The development of speech in a child 3-4 years old: normal and delayed. Educational games, nursery rhymes

Many children at 3 years old can speak. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, but it is noticeable that speech is gradually developing. A four-year-old child can speak pretty well, although some letters and words are spoken with difficulty. However, some children have a delay in speech development. Is it correct? How to help your baby develop speech? Read about it in the article.

Knowledge of the child in 3-4 years

At this age, children already know a lot of words (about 2000). The child tries to speak correctly and clearly, like adults. Sometimes he doesn’t do it very well. To raise the level of speech development, it is necessary to do a lot of work with children, communicate, play, draw and write.

development of speech in a child 3-4 years old

The development of speech in a child 3-4 years old is rather weak. However, the older the children become, the larger their vocabulary. And at this age, the child knows and knows the following things.

  • He speaks his first name, last name and patronymic.
  • Knows the names of relatives and friends.
  • It perceives images and describes any situation seen.
  • He speaks simple sentences and gradually turns into more complex ones.
  • Defines objects in groups: a frying pan, a plate, a cup are dishes; jacket, trousers, t-shirt are clothes, etc.
  • Finds a sign of an object: a white window, a wooden table, a glass glass, etc.
  • Knows the actions of a person or animal: uncle is walking, the cat is sitting, the boy is running.
  • Repeats what he heard.
  • Retells a cartoon or a fairy tale.
  • He speaks not only loudly, but also quietly.

The development of speech in a child 3-4 years old is special and individual. Some children know less than words, others more. So this is not an indicator. If you regularly deal with the child, you can get good results.

Features of the development of speech in children 3-4 years old

At this age, many children still cannot write stories or retell what they see. It is difficult for them to connect sentences, many mistakes are made: not only grammatical, speech, but also in the use of case endings.

The pronunciation of many children of this age is still incorrect. They say words slurred, making them hard to understand. For example, the sound “p” is replaced by children with “l” and “w” with “c”. Children find interchangeable sounds because they want others to understand them.

Speech therapists argue that these shortcomings in the development of speech are not terrible, so there is still no reason to worry. Many specialists begin to deal with children no earlier than 5 years.

The above shortcomings - and there are features of the development of speech of children 3-4 years old. A special correction is not yet needed, since the child is able to cope with his language barrier on his own.

Speech development diagnostics

Three year old children know and speak a lot of sounds. About 4 years old, the child learns more difficult letters - "c", "h" and "c". He hears the sounds of the surrounding children uttering, and corrects the children when pronounced incorrectly.

Diagnosis of speech development in children 3-4 years old is carried out by speech therapists. They check the correct pronunciation of sounds.

rhymes for children 3-4 years old

However, if desired, parents can also see all the positive and negative aspects of their child’s speech, as well as draw the appropriate conclusions.

After 3 years, children are well versed in the color scheme and clearly understand the plural and singular. At this age, kids tend to talk as much as possible. They are silent only when they sleep.

At the age of about 4 years, the child speaks more consciously. Parents and teachers need to talk with the baby on an equal footing. Then he begins to learn speech faster, and his vocabulary is very quickly replenished.

Three-year-old children try not to use complex sentences, as they are afraid that they will not be understood. By the age of four, the child's fear disappears, and he speaks more confidently. Now he knows that listeners understand him.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the development of speech in a child 3-4 years old. The older the children become, the more difficult it is for them to help with the correct pronunciation.

Technique for the development of speech of children 3-4 years old

At this stage, the child expands the sphere of communication, which means that the vocabulary increases. However, many letters or sounds are still poorly remembered and pronounced.

It is very important to formulate the conditions in which the development of speech in a child of 4-5 years old occurs. To do this, pay attention to hissing sounds, whistling, hard and soft. As a rule, it is with them that many children have problems.

It is necessary not only to pay attention to the pronunciation of letters, but also to verbal hearing. To do this, try to say differently: loudly, quietly, quickly or slowly. When staging a fairy tale, pay attention to expressiveness, voice and appropriate intonation.

development of children's speech 3 4 years of play

To work on raising the sound culture of speech , attention must be paid to:

  • sound pronunciation;
  • the development of phonemic perception ;
  • voice unit;
  • speech breathing;
  • moderate pace of speech;
  • intonation.

In general, the program for the development of speech of children 3-4 years old is complicated. The child is hard given the pronunciation of sounds. Try not to scold him, but only to praise.

During the use of the above methods, the development of speech in a child of 3-4 years old becomes more active. Children begin to amaze adults with their knowledge and skills.

The correct development of speech

As mentioned earlier, there is no need to contact a speech therapist until the child is 5 years old. Parents themselves can pay attention to their baby and help him in the development of speech. When you go out, try to talk about everything that comes across your way. It can be an animal, a person, a plant, etc.

Children are interested in absolutely everything. Therefore, they easily remember what was said and replenish their vocabulary.

Try to ask the kid about the day passed or the cartoon watched. The child must learn to retell. At first, it will turn out badly, but thanks to daily activities, in a month you will see a positive result.

Read poetry, tongue twisters, and riddles as often as possible. At the same time, do not forget to play with small details. If the kid does not know how to tie shoelaces, teach him.

speech development program for children 3 to 4 years old

All these exercises for the development of fine motor skills will help your child begin to speak faster and pronounce especially complex sounds correctly.

Poems for Speech Development

The child needs to be given attention, and speech development is no exception. For quicker achievement of good results, read simple and catchy poems for children 3-4 years old.

1. Kra-kra-kra - leave the yard.

As-as-as - it will rain now

To-it-to-it - we don’t want to leave,

Ju-ju-ju - I walk through the puddles.

2. One, two, three, four, five - I want to count the raven.

One crow sits on a tree.

The second crow looks out of the window.

The third crow - shouting “car” to the guys.

Fourth - all drank nectar.

And the fifth crow wanted to burst the ball.

3. I bought a fly boots, turned out to be great,

A fly went to the bazaar, changed them to a samovar.

I treated all my friends with tea,

Just did not want to treat people.

Poems for children 3-4 years old should be understood. They should have a lot of sounds that your child does not pronounce. After reading one poem, ask your child questions about this topic. He must tell what he understood from what he read and what conclusions he made. Parents themselves can come up with simple verses for classes with their baby.

Learning effortlessly

What provides the most effective speech development for children 3-4 years old? Games, of course. The easiest and most interesting training is provided if you make a coloring book with your child. Of course, buying it is not a problem. However, do not forget that children are very fond of doing crafts on their own.

The game "Who's talking?" interesting to many children. Mom calls the sound of the animal the right intonation, and the child guesses. Then you have to switch roles. Thus, the baby will develop speech.

methodology for the development of speech of children 3-4 years old

The game "Where Lies" develops in the baby not only speech, but also attention. Put something on the table, under the chair, near the refrigerator, next to the sofa. Now ask questions. For example: where is the cup, where did the bear go, where is the ball? There may be many such questions. The child at the same time learns to navigate in space.

"Edible or not?" When you are preparing dinner and cannot pay attention to the child, ask him questions. For example, they took a pot in their hands, ask: "Is it edible?" Further: “And fried meat?”, “And raw chicken?” etc.

"Difference of subjects." Show your kid shoes and slippers. Ask how they are similar, and what is their difference. It can be such comparisons: a fur coat with a jacket, a glass with a cup, a chair with a stool, etc.

The game "Describe the subject" will help the child develop attention and memory. Show on the bed. Let the baby describe it according to your questions. What is it? What is it for? What colour? Ask your child such questions about any item or product.

The above games help the child develop the correct speech and the desired pronunciation of sounds. If you communicate daily with the baby in a playful way, he will soon begin to speak correctly and clearly.

Why the child does not speak for a long time

Some children are silent for two or three years. Parents worry, go to specialists to find out the reason. Doctors and speech therapists advise you not to worry ahead of time. They argue that if a child is silent for up to 3 years, this is normal. Perhaps influenced by the genes of the parents.

If a child at 3.5 years old does not want to talk, then you need to seek advice from a neurologist, speech therapist, ENT specialist and pediatrician.

features of the development of speech of children 3 to 4 years old

Very often, children who were still silent for three years can speak at 3 years 2 months. According to statistics, such a child begins to speak immediately with sentences.

There is an opinion that girls master the speech earlier than boys. It is a myth. It all depends on the personality of the child. The norms for the development of speech of children 3-4 years old cannot be the same. At this age, the guys know from 1,500 to 2,000 words. Each baby has its own individual supply. It all depends on the personality of the child and his mood.


Do not force the baby to engage if he does not want to. If he is in a bad mood, then he will not show you good results. Do the crumbs when you see that he is ready to play with you.

Never scold a child if he cannot speak a word. He will start to cry, you will be angry with him.

diagnosis of speech development in children 3 to 4 years old

As a result, both the mother and the baby will lose their mood for the whole day. Children are easily taught. Try to praise your child, because then the baby himself will want to make you happy and please mommy with success.


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