Briard is a breed of dog. Briard character, photo, breed description, attitude towards children

Today we’ll talk about such an interesting beast as Briard. This shaggy dog ​​will appeal to kids and adults.

A little bit about the origin of the breed

Briard - a breed of dogs, a photo of the representative of which you can see below, was bred in France. It belongs to one of the oldest. As early as the eighth century, written sources mentioned this marvelous breed. The modern look took shape at the end of the nineteenth century.

briar dog breed

Briard is a breed of dog whose standard has been adopted twice. This first happened in 1897. The modern standard was adopted in January in 2009. The main population of representatives is in Western Europe. About 170 animals are exhibited annually at the main French exhibition of these thoroughbred dogs. Briar clubs operating in many countries control the condition of the current breed.

Briard: dog breed

Description of the breed will now tell you in detail. To begin with, we say that it is included in the first group according to the classification of the International Film Festival, at all exhibitions it has a working category. Representatives are used as shepherd dogs.

The appearance of individuals of this breed is quite impressive. Dogs at the withers reach 68, and bitches - 64 cm. On average, a briar weighs 40 kg, bitches are slightly less - 32 kg. The representatives of the breed have an elongated body, a large head, a tail with a hook on the tip (in a calm state, it is lowered down). They have a square shape. The look is smart and attentive. The chest is wide enough and deep. The croup is slightly inclined in the back to the bottom, and the back is straight.

A distinctive feature of the breed is double dewclaws on its hind legs.
As a rule, briars ears stop. Although in some countries they refused this intervention. For many, it is in such funny ponytails on the crown that the amazing uniqueness of briards lies.

The coat of such dogs is truly rich. The length of the villi is 7 cm or more. For exhibition representatives, wool can reach 50 cm. In structure, it is wavy, dry.

Color: what are shaggy briars like?

According to the standard, briars can have any solid color, in addition to chestnut and white. You can find black, fawn, blue and gray representatives of the breed. By the way, the first two types are the most common.
There are briards in which there are specks of white hair in black wool. They should not merge into spots.

Briard dog breed photo

The nature of the breed

Briard is a breed of dog that is distinguished by the excellent working qualities of a shepherd and devotion to people. But you need to remember that a pet is a reflection of the owner. Therefore, you need to educate the beast from the first second. You need to immediately become a rational, patient leader for your pet. In adolescence, the pet may begin to check whether you really are the head of the "pack."
The representatives of the breed have high intellectual abilities, they are inquisitive and well amenable to training, but only without painful punishments. All training should be carried out in the form of communication.

Briard - a breed of dogs, the description of which we have provided above, characterized by high activity. And both in childhood and in old age. Briard can be said to be an eternal puppy. It is because of their quality that dogs can be trained in teams at any age, even after two years.

These dogs are not couches. A boring existence is completely unsuitable for them. They need regular physical and emotional stress.
If you keep such a dog in the apartment, be prepared for long walks, jogging, overcoming obstacles, playing with your pet, as without work for the muscles and head the dog will be unhappy and may even become embittered. Briard is a companion dog that cannot live without a person and his attention. Loneliness is very difficult.

briar dog breed reviews

Such dogs like new acquaintances, people, they are willing to make contact. These dogs are well tolerated for long walks and trips.

The security qualities of a briar are an innate instinct. He is always vigilant and vigorous, while he is calm and not distracted by trifles.
Aggressiveness and timidity for no apparent reason are defects of the breed.
If the dog is well trained, then it can be safely left, for example, near the store.
Among the representatives of this breed, like any other, there are temperamental and fussy instances, as well as phlegmatic people.

Due to the fact that the dog has a lightning reaction, agility, flexibility, various types of training can be applied to it, for example, agility, jutshund, okdzks. Dogs are also suitable for towing - ski-joring, bullets. Note that the representatives of the breed with great zeal perform tasks, because of this, sometimes they have to be upset.
They are good runners, they can run for professional athletes, moreover, not lagging behind.

briar dog breed standard

Attitude towards children

For small representatives of the breed show all the attention and dedication. They perceive babies as a herd, which they must protect from any dangers. It is very funny to watch how this big dog tries, and very painstakingly, to collect all the children on a walk in a row. If someone breaks away from the "herd", the briar will immediately bring it into place, grabbing the tip of the clothes. Such a dog is simply an inimitable, kind and patient nanny who is ready to bear any manifestations of feelings from children, even such awkward ones as twitching her hair and ears.

Briard (dog breed): grooming a dog

briar dog breed grooming

To achieve an ideal appearance, a silky fur coat needs daily combing. Every nine weeks, the animal needs professional grooming.
If the dog does not participate in shows, you can cut the hair shorter. This will make it easier to care for her.
To maintain the proper appearance of the coat, it must be looked after 2 hours a day.

In the process, the undercoat should be combed, since due to its subtlety and softness it easily tangles. If you properly care for the dog, then it either does not shed at all, or loses very little hair.
Briard needs bathtubs. You need to do this once a month. More often it’s not worth bathing, otherwise irritation may appear, or the skin will become very dry. Before the briar procedure itself, you need to comb it well, and also check if the undercoat is confused. If you find tangles, remove them immediately.
It is better to wash with a special zoo shampoo. After this procedure, be sure to comb the dog again.

briar dog breed breed description

The hair on the pads and in the ears should be cut regularly. Dirt that accumulates in the corners of the eyes should be periodically removed using a cotton swab dipped in water or a special tool.

Briard is a breed of dog that is working, so it needs constant loads. You need to walk and play with your pet more often. If the owner prefers cycling, the briar will be happy to keep him company. For those who like to run in the mornings or evenings, such a dog is ideal. He also likes to spend a lot of time by the water. Lack of physical activity can badly say on the health of the pet.

Job development

Briard - a breed of dogs, the training of which is necessary. After all, such dogs are classified as service dogs. You need to start raising from the first day of life in your home. It is necessary to immediately explain to the dog what is possible and what is not. For everything that he does right, be sure to praise and encourage. For wrong actions, of course, must be punished. Depending on age, you need to do this correctly. For the smallest puppy, only raising the voice will be enough, then you can use a folded newspaper (she can gently slap the baby in the pope so that he understands what he is doing wrong).

briar dog breed description

With improper upbringing, the puppy can grow into a real tyrant. Therefore, remember that Briard is a breed of dog that needs to be trained at the OKD rate.
For training to go with a bang, you need to consider the psyche of such dogs. Briard does not tolerate rudeness or abuse. You need to train the dog gently, you can say, intelligently. Then the pet will grow up smart and lively.

The training sequence for dogs of this breed

briar dog breed training

Purposefully train you need to start with four months. First train with a collar and a leash. It is necessary to teach (calmly, without rudeness) the dog to walk nearby. Then move on to the basics of obedience. This includes four teams. First, train your dog “Sit!”, Then “Lie!”, Then “Stand.” The last command is “Come to me!”.
If something does not work out, it is better to contact the dog center. After the dog will know the basic principles, you should take a course of guard service with her. These classes can be carried out both at home with an instructor, and on the dog’s site.

Note that such a dog is a real watchman who will protect the house from uninvited guests. The dog will also guard his family.

Shaggy Dog Health

As a rule, representatives of the breed live more than ten years. Health problems are rare. But there are ailments to which Briards are predisposed. Such diseases include inversion of the intestines. Representatives of the breed older than 7 years are especially at risk. As a rule, in this case, surgical intervention is used, otherwise it is simply not possible to save the animal. Inherited diseases for briards are stationary night blindness and progressive retinal detachment. Also, some dogs suffer from hip dysplasia.

Owners opinion about the breed

briar dog breed dog care

Briard - a breed of dogs, reviews about which are only positive. Owners believe this is the perfect dog for the family. He has a lot of positive qualities. According to some female housewives, representatives of the breed choose the representative of the fair sex as the "leader of the pack." Until old age, such dogs remain cheerful and mischievous. Recall that briar is a breed of dog, which by its nature is a complete likeness of its owner. If its owner is easy-going, cheerful good-natured, then the dog will be the same. An evil person, of course, does not grow a good beast.

Little conclusion

Now you know that Briard is a breed of dogs, the care of which is practically no different, It is suitable for both a single person and a family with children. The main thing is to devote more time to raising a dog, then you can raise a truly devoted friend with whom you will never get bored.


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