Ovens Neff: description, reviews on the best models. Electric ovens Neff

Products of the German manufacturer Neff are not among the most famous and widespread in Russia. Despite this, the developers delight their fans with pretty high-quality and functional offers. The segment of ovens demonstrates this most vividly. The lineup presents options for housewives with different requests for a wide range of parameters. In the latest models, the Neff oven is equipped with modern cleaning systems, technological options and efficient security systems.

General Model Information

The manufacturer produces ovens in various configurations, organically integrated into any modern interior. According to the characteristics, the choice of models is huge: for example, according to one volume of the oven, Neff are presented in the range from 35 to 71 liters. But there are key and almost unchanged principles for creating this technique. In particular, the manufacturer uses stainless steel as the main body material, which significantly increases the reliability of the products.

ovens neff

Special attention deserves the configuration. The company has mastered two central areas in the design of structures - full-size and integrable. For those who want to save space, Neff built-in ovens are more suitable, and standard full-size models provide owners of large kitchens with a higher level of productivity.

Functional support

From the point of view of operation, of course, the most interesting are the functions and additional options of the furnaces. Among the basic operating modes, one can distinguish roasting, blowing with a fan, a microwave program, as well as a double boiler. Widely presented and additional cooking formats, which, in particular, are endowed with a premium Neff oven. The modes of this line include the defrost function, grilling, stewing, as well as the possibility of preparing yoghurts.

oven neff

But the functionality of a modern oven is determined not only by cooking capabilities. For the convenience of servicing furnaces, German designers endowed them with a technologically advanced self-cleaning system. That is, Neff ovens relieve the user of the time-consuming work of eliminating fat deposits and other types of pollution.

Reviews on the model B47CR22N0

This is one of the basic solutions in which the main technological advantages that are characteristic of the German models of this company are concentrated. Users note a combination of ergonomics, functionality and at the same time a voluminous workspace. This is exactly the model that has the most capacious platform for cooking - 71 liters. Another thing is that she is not the only owner of this advantage.

technique neff

Users also note competently implemented control based on the touch panel. Among the most useful control elements with which the Neff oven is endowed with this design, users indicate a temperature display, a multifunction timer and a display that displays all the information about the operating parameters of the equipment.

Also, the cooking modes are not deprived of the oven. Their number exceeds 10, and housewives respond positively to the effectiveness of each of them.

Reviews on the model B25CR22N1

Another model from the middle segment, which compares favorably with a high class of energy saving and ease of use. According to the owners, this cabinet is characterized by reliability, build quality, thoughtful self-service systems and safety. During operation, the user has a minimum chance of getting a burn due to direct contact with the surfaces of the unit. This advantage is especially emphasized in families with children.

electric ovens neff

For other parameters, the Neff technique in this performance also provokes rather favorable reviews. This applies to both performance and control systems, as well as a wide configuration with a set of auxiliary tools.

Reviews on the model C27CS22N0

The oven in this modification already refers to a higher level, as evidenced by the considerable power of 3 kW, and an expanded set of optional equipment of various kinds. With regard to operational advantages, the Neff electric ovens of this type cause a positive response due to the use of the latest operating modes. Among them, it is worth highlighting several baking programs with heat treatment, individual options for working with baking, as well as control of the lower and upper heat.

ovens neff reviews

This model is also praised for security systems. Firstly, the technique has a child lock, four-layer glazing and a special indicator showing the level of residual heat. Secondly, Neff ovens are equipped with improved body materials. This also applies to the base shell of steel, and the characteristics of the internal wear-resistant element base.

Reviews on the model C18QT27N0

One of the premium and most expensive representatives of the oven family of this manufacturer. Among the indisputable advantages of the unit, the owners include a power of 3650 W, which makes the model universal in terms of preparation, telescopic guides, effective LED backlighting and a wide range of operating modes. It should be noted that this model does not offer fundamentally new cooking programs, but it demonstrates an innovative approach to segmentation of the basic modes that almost all Neff ovens have.

Reviews, however, indicate the disadvantages of this version. If one of the cheapest models in the family has a 71 liter surround camera, then in this case we are only talking about 45 liters. But, on the other hand, this nuance also determined the modest dimensions of the structure. It can be used in a small kitchen, using the high power potential of the unit, not to mention ergonomics and wide optional options.


The general segment of kitchen appliances is one of the brightest engines of technological progress. In household units of this type, all the most useful technological solutions from the consumer's point of view are manifested. It is difficult to talk about how Neff technology can relate to innovation, because in one version or another, ideas similar to its functional developments are present in models of Miele, Bosh, Siemens, etc. But the fact that they are implemented in this case on the highest level, remains obvious, as it is also confirmed by direct users.

oven neff modes

At the same time, you have to pay the corresponding money for quality. Neff products, even in the initial series, cannot be called budgetary - the most affordable solutions cost 50-60 thousand rubles, and premium modifications rarely cost less than 100 thousand.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20154/

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