Description of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa". Psychological analysis of the characters of the main characters in the work of N.M. Karamzin

N.M. Karamzin wrote an extremely touching and dramatic story about a simple and at the same time eternal situation: she loves, but he does not. But before answering the question about what is the characterization of Lisa from the story “Poor Lisa”, it is necessary, at least, to refresh the plot of the work at least a little bit in memory.


characterization of a lisa from a story poor lisa

Lisa is an orphan. Left without a father, she is forced to go to work: selling flowers in the city. The girl is very young and naive. On one of her “working days,” Lisa saw in the city a young man (Erast) who bought flowers from her, paying 20 times what they cost. At that, Erast said that these hands should pick up flowers only for him. True, the next day he did not appear. Lisa was upset (like all young girls, she was very greedy for compliments). But the next day, Erast himself visited Lisa at her house and even talked to her mother. To the old mother, the young man seemed very pleasant and polite.

And so it went on for some time. Erast reveled in the virginity and integrity of Lisa, and she (a peasant girl of the 19th century) was simply stunned by the courtship of the young beautiful nobleman.

The turning point in the relationship came when Lisa spoke about her possible imminent marriage. She was upset and depressed, but Erast reassured her and painted her future and said that the sky above them would be in diamonds.

Lisa was a little cheerier - she believed Erast and, in the wake of relief, gave him her innocence. As expected, the nature of the meetings has changed. Now Erast again and again took possession of the girl, already without a twinge of conscience, using her for her needs. Then Lisa, and relations with her, Erastus got bored, and he decided to run away from all this tyagomotin into the army, where he did not serve the Fatherland, but was rapidly scrambling for his fortune.

Having returned from the army, Erast, of course, did not say a word to Lisa about this, she herself somehow saw him on the street in a carriage. She rushed to him, but after a not very pleasant conversation that happened between them, the former lover pushed Lisa out the door, slipping the money.

Lisa from such chagrin went and drowned in a pond. The old mother followed her into the other world: as soon as she found out about the death of her daughter, she was immediately hit by a blow, and she died.

Now we are ready to answer the question about what is the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa".

Lisa's character

story poor lisa characteristic of the lisa

Lisa was actually a child, despite the fact that she had to go to work early, since her father died. But she did not have time to learn life properly. The inexperience of the girl attracted a young surface nobleman who sees the purpose of his life in enjoyment. In this row is poor Lisa with her admiration. Erast was very flattered by the attitude of such a young and so fresh girl, and she was naive to the extreme. She took the attitude of a young rake at face value, but it was all a game of boredom in fact. Who knows, maybe even Lisa secretly hoped for the position of the mistress over time. Of her other qualities of character, it is worth noting kindness and spontaneity.

We may not have described all the facets of the personality of the main character, but, as it seems, there is enough information here to characterize Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" was understandable and encompasses the very essence of her being.

Erast and its inner content

story poor Lisa characteristic of Erast

The second protagonist of the story - Erast - is a typical aesthetic and hedonist. He lives only to enjoy. He has a mind. He could have been brilliantly educated, but instead, the young master simply burns his life, and Lisa is entertainment for him. While she was pure and immaculate, the girl was interested in Erast, how the bird species he had recently discovered was fascinated by an ornithologist, when Lisa surrendered to Erast, she became the same as everyone, which means he became bored, and he, driven by a thirst for pleasure, moved on , not really thinking about the consequences of his vile behavior.

Although the unethical behavior of a young person becomes only through the prism of certain moral values. If a person is unprincipled (as Erast was), then he cannot even feel that fraction of baseness that is contained in his actions.

A person who seeks only pleasures in life is superficial by definition. He is not capable of deep feelings. And, of course, he is an opportunist, which proves the marriage of Erast for the sake of money with an already elderly widow.

The confrontation of Lisa and Erast as the struggle of light and shadow, good and evil

At first glance it seems that Lisa and Erast are like day and night or good and evil. Accordingly, the characterization of Lisa from the story “Poor Lisa” and the characterization of Erast are deliberately opposed by the author of the story, but this is not entirely true.

If the image of Lisa is good, then this kind of good is needed neither by the world, nor by people. It is simply not viable. Nevertheless, in general, the well-written (albeit slightly sentimental) story "Poor Lisa". The characterization of Lisa, which can exhaustively define her, is naivety, reaching stupidity. But this is not her fault, for it is a peasant girl of the 19th century.

Erast is also not evil in its purest form. Evil needs strength of character, and the young nobleman is not endowed with it, unfortunately. Erast is just an infantile boy running away from responsibility. It is completely empty and empty. His behavior is disgusting, but it is difficult to call him evil, and even more so the embodiment of evil. This is all that the story “Poor Liza” has revealed to us. The characteristic of Erast is given more than exhaustive.


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