The leaves of a Chinese rose turn yellow and fall - what should I do? How to care for a Chinese rose

Most gardeners grow hibiscus or Chinese roses. This is a hardy plant that normally tolerates temporary care errors. But if the flower is not constantly watered or, conversely, filled, it can soon die. The leaves of the plant will begin to turn yellow, buds and flowers will fall off. If the situation is not corrected in time, the plant may die at all.

Why, then, do Chinese leaves turn yellow and fall off? This is a sign that the plant is not all right.

Beauty and mysticism

The Chinese rose is one of the representatives of the common Malvaceous species. The plant has an attractive appearance at any stage of development. During dormancy, it often attracts the attention of many people with its crown.

bright hibiscus

Since ancient times, the Chinese rose was considered the flower of death. Why nobody knows. This is not the only plant that has made this unlucky list. Callas, ivy, and azaleas are also considered “deadly”. Beliefs say that these plants bring death to the house.

There are various signs associated with this plant. If the plant suddenly bloomed, then these were considered a sign of imminent death. Dropping leaves promised disease and misery. But this is only superstition.

Why the Chinese rose is the flower of death is incomprehensible. After all, neither its flowers, nor leaves and fruits are poisonous. Hence, all beliefs have no reason. A beautiful flower in a house will always bring joy to a person.

Proper care guarantees a beautiful crown of the plant. But when yellow leaves appear on it, the general appearance of hibiscus changes. There may be various causes for this phenomenon. So, how to care for a Chinese rose correctly?

Wrong flower pot

All flower growers know that it is necessary to choose the right container for the plant. It determines how the hibiscus root system will develop.

How to check if the correct capacity is selected? It is enough to water the flower in the morning, and in the evening you should check the condition of the earthen coma in the center of the container. The pot is small for the plant if the ground is dry. An urgent need to transplant it. A “tight” pot can also cause yellowing of the leaves. After all, often plants, dropping foliage, try to reduce the evaporation of moisture.

buds of chinese rose

The new pot should not be too big. The ideal option is a capacity of 2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. Hibiscus should be transplanted using the transhipment method. So the roots are minimally injured.

There must be drainage in the new pot. Transplanted Chinese rose in moist soil. The first watering should occur no earlier than 3 knocks.

For a plant, the capacity can be large. This is often evidenced by the accumulated water in the pan. In this case, the roots may begin to rot and the leaves turn yellow. A transplant to a smaller container will also help to correct this situation.

When transplanting hibiscus, pay attention to the root system. Roots affected by rot need to be cut. Place dusted with powdered activated carbon.

Improper care

This plant rarely leaves turn yellow. The Chinese rose is unpretentious. But it is necessary to take into account some of its features. How to care for a Chinese rose? An attractive appearance of the plant may lose due to improper care. Errors in:

  • watering;
  • lighting;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • temperature condition.

This is a tropical plant that does not like drafts. Therefore, a pot with a plant is not recommended to be placed near air conditioners and fans. In addition, during the ventilation of the room, it is recommended to cover the hibiscus with a screen.

It is not uncommon for Chinese roses to turn yellow and fall off due to improper lighting. With a lack of light, the rose discards the bulk of the green mass. The leaves often turn yellow on the shaded part of the plant.

bright hibiscus flower

Bright lighting can also harm hibiscus. Sunburn often dries hibiscus leaves.

The ideal option is diffuse lighting. The lack of natural light can be corrected using fluorescent lamps.

Pay attention to exactly where the leaves turn yellow and fall. Chinese rose is a beautiful plant. If the "problematic" leaflets are in the upper part of the crown, this may indicate a lack of nutrients. In this case, it is necessary to increase the concentration or frequency of top dressing. But remember, everything should be a measure. The plant may also suffer from an excess of fertilizers.

Top dressing of Chinese roses can be carried out in the autumn-winter period. Any fertilizer for indoor plants is suitable for this plant, the main thing is that the composition contains a low concentration of nitrogen.

Since hibiscus is a tropical plant, the temperature regime of the environment is very important to him. In the room where hibiscus grows, the temperature should be in the range of 18-30 0 C. At low temperature, the Chinese indoor rose will begin to dump green mass. Plant care should be correct and timely.

At rest, the ambient temperature should not fall below 15 0 C.

Caring for a Chinese room rose is quite simple.

Pests and diseases

Everyone knows that diseases and pests adversely affect the condition of the plant. They gradually “eat” hibiscus. Therefore, all flower growers know that pest and disease control must be done immediately. Otherwise, you can lose the plant.

If the leaves turn yellow and fall on a Chinese rose, and there are no errors in care, the fact of the disease should be excluded.

Chinese rose leaves turn yellow


Viral diseases adversely affect the condition of the plant. A sign of a disease is not only yellowing of the leaves. Spots appear on their surface. Leaves turn yellow in plants affected by chlorosis, while the veins remain a natural green color.

This disease manifests itself with improper acidity of the soil. Chlorosis can affect the plant in part. Yellowed leaves, underdeveloped roots and tops often die.

Using complex fertilizers, transplanting the plant into new soil, you can overcome this disease.

In preventive safety measures, flower growers do not recommend watering the plant with hard tap water. It increases the acidity of the soil.

hibiscus dried leaves

Spider mite

The spider mite can also cause yellowing of the leaves. This pest can only be detected with a magnifier. Visually, you can see on the buds and leaves a weightless web.

Pests can only be controlled with insecticides. Some growers use cool soapy water. They washed the leaves. After the plant, it is necessary to send it to the shower, and cover the soil with a film.

The plant is often restored for a long time.

Gardeners recommend treating plants with insecticides 2 times a year to prevent the spread of ticks. The plants are treated 3 times every 4 days.

Ideal conditions for the spread of spider mites - a room with dry air. In this case, you need to use humidifiers. You can leave water containers near the plant. Hibiscus is beneficially affected by spraying from a spray bottle.

Flowering problems

Many beginner growers are faced with the fact that the Chinese rose does not bloom. What to do? Solving problems is easy. It is necessary to transplant the plant, cut off the old branches and put the pot in a well-lit place. This will stimulate the plant, new shoots will appear, on which later strong buds will appear. Some varieties of hibiscus can only bloom on young branches. Therefore, in order to enjoy blooming for a long time, it is necessary to periodically prune old branches.

chinese rose - flower of death

Hibiscus may also not bloom if it is in an extremely warm environment. Therefore, with the beginning of the heating season, it is recommended to immediately take the plant out to a cool room. Believe me, soon you will notice the first buds.

How to prune hibiscus branches

Pruning a Chinese rose at home can not only stimulate flowering. Such manipulations allow you to form a beautiful crown.

Before the first pruning, you need to decide: do you want to get a beautiful tree or a lush bush? Pruning is done in early spring, until the plant begins to actively grow. Some gardeners prune branches in the fall after flowering.

Remember that only those branches on which there are no buds are cut.

This manipulation is performed with sharp scissors. Be sure to remove all lignified and dry branches. To get a lush bush, each twig must be cut to 1/3 of its length.

Hibiscus breeding

The easiest way to propagate a Chinese rose is the cuttings method. You can use the shoots obtained after pruning the plant. The main thing is that the shoot should be lignified and healthy.

why do the leaves of the Chinese rose turn yellow

The cutlery should be placed in a container of water until the roots appear. For stimulation, you can add a growth stimulator or activated carbon to the water.

With the advent of roots, the sprout can be transplanted into a small pot with ordinary soil. Remember that the plant requires regular watering.

It is also advisable to build a greenhouse. It is enough to cut a plastic transparent bottle and cover it with a young plant. Be sure to make some ventilation holes. After the first leaf appears, the greenhouse can be removed.


There are many reasons for the yellowing of Chinese rose leaves. It is important to immediately eliminate them, because such a symptom indicates some kind of flower problem. This plant charms with its lush crown and attractive colorful flowers. You can safely say that healthy hibiscus is the decoration of any home.


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