Hungary. UNESCO World Heritage. List of Hungary Attractions

World Heritage Sites in Hungary, Germany, Italy, Argentina and many other countries are of exceptional interest to the world's population. These unique corners, distinguished by natural, historical or cultural value, have survived a little less than a thousand. In Hungary, the country that represents Europe at its best, there are eight such special features.

World Heritage of Hungary

Eight objects from the list are included in it according to cultural criteria, one more - by natural. World Heritage Sites in Hungary include:

  1. Sights of Budapest - the capital of the Republic of Hungary. Monuments date from the XII-XVIII centuries, and added to the list in 1987.
  2. Ethnographic open-air museum in the village of Hollokö. He was on the list of world heritage sites in Hungary in 1987, as well as the capital.
  3. Caves of the Slovak Karst and Aggtelek. The mountain range in Hungary and Slovakia was awarded the status of a special object in 1995.
  4. Monastery of the Order of Benedictines in Pannonhalm. Added to the list in 1996.
  5. Hortobad Wildlife Refuge. The unique natural zone appeared on the list of world heritage of Hungary in 1999.
  6. Necropolis in the city of Pecs. Created in the fourth century AD, the object was added to the heritage list in 2000.
  7. The landscape of Fert - the westernmost flat salt lake in Europe. He appeared on the list in 2001.
  8. Tokai wine region. They have been producing wines since the thirteenth century. The district was included in the heritage list in 2002. This is the last World Heritage Site in Hungary at this time, until new attractions are added to the list.

Budapest: Danube coast, Andrassy Avenue and other places

The first settlements on the territory of the modern capital appeared a very long time ago. In general, the city was formed from several small settlements located nearby. Today, the "homeland of the waltz" and the "city of bridges", where there are even its own "Champs Elysees", is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Andrassy Avenue is part of the historical center of Budapest. This street, built at the end of the nineteenth century, today is replete with many famous places. It is here that the Post Museum, the Opera House, the Old Palace of Art, Heroes and Liszt Square are located.

world heritage of hungary

The panorama of the Danube river embankment is breathtaking, and the city is obliged to many bridges to be included in the World Heritage List of Hungary. Szechenyi Chain Bridge is a large copy of the British Marlo Bridge, Erzhebet is the longest bridge in Europe, Freedom Bridge is distinguished by elaborate decorations, and Margate consists of two parts that connect on a small island. And these are only the most culturally outstanding buildings, there are eight bridges in all in Budapest.

The residence of the Hungarian kings, the Buda Castle, deserves special attention. The walls of the structure fenced off the old, historical part of the city from the modern one. This castle is of amazing beauty, and at night the Buda Castle is also favorably highlighted, which emphasizes the uniqueness of the architectural ensemble.

Hollokyo: Ethnic Open-Air Museum

The entire population of the village of Hollokö today lives the same life as it did several centuries ago. They are engaged in crafts, preserve customs and traditions, go in national clothes, eat simple food and do household work. In mid-August, an almost real knightly tournament is held here, and in October everyone celebrates the grape harvest.

World Heritage Sites in Hungary

This open-air museum is unique in that life goes on here, the “exhibits” did not “hang” in their era, but really live in it. This is the best place to experience the culture of Hungary. Hollokö is an ideal tourist village just a hundred kilometers from the capital, Budapest.

Caves of Aggtelek and Slovak Karst

Caves of the karst mountain range are covered with limestone cliffs. It is very easy to get lost here, because the caves lead an intricate maze. The largest stalactite cave in Europe, Baradla, is also located in this natural complex. There is evidence that seven thousand years ago people lived in these caves, today you can easily get lost here if you go to explore the heritage site without a guide. Such cases have already happened, but, fortunately, people were soon safe and sound. Today everything has been done so that tourists do not get lost in these labyrinths, but it is better not to go far from the group.

Buda Castle

Monastery of the Order of the Benedictines in Pannonhalm

The next World Heritage Site in Hungary is the monastery of the oldest Catholic Order of the Benedictines at Pannonhalm Abbey. The monks arrived on these lands in 996. They baptized the Hungarians, copied old books, founded the first school, and began to compose the first documents in Hungarian. Throughout its history, the abbey has played a significant role in the enlightenment and monastic life of Central Europe.

When the threat of the Ottoman invasion appeared, the monastery was surrounded by strong walls, the building became a powerful and fortified fortress on all sides. But this did not save from the Turkish invasion, the enemies ravaged the monastery, part of the buildings was destroyed. The reconstruction of the Benedictine monastery of Pannonhalma became possible only in the eighteenth century.

Nature reserve (nature park) Khortobad

This is the oldest reserve with a huge territory, where buffaloes, sheep of rare breeds, goats, great white herons, bulls, saker falcons live. But the most interesting thing here is not at all animals in the natural environment, but nomadic shepherds who practically do not differ from their ancestors. They carry out their duties in national costumes, prepare traditional dishes and drink their flocks from the wells. Here you can get acquainted with the culture of Hungary, as well as enjoy the natural beauties. There are excursions for tourists. Even in the Khortobad National Park, a spectacular horse show is organized.

agtelek caves and slovak karst

Necropolis in the city of Pecs

The early Christian necropolis was at the time the center of the ancient Roman province. There are several burial chambers, a chapel and a mausoleum at this place. This is the earliest Christian cemetery in Europe.

These places are distinguished by amazing architecture and historical value. The necropolis and the mausoleum allow you to fully experience the spirit of antiquity, to plunge into the era of early Christianity.

Fertö Lake and surroundings

The national park in northwestern Hungary consists of two large territories: directly the lake and the Hanshag region. Guided tours are conducted in the protected area, and some are completely prohibited from visiting. The lake itself, which is included in the World Heritage List, is the fourth largest in Europe, a unique conservation area. Here you can observe more than 300 species of birds.

Benedictine monastery of Pannonhalma

Both local and tourists like to relax on the lake. The place is distinguished by the fact that three natural zones intersect on the mineral lake (alpine, continental and subtropical). You can improve your health here - there is a balneological hospital nearby. Even to the attention of tourists, the magnificent Esterhazy Palace in its years, where the great composer Joseph Haydn lived, eco-tourism.

Tokai wine region

In the Tokai Valley, which is now compared to the cradle, wine has been produced for centuries. The first evidence of this dates from the sixteenth century. The geographical location and the special climate make it possible to grow a good crop of selected grape varieties here. Here, ideal conditions are created for the development of noble mold. The centuries-old traditions of Tokai are preserved to this day.

Hungarian culture

Tokay wines are soft, rich golden color, a characteristic flavor bouquet. Grapes are harvested in October-November; only four varieties are used in the production of the drink: zeta, furmine, yellow nutmeg, and lipovin. The main types of wines that are produced in the valley are as follows:

  1. Asu. Grapes affected by noble greens are harvested only by hand, put in special containers, where it begins to produce juice under its own weight. Juice is added to the base wine, the quality of the drink depends on the proportion.
  2. Asu essence. The same ace, but sustained longer.
  3. Edesh is native. Such wine is produced in those years when, due to weather and other conditions, it was not possible to collect enough grapes affected by noble greenery.
  4. Saraz currant. Dry white wine.
  5. Furmint. Budget white wine from local grapes.
  6. Harschevel. Also an inexpensive drink from the variety "linden leaf".

hotbad national park

Of course, there are claims on wine production from Slovakia, which, incidentally, are justified (after the partition of Austria-Hungary, part of the vineyards went to the country), but this does not prevent Tokai from being classified as a World Heritage Site.


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