“God the Dragon” and other novels by Miloslav Knyazev

Currently, one of the most popular literary genres can be considered fantasy. This trend took shape in art relatively long ago - in the 15th century, but it became widespread only in the middle of the last century with the release of such works as The Lord of the Rings by John Tolkien, The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Lewis and others.

To date, many writers have entirely devoted their work to the fantasy genre. It is easy to say why this direction is so popular among authors as well as among readers. The fantasy genre is extensive and divided into many categories. That is why everyone can find something suitable for themselves.

One of the modern Russian writers creating fantasy novels is Miloslav Knyazev. At the moment, his authorship belongs to about two dozen works. One of the most famous is the book "God of the Dragon."

Writer Biography

Miloslav Knyazev, also known as Vlad Vladykin, was born on January 16, 1973 in the USSR, in the city of Kaliningrad. Some time after the birth of a son, the family moved to Klaipeda - one of the largest cities in Lithuania. It was there that the future writer spent almost his entire life.

book god dragon

In Klaipeda, Miloslav Knyazev also received his education, first graduating from school, and later - technical school, specializing in design.

The author considers the day of the beginning of his writing career to be March 15, 2010, when the first page of his debut novel entitled “The Great Mission” was written. The work was the first in the series "Complete Set", which also included subsequent books - "Revenge of the Dark Elf", "God the Dragon", "Empire" and others.

However, we can say that Knyazev began creating fantastic stories much earlier - even as a teenager. These were small stories, the main heroines of which were the girls of young Knyazev.

To date, under the name of Miloslav Knyazev, two cycles have been released (“Complete Set” and “Lost”), three single novels, as well as several stories.

Bibliography. Series "Complete set"

This cycle was created by the writer from 2010 to 2015. “The Complete Set” consists of 11 novels: “The Great Mission”, “The Dark Elf’s Revenge”, “Her Castle”, “War with the Orcs”, “God the Dragon”, “Empire”, “Homecoming”, “The Magic of Fiore”, Pirates of the Dragon Islands, Legacy of the Ancients, and The Other Side.

author miloslav princes

The plot was based on the so-called "cunning" - a classic technique that is often used in fantasy works. The main character is an ordinary guy from the familiar world, suddenly finding himself in a completely different reality. In the universe where he went, magic is a very common thing. In the course of his adventures, the hero meets various fantastic creatures: orcs, gnomes, dragons, elves and others.

Each book of the cycle contains a separate storyline, with the development of which new characters appear in the story.

Reader reviews of The Dragon God, The Great Mission, and other books in the series suggest that this series can be a great way to have fun and spend time. An easy-to-understand narrative style and an interesting plot are noted.

miloslav princes

The Lost cycle

The Lost series includes four novels, the last of which was released in 2016.

As in the case of the "Full Set", the protagonist Oleg is again a fellow. An abstract of the first book, The Lost Player, states that when he woke up after a party, he got into a computer game called Evrivorld and became a virtual copy of a person who died in reality. All the combat characteristics of Oleg are almost at zero, and there is only one sword in the inventory. This means that the hero needs to develop his skills in the game as soon as possible. With this Oleg will help a girl named Skrill.

Soon, the fellow man manages to adapt to a new life in the virtual world, however, in subsequent novels, he will face further problems and adventures.

Novels Novels

Miloslav Knyazev also created several works that are single novels. One of them is the “Paladin of the rebellious god,” released in 2012. In the story, the protagonist Kirill Ognev suddenly finds himself in another world in the body of a paladin. Now his mission is to save the world called Gintria and find a way to return home to his usual reality.

Such novels, unlike the books “God the Dragon”, “The Lost Lord”, “Empire” and others, do not enter into any cycles.

Book cover

In 2014, the book "Tanker - Dragon Winner" was published, in the story of which the "simple Russian guy" Maxim finds himself in the very center of confrontation between technology and magic. The young man has to create a tank controlled by witchcraft and fight against giant dragons. Thus, “God the Dragon” is not the only Knyazev novel about huge fantastic dinosaurs.

Writer Awards

In 2017, Miloslav Knyazev won the RosCon Prize. He was awarded the Golden RosCon Award for the novel The Legacy of the Ancients from the Complete Set cycle.

Also in 2011, the author was nominated, but did not become the winner of the Star Bridge award in the Best Debut Book category.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20195/

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