can only drink the pills that his parents or grandmother give him. Doing this without permission is prohibited.

If the pills are big

How to teach a child to swallow tablets whole? Many mothers in this case are very worried. Of course, it is best not to divide them into parts if the dosage does not require it. Parents should not worry, because all their negative emotions are transmitted to children. When washed down with water, the tablet will get to where it is needed.

If initially the child cannot swallow the pill, especially the large one, then parents should not despair. So that it does not vomit, you can crush it into powder and combine with water. Then, using a syringe, carefully give the baby.

If the tablet is bitter, then the infusion should be closer to the root of the tongue. This will reduce the unpleasant taste of the medicine, and also the swallowing reflex will work.

How to negotiate with a child

How to teach a child to swallow pills? In order for the process to go smoothly, you need to agree with the baby. This method is not particularly clear to the peanuts up to a year, but to older children it is useful. Some psychologists say that even a two-year-old child can understand that he needs a pill when his stomach hurts.

Many parents try to forcibly give the medicine to the baby. This method is not always effective, because the crumbs can choke on water, choke on a pill or tear out. Therefore, experts insist on the positive motivation of the baby.

How to teach a child to swallow tablets whole Komarovsky

It is best not to force the child to drink the medicine he needs, it will be much more effective to agree with him. This requires a favorable environment, parents should not be nervous.

In an intelligible form, the baby is explained that he needs to drink a pill in order to recover. After a tasteless medicine, mom can offer him a tasty reward.

It is best to negotiate with the child, rather than deceive him. It should not be said that the pill is not bitter, otherwise it will cease to trust parents.

When all arguments are exhausted

How to teach a child to swallow pills? When the baby refuses to drink capsules and other tablets and does not work out with him, parents should not despair. After all, bad ever ends.

How to teach a child to swallow tablets whole

Some parents resort to tricks. In the pharmacy, they acquire special capsules of glaze, in which these tablets are placed. Due to this, the medicine is easily and simply swallowed. This method is suitable for children over 3 years old.

And for infants, it is best to mix a crushed tablet in a spoon with something sweet that he is allowed to drink. For young children, it is best to take the drug in the form of a syrup. However, situations arise when individual drugs are not available in liquid form, especially for babies.

Tips from a famous pediatrician

How to teach a child to swallow tablets whole? Komarovsky advises to teach a child when he is healthy.

Parents can demonstrate how to swallow tablets with a personal example.

The main thing is to explain to the child that drinking the medicine is necessary only with water. The tablet is placed in the middle of the tongue so as not to cause a gag reflex. They must be swallowed immediately, and not chewed, especially if they are bitter.

Parents should not worry when they give the pill to the child. Otherwise, he will also be nervous.

It is important to explain to the child that it is necessary to take those pills that the parents give. Without adult permission, this is prohibited.

In critical situations, children should understand the word โ€œmustโ€ and not refuse to take pills. Usually, kids understand that no matter how they resist, it will still be the way they need in this situation.

Easy to swallow tablets for baby

How to teach a child to swallow pills? Komarovsky is considering a situation when the baby categorically refuses to take the medicine. To do this, use the following recommendations:

  • due to the fact that the maximum number of taste buds is located on the tongue, it is desirable that the tablets do not fall on it;
  • you can advise your child to pinch his nose if the capsules have an unpleasant odor;
  • you can give the child to suck the frozen juice, in this case, the taste buds are turned off and he can easily swallow the medicine.

Children really do not like to be commanded. Parents need to be smart to get medication.

How to drink medicine

To get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste of pills, parents immediately give the child a drink. It is imperative to consider the compatibility of drugs with various drinks:

  • antibiotics should not be washed down with milk, their structure is destroyed and they are hardly absorbed by the body;
  • drinking tea tablets is not recommended because of the tannin and caffeine contained in it;
  • antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and sedatives can not be washed down with juices, since the substances contained therein completely neutralize their effect.
When a child can be taught to swallow tablets

Therefore, it is best to drink the tablets with water. This contributes to the rapid absorption of their body and will not lead to negative consequences.


Many parents encounter problems at certain times, trying to teach their children to swallow tablets. Do not be upset even if you fail. It is important to try various methods to achieve a positive result. Parents can use a personal example or apply other methods. Over time, the baby will surely learn to take drugs, just one child needs more time for this, and less for others.


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