Chrysanthemum Care

Chrysanthemum attracted attention to itself and won love since the time of Confucius, who first mentioned this flower in his philosophical treatise "Spring and Autumn." Many legends envelop this beautiful and charming flower. According to one of them, the dragon, who decided to steal the sun from people, burned his paws, grabbing it. In anger, he began to stomp and tear apart a ball of fire, and the sparks that fell to the ground turned into sunny flowers.

Chrysanthemum is actually a flower of the sun, which enjoys special love and reverence in the East, especially in Japan, where only members of the imperial family were allowed to wear the sacred image of chrysanthemum. The chrysanthemum flower even gave its name to the Japanese order of the same name. And in China, the ninth month of the year is named after him. In these countries, a variety of dishes are prepared from chrysanthemum flowers, and tea is known outside the East. Chrysanthemum added to tea changes the tart taste of the drink to a softer floral. Such tea helps relaxation, eliminates headache.

The unpretentiousness and ease of caring for chrysanthemums contributed to the rapid spread of flowers around the world. Now there are many varieties of both garden and indoor contents that are found everywhere. In popularity, chrysanthemums take second place after roses in garden breeding. In addition to traditional yellow and white flowers, breeders have bred purple and red chrysanthemums.

The garden chrysanthemum of the land is popular, the care of which does not differ from other varieties, it is grown both as a bush and with one flower on the stem. The color of the earth's flowers is the most diverse: cream, orange, white, pink, yellow, often having greenish petals in the center of the inflorescence. Inflorescences of the earth are rather large baskets in diameter 5-7cm. Zimbl's chrysanthemum is popular, with three open flowers on a long branch.

The soil blooms usually in autumn, the sturdy and resilient stem is stable, which allows the flowers to stay in the vase for about three weeks.

How to care for chrysanthemums? Chrysanthemums, the care of which is not particularly difficult, are not demanding on the soil, but they love the sun very much. Proper care of chrysanthemums will help good drainage and lighting. It is better to plant flowers in the spring, at a time when return frosts will take place and young shoots will not have a threat of freezing. The landing site should be equipped with wind protection and positioned so that the sun warms the flowers for at least five hours a day.

Timely watering, pinching and pruning - this is what chrysanthemums love, care for which should, accordingly, provide this. Of course, weeding of garden chrysanthemums from weeds and loosening of the soil are necessary. Many varieties of chrysanthemums form in tall bushes that need to be maintained. For this, metal pegs are used, which are connected by wire. Or special nets attached around the bush. Initially, this does not look quite aesthetically pleasing, but after the bush of chrysanthemums reaches the edge, the merit of using such nets will be evident.

Chrysanthemums, the care of which includes the correct propagation of flowers, are easily propagated by cuttings, even breaking off the shoot from the bouquet and planting it in the soil, we can expect an escape soon with new leaves. For propagation of chrysanthemums, dividing a bush in the spring, dividing a part with roots and replanting. When caring for chrysanthemums, remember that the bushes must be separated every three years. If you forget about it, then chrysanthemums will not give a magnificent and strong flowering.

Chrysanthemums are quite unpretentious; caring for them during cultivation involves fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers for leaf mass, phosphate fertilizers are needed to form baskets, and it is advisable to feed chrysanthemums with potash fertilizers during flowering. That's all.

With proper care of chrysanthemums, they will delight you with their flowering for a long time, being also a wonderful decoration and a gift in the form of a bouquet.


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