Memo to the tourist: what medicines to bring with you to Turkey

Collecting a suitcase to rest in distant lands, each of us first of all puts a swimsuit and the most beautiful cocktail dress. But many people forget or simply don’t know what medicines to bring to Turkey. However, this point is very important for the following reasons:

what medicines to bring to turkey

  1. As a rule, drugs abroad are much more expensive than they can be bought in your hometown. Therefore, in order not to go broke and spend money on more pleasant purchases, think in advance what medicines to bring with you to Turkey.
  2. Many of us are used to certain pills that always help us out at the right time. And in the country where you are going to rest, they simply may not be there, and it will be quite difficult to find an absolute analogue.
  3. If you do not know the Turkish language, then explaining what you need will be very difficult. And misunderstanding and the wrong pills can lead to not very pleasant consequences.

Now that you have finally realized that it is absolutely necessary to take medicine with you on your way to Turkey, you need to decide what to put in the medicine cabinet.

medicine on the road to turkey
1. The first remedy that can be useful to you immediately upon arrival is sunscreen milk. Although it does not apply directly to medicines, it can protect you from aggressive sunlight.
2. The foam from burns, for example, “Panthenol” or “Rescuer” ointment, will not hurt. This is for those cases when, nevertheless, the desire to sunbathe defeated common sense. And your skin is red and sore.
3. In order to provide timely medical care for household injuries, you will need: iodine or zelenka, cotton swabs or disks, a bandage.
4. In case of indigestion, which often occurs during ingestion of unusual food, activated charcoal, Mezim, Pancreasim, Smecta, or any other drugs that are right for you will help.
5. Also useful are medicines for a trip to Turkey, such as Teraflu or Antigrippin. Often travelers with reduced immunity do not tolerate acclimatization and manage to get sick on the day of arrival. In order not to spend all the rest in bed, it is better to take cold medications.
6. By the way, you can also bring an electronic thermometer with you to measure your body temperature. And with it - and antipyretic drugs.
7. What medicines should I bring to Turkey yet? Naturally, painkillers. In those cases when your tooth ached or your head ached badly, “No-shpa” or “Ketanov” will help out.
medicines for travel to turkey

8. If you have any chronic diseases, or you are taking a certain type of medicine, do not forget to take them in the amount that is enough for you for the entire stay abroad.

If children go on vacation with you, remember that for them you need to take the same drugs, but in children's dosages. Now you know what medicines to take with you to Turkey, and therefore you can safely collect a first-aid kit on the road. Be sure to check the expiration dates of all drugs. And in order to save space in the suitcase, you can take not whole packs of tablets, but only a few blisters. However, in this case, do not throw the instruction away, take it with you.


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