Design and installation of a sewage system. Installation of a water supply and sewage system

Modern country houses in terms of comfort and living conditions have not been inferior to urban furnished apartments for a long time. However, in order to ensure comfort, their owners must complete the engineering communications device, and, first of all, install water supply and sewage systems.

installation of sewage system

Water supply and sanitation

Water supply is an engineering system, which consists of pipelines and special equipment (filters, automation, storage tanks, pumps), designed to supply houses with water. Sewerage system is required for the removal of waste products and used water from the house, if necessary, provides the primary treatment of incoming wastewater.


Both water supply and sewerage can be connected to a centralized system or be autonomous. In the first case, registration and obtaining additional permissions is required, but significantly reduces costs in general. The device of autonomous water supply and sewerage systems does not require such permits, but when the facility is commissioned, the utility networks will be checked for compliance with sanitary standards and rules, as well as other technical requirements.

installation of water supply and sewage systems

Internal networks

Before installing water supply and sewage systems, it is necessary to understand the peculiarity of these communications.

Water supply and sewerage, like other engineering systems, have much in common. These communications are divided into external and internal parts. If we talk about internal networks, it should be understood: the fundamental difference is that for the water supply system, the entry point of the pipeline leading into the house is considered the starting point, for sewer networks, the outlet point of the discharge pipe is considered the final one.

installation of sewerage water heating systems

Internal water supply networks consist of a starting distribution system, pipelines for cold and hot water, a source of hot water (boiler, boiler or heater), inlets to consumer points and water intakes (showers, washing machines, toilets, sinks, wash basins, etc.) . Also, the installation of an internal sewage system, in addition to pipelines that lead from consumers - toilets, includes a sewer riser, as well as a place for the removal of a discharge pipeline from the structure.

Outdoor networks

External water supply consists of a system of pipelines that run outside the building, pumping station, water supply source (well or well). The external sewer network includes a discharge pipe, sewage treatment plant or septic tank. In addition, pumping equipment may be included.


Performing the installation of heating systems, water supply, sewage, the main condition is the design, you can not do without this stage. Otherwise, the systems will not work properly.

First of all, this concerns the accounting of slopes, which are used for laying or replacing pipelines and turning angles. If the slope is too small, blockages will begin to form in the pipelines. If you do not calculate the required slope in advance, you can achieve the fact that the value acquires a negative value and water flows back. Naturally, not in the room, but constipation forms, which over time will become clogged with various deposits and block the pipe completely.

design and installation of sewage systems

When designing and installing sewage systems, it is necessary to correctly calculate the angles of rotation. For example, large waters (fecal) must not be diverted at angles of more than 90 degrees.

Material selection

By installing heating systems, water supply, sewage, you can significantly save. For example, the sewage system is quite unpretentious. However, do not get carried away and independently invent an economical-knee version.

installation of an internal sewage system

Also, do not forget about the wiring of pipelines, which is somewhat different for indoor and street wiring. The reason for this is the different operating conditions. Internal pipelines are practically not subjected to loads in comparison with external communications, which are located in the mobile zone. For this reason, the installation of the sewage system located outside is carried out from more durable pipelines with a larger diameter than those located in the room.

The main stages of installation

The installation of the sewage system directly depends on the remaining utilities - heating, water supply. Unprofessional approach to this type of work can lead to disruption of the complex as a whole. As mentioned earlier, the first stage of the installation of the sewer system is precisely the design. The following steps can also be distinguished:

  1. The device of internal communications.
  2. Installation of external engineering systems.
  3. Connection of all sites and elements.
  4. Starting and subsequent verification of the system.

It is important to note that, having no work experience, it is almost impossible to independently carry out high-quality installation of the sewage system.

Installation of engineering networks

  • Do not forget about the slope of the pipelines, which is the main component. The clarity and duration of your utilities depends on the slope.
  • It is necessary to begin installation of water supply and sewage systems from clearly fixed points. As a rule, the device of these networks starts from the point of release, and then gradually moves to the points of plumbing and storm water intake.
  • Subsequently, pipelines should not have any additional impact. This item is especially important for plastic elements that can crack anywhere. This is especially true for joints.
  • The sections of pipelines must be well fixed so that they do not sag on sinks and bathtubs, as well as in places with a long length.
  • Installation of the sewage system must begin from the bottom. If we are talking about an apartment, then the main riser is chosen as such a point. In private households, it is the intersection of the foundation.
  • Then, in accordance with the project, draw the lines of communication. Perform a slope of approximately two centimeters. Next, fix the mounting clamps. Then assemble the system in series and secure the pipelines with clamps.
  • And in the end, install all the plumbing equipment, leading it into the fan branches, fixed in place.

When using cast-iron pipelines, the list of recommendations is an order of magnitude greater than that presented, but similar water supply and sanitation systems have long been outdated.

installation of water supply and sewage systems

Firstly, they are very expensive, and secondly, they are inconvenient to install, since they require a heavy cutting tool, and you certainly can not do without special skills.

However, such designs have a plus: cast-iron pipes are able to drown out the sounds of the merging liquid, which plastic elements cannot cope with. Therefore, plastic piping requires additional sound insulation. This must be taken into account at the design stage. Otherwise, you will have to listen to not very pleasant sounds in your apartment.


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