Vampirism in Oblivion: secrets of passage, tips, tricks

Disputes between players about whether it is worth getting infected with vampirism in Oblivion have not subsided so far. On the one hand, becoming a nocturnal predator gives serious advantages over mere mortals, but on the other it imposes certain restrictions. However, no one bothers you to independently study the mechanics of vampirism in Oblivion, and then make a decision.

A bit of history

Fans of the Elder Scrolls series probably know that for the first time, the opportunity to turn into a bloodsucker appeared in Daggerfall. In this part, the hero, having contracted vampirism, was dying in the literal sense of the word. Then, after several days, the protagonist woke up in the crypt and found that, for obvious reasons, he was expelled from all the guilds in which he was a member. In return, the character received 20 points to all characteristics, as well as several unique skills, including levitation.

Vampires in Morrowind

In Morrowind, the mechanics of vampirism became less of an “imbalance.” The hero gained only 20 points for some combat characteristics, and the NPCs began to react negatively to him. In general, the life of a nocturnal predator in this part was that still a headache.

Voluntary infection

And now, actually, it's time to consider the mechanics of vampirism in Oblivion. So, the hero can catch porphyrin hemophilia, and that’s what the disease is called, turning you into a bloodsucker, either voluntarily or accidentally. First, we will talk about the first method.

Performing the tasks of the Dark Brotherhood, you will meet Vincent Valtieri. At some point, this character will offer the hero a so-called dark gift, and you can accept it or refuse it. If you give your consent and then sleep, the protagonist will find characteristic bite marks on his neck, after which the transformation will begin.

Vincent Valtieri

Please note that Valtieri will not offer his gift to a stranger. In other words, you will need to complete all his tasks first, and only after that will the fateful dialogue take place.

Accidental infection

As for the mechanics of accidental infection, everything is much simpler here. So, when fighting a vampire, a hero can get porphyrin hemophilia, which will start the process of transformation. Keep in mind that you can only catch the virus if the bloodsucker struck you in close combat (that is, spells and arrows do not fit). Moreover, infection can occur even if the enemy’s attack was blocked, but the chance of this is far from absolute.

The battle with the vampire in Oblivion

In addition, if the hero has never fought with vampires, and is also not familiar with Vincent Valtieri, he may wake up and find that he has been bitten. As a rule, such a situation arises at high levels and is a kind of storyline move designed to add variety to the gameplay.


Things are such that it is much easier to prevent infection than to puzzle over how to cure vampirism in Oblivion. To do this, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

Keep vampires out of the melee zone. So they can not strike you and, accordingly, infect porphyrin hemophilia.

When Vincent Valtieri offers you his “dark gift”, you need to refuse it. This will not affect anything much, except that you will not become a vampire.

If you still caught the virus, you have exactly 72 hours to recover from it. To do this, just drink any potion with the effect of healing the disease or eat an ingredient with the same property. It is also important not to go to bed until the porphyrin hemophilia has completely disappeared.

Of course, the above tips are only suitable for those who do not want to become infected with vampirism in Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Anyone who wants to become a night predator can do everything exactly the opposite.


Earlier it was said that vampirism in Oblivion provides some advantages. Here they are:

  • You get 5 points for the attributes “Willpower”, “Strength” and “Speed”. At the same time, the bonus grows by 5 units for each day on which you did not eat blood.
Vampirism Performance Bonus
  • You cannot be paralyzed or infected with a disease. In addition, characters who become vampires take less damage from weapons.
  • If you regularly eat blood, no one will guess that you are not a person. Naturally, this is true only if you do not bite people in front of passers-by.
  • Three unique skills will be available to you, allowing you to charm people, see them through walls and deprive you of the opportunity to use magic.

In addition, some skills in charge of physical fitness and magic, the vampire will automatically increase by 5 units. But this is actually not such a significant bonus.


As you know, you have to pay for everything. So vampirism is not only a gift, but also a curse, so you need to consider this. A character with porphyrin hemophilia will suffer from the following negative effects:

  • Fire does more damage to vampires than ordinary people. If we talk about numbers, then the damage increases by approximately 25%.
  • If you do not eat blood for a long time, your hero will begin to suffer from sunlight. This is expressed in constant damage, the magnitude of which depends on the weather (the clearer the sky, the more damage you will receive). Moreover, this effect will increase with each new day on which the vampire did not drink blood.
  • Your hero will turn into a monster if he does not eat for more than four days. People will begin to notice that something is wrong with him, and the most daring can even attack.

That's basically it. If the disadvantages, in your opinion, outweigh the benefits, you can get rid of the disease by using the medicine for vampirism in Oblivion.


You probably already understood that nutrition is one of the most important processes in the life of a nocturnal predator. Of course, none of the inhabitants of Cyrodiil will want to give their blood voluntarily, so you will have to use some tricks.

So, for starters, you will need to find a sleeping person. Going close enough to it, you will see that the cursor has changed to a bat-shaped icon. Click the action button. Now you will have two options: talk and drink blood. You, respectively, need a second.

Vampire Food at Oblivion

Keep in mind that you will not harm a person and do not turn him into a vampire if you drink blood. At the same time, it is not recommended to do this manipulation with the guards, since they can suddenly wake up and certainly will not be glad that they have become food.

If you change your mind about being a vampire

At some point, nightlife and the need to constantly eat blood can bother you. Fortunately, the game has the opportunity to get rid of this problem. Before recovering from vampirism in Oblivion, you will need to complete a special quest during which you will get the medicine. After drinking it, you will not only turn into an ordinary person, but also gain immunity to porphyrin hemophilia. In other words, you can no longer become a vampire.

The cure for vampirism in Oblivion

In addition, you can visit the cave called Deep Insight and find a room with a font there. If you collect a special ingredient from the formations standing in the corners, and then use the obelisk in the center of the room, you will be cured of vampirism. But keep in mind that this feature will only be available if you have The Vile Lair add-on installed.


The task to get rid of porphyrin hemophilia is called "The Cure for Vampirism." Its passage is as follows:

  • Visit any chapel and tell the priest about your problem.
  • Speak with Raminus Halfus at the University of Magic.
Janus Gassildor
  • Go to Janus Gassildor. He will direct you to the witch Melisande, who will need to bring 5 great soul stones.
  • Now the preparation of the potion begins. First, kill the vampire Hindaril and collect his ashes.
  • Next, get Argonian blood (hit any of them with a special dagger), garlic, bloody grass and nightshade.
  • Take all the ingredients to the witch and wait 24 hours.

After that, Melisande will make the necessary potion for you. Just think carefully before you get rid of vampirism in Oblivion. Once you have taken the potion, you will not be able to become a bloodsucker again.

Little secret

If you are too lazy to become infected or recover from porphyrin hemophilia in standard ways, you can always use the console. The codes for vampirism in Oblivion are as follows:

  • Write two commands in succession: set PCVampire to 2 and Player.SetAV Vampirism 25. This will allow you to immediately become a vampire.
  • The Player.AddItem 977E4 1 team will add Melisande's potion to your inventory. After drinking it, you will be cured of vampirism.

However, it’s much more interesting to do all this honestly. Using codes, you lose most of the fun of the game, so try not to get carried away.


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