Bad breath from the ears in dogs: causes, treatment. How to brush your dog’s ears at home

Many dog ​​owners have problems with otitis media. To be more precise, this name often characterizes a wide range of diseases for which the same signs are characteristic. This is an unpleasant smell from the ears in dogs, as well as a clear concern of the pet. If you observe these symptoms, then do not put it in a long box, but immediately go to the veterinarian. At first, treatment can be quite easy and simple, but if you start the disease, you will have to deal with complications. This means that the therapeutic process will become longer and more expensive.

dog smell

How to determine

I would like to once again note that it is the smell from the ears of dogs that often becomes the reason for contacting a specialist. It is easy to explain this; it causes considerable discomfort to the owner himself. Even if the animal lives with you for the first time, it will not be difficult to distinguish the norm from pathology. Even if the pet’s state of health is excellent, the smell from the ears of dogs rarely resembles the fragrance of flowers. But if it causes overt nausea, then 100% is a sign of a disease of the auditory system.

dog with hanging ears

Main symptoms

What else should a loving and considerate host focus on? If there is a smell from the ears of dogs, then in addition to this, there should be other symptoms. Many pets scratch their ears and scratch them to sores. Take the trouble to turn your ear out and examine it thoroughly. Most often in this case, there is swelling, redness and constant leakage of exudate.

The behavior of the animal also changes. The dog walks with his head tilted to one side, and also rubs his sick ear on the floor. Even a slight feeling of the auricle causes severe pain. The animal breaks out, runs away, whines. The dog becomes irritable, stops playing, especially pain at night.

the dog’s ears itch

And what's the reason

If you have a dog with hanging ears, then the development of diseases accompanied by similar symptoms is most likely. This is because in a constantly closed ear canal, where it is warm and humid, any bacteria that enter can develop very quickly. For example, in a German shepherd, in which the ears are fully open and freely ventilated, hearing diseases are much less common than in a basset hound or dachshund.

But that is not all. A dog with hanging ears is more likely to experience allergic reactions, including atopic dermatitis of the skin. To prevent such violations, you need to monitor the quality of your pet's nutrition. It is best to pay attention to specialized, finished feed.

Additionally, advanced cases of ear tick, yeast and bacterial infections are found in veterinary practice. Any injuries of the auricles, getting into the ear canals of foreign objects can lead to the development of acute or purulent otitis media. Hormonal pathologies, such as hypothyroidism, hereditary or autoimmune diseases, and tumors, can play a role.

how to brush your dog’s ears at home

What do doctors have to deal with most often

Most often, an unpleasant smell from the ears of the dog is associated with improper nutrition and food allergies. Moreover, the frequency of these cases is growing every year. The reason is simple, food products contain more and more additives, to which the delicate organism of the animal reacts. How are smell and allergy related? The reason is very simple, those reactions that occur in the body seriously disrupt the normal microflora inside the ear, as a result of which fungi and bacteria get excellent conditions for growth and development. In this case, the dog’s ears are itchy, the surface of the shell turns red and exudate begins to stand out. And ordinary antihistamines and a proper diet help.

Parasites are the second most common cause of ear problems. Moreover, an ear tick is only half the trouble. Dogs are very sensitive to this blood-sucking, and as a result of their activity, the same allergic reaction occurs. It is accompanied by a painful itch, the ears of the dog itch, which the owner cannot fail to notice. For treatment, the doctor prescribes special drugs that destroy the tick, as well as anti-allergic or inflammatory drugs, depending on the form of the disease and its stage.

Finally, the third large group that veterinarians often deal with is otitis media, or inflammatory processes. They usually begin as a result of water entering the ear when bathing, or foreign objects. It is necessary to carefully examine the pet after walking and swimming, and at the first sign to see a doctor. In this case, special antibiotics are prescribed.

dog bad breath


Of course, this is the best thing you can do for your pet. Regular cleaning of the ears allows you to constantly keep the condition of the shell under control and remove excess dirt from it, which can cause the development of a particular infection. Today we’ll talk about how to brush your dog’s ears at home. There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to take a cotton pad and sticks, as well as hydrogen peroxide or a special liquid for cleaning your ears from a veterinary pharmacy.


First, lightly moisten a cotton swab with a special liquid or boiled water and wipe the ear from the inside. Make sure that liquid does not drip from it and does not drain into the sink. Now let the pet shake its ears and proceed to the main procedure. Now you need to use a cotton swab to go through all the folds and bends, and remove dirt from them. Just do not try to insert the wand deep into the ear canal. With this you will only achieve the fact that sulfur will close it even more firmly. Your goal is to clear that which is within sight.

It is not worth using special lotions, especially if the dog does not bother anything. But when you smell a strong smell and see discharge, you can’t do without treatment, but only after the specialist determines what the reason is. Moreover, you can’t pour anything into the ear canal, whether it is boric acid or alcohol. This will only cause a burn. And in the place of destroyed beneficial microflora, pathogenic will develop. The procedure for cleaning the ears normally is necessary once every one to two weeks, and if you see disturbing symptoms, then go immediately to the doctor. Now you know how to brush your dog’s ears at home, and you can successfully use this technique for prevention.

dog ear disease treatment

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the key point is the diagnosis. And for this it is extremely important that the animal is examined by a professional. You yourself do not determine the name of this disease of the ears in dogs. The treatment prescribed for someone from the pets of your friends may be ineffective, and moreover, it will significantly worsen the situation. Therefore, you need only preventive ear cleaning, as well as a call to the doctor in case of disturbing signals.


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