Sewing machine "Singer": reviews, recommendations, specifications and operating rules

Singer sewing machines have been highly regarded at all times. In Soviet times, owning a sewing machine of foreign quality was almost the height of luxury. Neighbors envied, asked to file something. All housewives of the Soviet Union dreamed of a Singer. Nowadays, this machine, of course, has more powerful competitors, but so far the Singer is direct evidence of the quality and reliability of home appliances.

Who is Isaac Singer?

The creator of the sewing machine is Isaac Singer. He was born in 1811 in the United States, in the family of German immigrants. From childhood, he was a difficult child who could not sit still and was not seriously interested in anything. He had problems with discipline, constant difficulties at school. When the boy was twelve years old, he ran away from home and went to his older brother in Rochester. In the new city, Isaac became an assistant mechanic.

In this capacity, he spent quite a long time. Best of all, he managed to invent new tools. His first patented invention was a device for drilling the earth. Ten years later, he introduced the world to cut wood and metal. They even managed to set up production, but everything was destroyed by the explosion.

After that, he organized his theater troupe and toured the United States for about five years. Not earning money, not gaining fame, Singer returned to New York and again plunged into engineering.

Isaac Singer

The first sewing machine

Isaac Singer began to work in a workshop for the repair of sewing machines. After some time, he met with designer Ors Phelps, who showed Singer his development of a sewing machine. Singer was interested. But the machine was very bulky and had a significant drawback. The movement of the needle went in a circle, because of which the threads were constantly confused. I had to stop the process, stuff a new skein of thread. Isaac Singer asked for eleven days to fix this problem.

No one believed in this venture, since ten years before this, the masters tried to correct this shortcoming. Singer took a little less than two weeks. His changes greatly simplified and accelerated the matter. He placed the needle vertically, so that it began to move from top to bottom. In addition, a fixing foot and a shelf for folding fabric were added. The number of steps was increased to 900. All subsequent models were based on this number of steps. The product has been patented. The first reviews of the Singer sewing machine appeared. Mass production began.

first Singer sewing machine

Manual sewing machine

Singer's first sewing machines were, of course, only tame. They had a minimal set of functions and lines. Everything had to be done manually: change direction, hold the fabric, pull it during sewing to straighten the stitch, turn in the opposite direction. However, the machine was riding dreams. Any fabric passed under her needle: silk, burlap, denim, cotton. She was especially appreciated for the ability to sew leather and tarpaulin. It was only necessary to choose the correct thickness of the needle.

The owners of this relic can use the machine now. Thanks to the simple device for capturing the thread, even a teenager can cope with sewing. There is no negative review of the Singer manual sewing machine. Only good. The current owners are very proud that their families have such an extraordinary thing, although people who have no idea about tailoring, consider this technique long outdated.

"Singer Studio-12"

One of the most popular Singer sewing machines is the Studio-12 model. The machine is designed exclusively for use in the home. If you sometimes need to sew something from light tissues, the machine will help you quickly and easily complete your plan. Reviews of the Singer Studio-12 sewing machine confirm this.

There is nothing superfluous in this machine. For work, there are eight most necessary lines with which you can sew and process pieces of fabric. Depending on the plan, it is possible to adjust the length of not only the stitch, but also the loop pitch. The machine is equipped with a stainless steel needle plate, thanks to which the fabric slides easily and does not cling.

One of the advantages of Studio 12 is the instant replacement of the foot and automatic reverse. To do this, just hold down the back button and monitor the flow of material.

The machine "Studio-12" is electric. A complete set upon purchase includes, in addition to the instruction booklet, a cover, a power cord and a pedal.

Reviews about the Singer Studio-12 sewing machine are only positive. Almost every buyer of this type of equipment during a long service life did not reveal any defects. There are no problems with the device itself, or with details like an electric pedal or cord. The Singer company is responsible for quality, and it does not change over the years.

Singer Studio 12


The model of the Singer-2250 sewing machine is successful not only among housewives, but also among people engaged in sewing on an ongoing basis. The machine is equipped with ten working operations and nine types of lines. Six lines of the main, three decorative. There is a line for an overlock. Among the accessories you can find four paws: for buttons, zippers and loops. The fourth foot is universal and suitable for all operations in case of loss of any part. The machine has one feature. Due to the structure of the shuttle, she does not sew a straight line, only zigzag. Therefore, the product cannot be passed off as a production one.

Reviews about the Singer-2250 sewing machine can be found on any forum. And only positive. Firstly, almost all types of featherweight, light and medium fabrics are subject to the typewriter. The hinges hold very tight. The machine does not "chew" the fabric, does not confuse the threads. Secondly, the price. For use in home life, the price / quality ratio is ideal.

The disadvantages include only one: sensitivity to light tissues. It is better not to sew such material as silk on the Singer-2250. Slips and skips a line. It takes time to look at the behavior of the machine and work on it with complex tissues.

Model "Singer-8280"

Among other sewing machines, this model stands out with its sleek, sleek design. She, like a model for home use, has a small amount of operations. The main advantages include a smooth ride and perfect stitches. The machine is simple and reliable to use, inexpensive in price. Sewing speed is regulated by pressing the electric pedal.

The machine comes with various boxes for storing needles and bobbins. It has a design for processing and sewing sleeves.

Reviews of the Singer-8280 sewing machine start with the fact that users like the compact dimensions and weight of the device. For her, you can easily find a corner even in a small apartment.

Everyone who uses or has ever used this model of a sewing machine speaks of its unpretentiousness to fabrics. You can sew gauze or jeans, she can handle any fabric. It is only necessary to select the correct sewing needle, and there will be no problems. You can sew everything and not overpay atelier. The machine is inexpensive and very high quality.

Singer at work

Advanced Model 8280r

This model has almost the same set of options as her sister. The only difference is that the 8280 has seven types of operations, and the 8280r has eight.

Reviews about the Singer-8280r sewing machine are only positive. It does not require frequent maintenance, does not have "childhood" diseases, a pleasant cost. The line is laid evenly, without puffs. Flashing light and medium density tissue without any problems. Lightweight and compact.


The average price of this model in Russia is about ten thousand rubles. The machine is designed for home use. In the options there are not only standard lines, but also decorative ones. The machine is quite heavy, about seven kilograms. In addition to the operation manual, the complete set includes a box for storing small parts, two repair tools, several spare bobbins and a plastic foot for stitching a secret lock.

The users include the low noise threshold during operation, the quality of the stitching line on all materials available for processing.

Reviews about the Singer-6160 sewing machine mention only one drawback: a bulky plastic case, which, if handled carelessly, can easily burst or break off.

Singer 6160

Sewing machine "Singer-2263"

Another beautiful representative of the sewing family is Singer-2263 Tradition. The average price is about fifteen thousand rubles. The capabilities of this device are wide: 23 types of operation. It copes with hidden, overlock, elastic and decorative elements. Works with all kinds of fabrics, except fur.

The machine is easy to operate, has a stylish design and small size. The price of this model includes several types of spare bobbins, tools for care and repair, a pair of spare plastic legs and needles.

Reviews of the Singer-2263 sewing machine are in the top of the search. According to users, even after a year of use, the machine does not lose its characteristics. Sews any fabric without losing loops, does not tighten and does not confuse threads.

The only drawback, according to users of this machine, is the need to select high-quality thin dense threads, it is not always possible to work with elastic ones.

Singer 2263

Model "Singer Quantum Stylist 9960"

The sewing machine belongs to the class of professional. It offers the master 700 types of various operations. The machine is computerized, this allows it to embroider parts in various techniques, as well as monograms. It works with any kind of fabric, from featherweight to complex. The average price of such an apparatus is 40 thousand rubles.

Unlike its counterparts, the machine is fully prepared for industrial work. It has a wide surface for the layout of the fabric, equipped with a powerful backlight. It is possible to sew without a pedal. There is an electronic adviser. Sews quietly and quickly.

Reviews about the Singer-9960 sewing machine are only positive. Like the entire Singer family of sewing equipment, this model does not bring problems to its owners. It works clearly and quickly, allowing you to do a large amount of work.

Works great with different types of fabrics as well as with threads.

"Singer Brilliance 6180"

This machine belongs to the class of semi-professional. Fully electronic. The machine is perfect for craftsmen with different backgrounds.

This model, in contrast to the professional, has only 80 types of operations. In her set there are both classic lines and more than ten types of decorative ones. The machine is fully automated. Has a reverse stroke. There is no need to follow the direction and tension of the fabric. A special foot adjusts this process on its own using computer support.

Singer sewing machine

The package includes several spare plastic paws, a pair of bobbins for thread, a set of needles. The machine works with any kind of fabric and thread. A special program allows you to work with fur products.

Reviews about the Singer Diamond 6180 sewing machine concern mainly technical settings. If you are willing to spend several hours setting up the machine for your own needs, then the machine will last a long time and without problems.

The advantages include excellent backlighting, quickness and ease of changing parts due to the quick and convenient disassembly of the device, it makes high quality buttonholes and sews the buttons themselves into the material.

Negative reviews about the Singer-6180 sewing machine include only one thing: the complexity and inconvenience of setting the stitch. Also on the external panel there is no speed controller.

Sewing Machine Care

Any equipment will last a long time, if you pay attention to its maintenance. There is no difference between caring for mechanical and electric sewing machines. It is necessary to inspect the motor, bobbins and paws in time. Remove contaminants that accumulate inside with an alcohol solution. Do not scroll the needle without fabric. Threads can get tangled inside and stop the shuttle. Lubricate the shuttle and motor parts with sunflower oil. This will ensure a smooth ride and reduce friction.

Technical support

Judging by the reviews of Singer sewing machines, the equipment, with proper use and compliance with all technical conditions, has been working without interruptions for about five years. If you have any breakdown during use, do not try to repair it yourself. The company gives a two-year warranty period on its products, and before starting repairs, get the documents for your machine. If the device is still under warranty, call technical support. There you will be given the exact addresses of the official service centers where you can bring the machine at any convenient time. Do not forget the documents. A service center will replace broken parts in a short time completely free of charge.


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