Roof waterproofing: materials and their characteristics. Do-it-yourself roof waterproofing

The roof of the house should reliably protect its internal space from all adverse environmental factors. To achieve this, you need to not only try to choose the most suitable roofing material, but also arrange high-quality waterproofing. We will talk about how to do this on our own in this article.

Varieties of modern waterproofing materials

So, what should be waterproofed roofing? Materials intended for roof protection are divided into the following types:

  • Roll . This is a well-known ruberoid and its more modern varieties.
  • Smear . They are all kinds of liquid mastics.
  • Film . The cheapest type of roofing material. It is used, as a rule, in private housing construction.
  • Diffusion . Innovative material that allows you to arrange the highest quality waterproofing, and at the same time the most expensive. Its distinctive feature is that it is able to pass moisture from the roofing "cake".

    roof waterproofing materials

Next, we consider what advantages and disadvantages each of these types of insulators have.

Roll waterproofing

Rolled waterproofing materials in the modern market are presented in a large assortment. In addition to roofing material, you can purchase euroroofing material, glassroberoid, isol, etc. The main advantages of this type of waterproofing include the following:

  • Low cost.
  • High degree of reliability.
  • Relative durability. This material can last about fifteen years. After this time, a couple more layers are simply laid on the roof.
  • You can operate this material immediately after installation.

The disadvantages of rolled waterproofing materials include, first of all, some installation complexity. The usual roofing material is laid on bitumen mastic. The installation technology resembles the method of wallpapering the walls and is quite lengthy in time. However, if you wish, you can spend a little more to get a euro or glass Ruberoid. In this case, you will not need to use mastic. This variety is mounted much easier. The gas burner heats the edge of the strip laid on the roof surface. Further, it is tightly pressed to the roof. The result is a reliable fixation, which completely eliminates the possibility of leaks.

roof waterproofing Price

Mastic for roof waterproofing

Very often in the process of protecting the roof from moisture, various kinds of liquid mastics are used. They are usually used on flat surfaces. Their main advantages include:

  • No shrinkage.
  • Ecological cleanliness. After drying, modern mastics do not emit any harmful substances into the air.
  • Resistance to aggressive chemical environments.
  • The absence of any seams in the waterproofing layer.

    waterproofing materials

Possessing a lot of advantages, liquid waterproofing of the roof still has one significant drawback - fragility. Such a protective layer will last no more than 6 years. After this period, it will begin to exfoliate from the surface, crack and lose all its properties. The disadvantages of bitumen waterproofing include some complexity of its application.

Film waterproofing

Films are often used to perform a procedure such as waterproofing the roof. Materials of this type are popular, primarily because of the low cost and ease of installation.

The simplest insulator of this variety is the usual thick plastic film. However, since it does not pass water not only from the outside, but also from the inside, when it is used in the “pie” of the roof, it is necessary to arrange a double ventilation layer (between the roofing material and the film and between the film and insulation). Joints of strips are additionally glued with adhesive tape. The film material specially designed for waterproofing the roof has an adhesive layer at the edges. This facilitates installation to a certain extent. However, such polyethylene costs a little more than usual.

roof waterproofing device

Films with an anti-condensation layer on the wrong side are considered more convenient to use. This material is able to accumulate moisture vapor on itself, preventing it from dripping down onto the insulation. The water-retained water droplets then gradually evaporate.

Diffusion material

Diffusion membranes are currently the most modern and expensive waterproofing material. Their main distinguishing feature is that they are able to pass moisture from the inside of the roofing "cake", while not allowing it to penetrate from the outside.

At the moment, diffusion waterproofing material is available in several varieties:

  • Pseudo-diffusion. These are products with a low degree of vapor permeability. They are inexpensive, they are used mainly only in cold attics and roofs.
  • Diffusive normal vapor permeability. It is a more advanced material used to cover the attics. Experts do not recommend using it in dusty attics, since in this case the pores are clogged. Also, this type of diffusion membrane can not be used at temperatures below -25 degrees due to freezing of moisture.
  • Three-layer superdiffusion membranes. They can be used in the most severe conditions. They are not afraid of dust and severe temperature changes, but they are quite expensive.

Manufacturer's choice

Roof waterproofing - a very responsible procedure. Both the convenience of living in the house and the durability of the roof itself depend on how well it will be performed. Therefore, the choice of material should be approached with all responsibility. Among other things, when buying waterproofing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. You need to purchase material made only by well-known companies with a good reputation. Next, we consider what are the most popular brands of different types of waterproofing.

Well-known manufacturers of roll materials

The most popular euroruberoid in our country is the product of the Ukrainian company Aquaizol. It is made using fiberglass from leading European manufacturers. The polyester company applies its own production. The result is a very high quality and not too expensive material. If we talk about the usual roofing material, then the best thing is that the owners of private houses speak about the products of the Samara plant.

Bituminous roof waterproofing: how to choose a manufacturer

To protect roofs from moisture, mastics of such brands as Elastopaz, Inopaz, Master Ruf and Pazkar are most often used. Using very high-quality water-based polyurethane mastic "Inopaz H2O" reliable roof waterproofing can also be performed. The price of this material is not particularly high - 200-250 rubles per kilogram.

Manufacturers of waterproofing films and diffusion membranes

The most famous manufacturers producing ordinary, not "breathing" films are Yutafol (Czech Republic), Takofol (Finland), and Technonikol (Russia). They differ in low cost and good waterproofing properties. The most popular is the Russian waterproofing of the Izospan roof. If we talk about pseudo-diffusion membranes, domestic consumers respond best to products of brands such as Utafol-D, Svitapfol-D and Elvitek.

Those who have decided to choose more modern and expensive “breathing” membranes should pay attention to the following manufacturers: Divoroll (Germany), Technonikol (Russia) and Tyvek (Luxembourg).

Installation options for waterproofing materials

The installation method of waterproofing material directly depends on its type. In any case, when covering the roof, certain technologies and recommendations should be observed. We will talk about how to properly fix one or another waterproofing material on the roof.

How to mount rolled waterproofing materials

So, how is roof waterproofing performed? Roll-type materials are laid on the roof in this way:

  • The surface of the slope is cleaned of dirt and dust and primed with a special tool, which is a mixture of gasoline and bitumen.
  • When the primer dries, proceed to sticking strips of roofing material. Bitumen mastic is usually used for fixing. The surface is smeared with an impromptu brush - a cloth wound on a long stick. Bitumen is drowned in a barrel over a fire and raised to the roof in buckets. Having dipped a “brush” in a bucket, the roof is smeared with “zigzags” to the width of the ruberoid strip. At the opposite end of the ramp, the material is trimmed with a sharp knife.
  • The edges of the strip after gluing additionally pass through bitumen.

Typically, roofing material is applied to the roof in two or three layers. For the lower, you can use the usual cheap material. The top layer is laid out of roofing material with topping. At the final stage, all the joints of the strips of the upper layer are smeared with mastic directly on top, and until it freezes, they are covered with coarse sand.

liquid roof waterproofing

How to waterproof a roof with a coating method

Next, we will consider how roof waterproofing is still performed. Bitumen liquid materials, as already mentioned, are mainly used to protect flat roofs. They can be applied to the roof surface with a brush, roller or spray. In any case, a high-quality coating is obtained.

roof waterproofing with liquid rubber

Manual waterproofing of roofs with liquid rubber is carried out using wide rollers or large brushes with short stiff bristles. The composition is first poured on the roof, and then leveled with a squeegee and rubbed. As with roofing material, the roof in this case is waterproofed in several layers. For the mechanized method, special high-pressure sprays are used for working with viscous materials. In this case, the mixture is applied to horizontal surfaces only in one layer, and to vertical ones - in 2-3.

Roof waterproofing device using film and diffusion materials

In the event that the rafters are made of wide beams and there is an air gap between their upper face and the insulation surface, you can use ordinary plastic film to waterproof the roof. The strips are placed on the slopes in the horizontal direction. They are attached to the rafters with bars of small thickness to obtain a second ventilation layer. Further, the crate is stuffed on these blocks and the roofing material is mounted.

mastic for roof waterproofing

The plastic film does not differ in special strength, and therefore it can break even with small movements of the roof structure (which often occur as a result of thermal expansion). Therefore, this material should not be mounted tightly, but with a slight sag.

Diffusion films can be laid directly on the insulation. In the case of their use, only one ventilation gap is arranged - the upper one. They attach the membrane to the rafters in the same way as a plastic film. And in fact, and in another case, the fixing of the bars is made on galvanized nails.

The materials discussed above are used to perform such an operation as roof waterproofing. The price of their various types can vary (from four hundred rubles per square meter). The choice of the most suitable type depends, first of all, on the design features of the roof, as well as on the financial capabilities of the owners of the house.


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