Maternity capital, FIU: payments

Russia cares about its future. Need proof? PFR issues maternity capital to those who have the right to it by law. The program has been operating since 2007, and quite successfully. Let's deal with those to whom the PFR maternal capital accrues, gives out how this happens. It is unlikely that there will be people in the state who do not have a common understanding on this topic, but they may not be aware of important nuances. And this is important both for a country caring for the future, and for families.

PFR maternity capital

The overall meaning of the program

We live in a capitalist world where everyone works for themselves. In this regard, a rather large layer of the population very useful for the development of the country was at risk. People give birth and bring up children, they have no time to run after a big ruble. That’s why they lose their chance to purchase housing, raise funds for educating a child, and the like. It is likely that under capitalism this situation is considered normal. But the country needs a healthy, educated, wealthy population, in it its main strength. Hence the program to support large families. The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) is working on its implementation . Maternal capital passes through the accounts of this organization and goes to the consumer, namely to citizens who are entitled to it by law. The essence of the program was described: the state deals with the problems of people. Now you can begin to consider the subtleties. How can mom or dad get maternity capital? Does the FIU work only in personal reception or is there any other way to file an application? All this is extremely important for parents of infants or people engaged in work and raising children at the same time. They simply do not have enough time to run around the authorities.

PFR maternity capital

Who is eligible for maternity capital?

Not all citizens can apply for additional, quite considerable money from the budget. PFR maternity capital is accrued only to citizens of the Russian Federation. That is, it is necessary to confirm that the child is a "subject" of the country. This requires a certificate of Russian citizenship. In addition, copies of the passports of mom or dad, birth certificates of all children are required. The maternity capital of the PFR, according to the program, extends to the second or subsequent children who were born after January 1, 2007. You say that this is unfair, because left behind many families raising earlier babies? You will be wrong. The state in this way stimulates an increase in population. It offers to give birth yet.

documents for the FIU on the use of maternity capital

Additional documents

PFR does not issue maternity capital to just one of the parents. After all, unfortunately, not all children have a mom and dad. The guardian or adoptive parent has the right to apply for financing. This person must provide the inspector with documents confirming the status. It should be borne in mind that all children whom the adoptive parent (guardian) brings up (both their own and adoptive children) will be taken into account. In case the mother died or is deprived of rights, copies of the death certificate or court decision must be attached. Collect all the papers in advance before writing a statement. PFR maternal capital accrues in a short time. For this, workers are given three months. It is advisable not to let them down, forcing them to demand all new papers. Not many documents are required to participate in the program. As a rule, the collection does not present any difficulties.

Where can I spend money?

Such a good and necessary program has limitations. The purpose of family financing is to correct inequalities in the possibilities of material support and the creation of normal conditions for parents to develop children. As conceived by the creators of the program, in the current situation it is difficult for people to buy a house or apartment, collect for training, and so on. So the country cares precisely about these important needs. You can spend it, by law, on:

  • payment for the child’s studies;
  • housing solution;
  • creation of conditions for a disabled child and his social adaptation;
  • add to mother's retirement account.

You can also get cash, but only in small “pieces”, in accordance with special government decisions.

refusal of the pfd to transfer maternity capital

How specifically to receive money?

The certificate of the right to capital is half the battle. Sometimes there are problems with its receipt, but they are solved with repeated treatment. It is much more difficult to collect documents for the FIU on the use of maternity capital. With this, people have many problems. Firstly, payments are made only in cashless form. You decided to buy a house, for example, and the seller is afraid to get involved in the budget. It is known that all transactions are checked for the intended use of money. Certificate holders have to suffer until they find a suitable option. Secondly, the FIU must still accept the paper. And this is also not an easy problem. It is recommended that you first go to the inspector and find out what instructions he has, that is, act in collaboration. This will help get around a lot of pitfalls.

PFR find out the balance of maternity capital

How to improve housing conditions

We pass to the most delicate moments. The failure of the FIU to transfer maternity capital is a very unpleasant situation. It is necessary to collect the paper correctly so as not to receive it. In order for you to pay for the improvement of housing conditions, first of all, you need a contract of sale registered by the state. A copy of it is attached to the application along with the certificate. If you want to spend money on repairs, you should also provide a contract concluded with an enterprise providing such services. But keep in mind that they will pay for the work only after it is done. By analogy, papers are selected for the construction of their own home: a document on the ownership of the plot and an agreement with the company. The following document, necessary in all cases, should contain the details of the bank account of the person to whom you pay for the housing (its repair or other).

What are the terms of the FIU?

When will the money be transferred?

Happy certificate holders make plans, select options, and the seller needs money. In this their interests may come into conflict. It is necessary clearly to the person with whom the contract is concluded to answer the deadlines for the FIU to transfer maternity capital. According to the law, the inspector is given one month to process the application. But it is important to be sure that you have collected all the necessary documents, nothing will have to be redone. Therefore, consult with the inspector in advance by showing documents to the FIU. The receipt of maternity capital is processed on time, but you can refuse to receive it if something is missing or something is framed inappropriately. Therefore, it is advisable to play safe. If you get a refusal, then do not be nervous, but find out the reason as much as possible. Documents will have to be redone, but hope is not worth losing. Sooner or later, the money will go to the seller’s account.

What to do if not all amount is spent?

When you solve one problem, you can think about the further use of the manual. To do this, contact the FIU. You can find out the balance of maternity capital from the inspector. This is the easiest way not to be lost in conjecture and not to be in illusions. This specialist will tell you where to send the available funds. The fact is that the program is designed in such a way that the family solves global problems. As a rule, a little remains on the account. These funds can be added to mom's pension. To do this, write a statement, the form of which will be given by your inspector. Sometimes you can also spend money on study. To do this, you need to make a copy of the contract with the institution providing the services. Pin it to the application and give it to a specialist. Often people ask when you can use the funds. Experts recommend not delaying the decision. Once the certificate is in your hands, think about how to use it. There are no restrictions here. But do not forget that the amount or its balances are indexed annually, that is, increase. So, maternal capital has almost doubled during the program. First, parents received a certificate for 250 thousand rubles (2007), and in 2016 this amount increased to 453, 026 thousand rubles.

PFR documents obtaining maternity capital

What can not be done in any case

It is important to understand that the FIU's maternity capital, payments for which are made, will be carefully checked again. If it is revealed that the budget funds were spent for other purposes, you will have to face a serious problem. There are scammers offering frivolous moms and dads to cash out capital. It is impossible to agree to this in any case. This is a fraud! Identified violations are involved in law enforcement. But you can’t joke with them, fraud is a criminal offense, so you will have to survive not only the return of maternity capital. The FIU, for its part, carefully monitors the intended use of money, but there are times when the inspector overlooked, well, or the fraudster turned out to be trickier. Law enforcement officers will deal with everyone, and they will not ignore mothers and fathers. Believe me, the state is protecting its money. Once they are intended for the child, they should be spent on it.


In 2014, the Russian Federation grew by two more entities. Families living in Crimea are also covered by the program. Moreover, like all citizens of the Russian Federation, these people can apply to the FIU on a common basis, that is, receive money for children born after January 1, 2007.


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