The most popular and most famous dog breed

The dog was one of the first animals domesticated by man, and over the past several hundred thousand years they have never parted. Moreover, if at an early stage on these tailed and smart four-legged creatures, our ancestors looked at them as helpers, and even used their meat for food, and the skin for sewing clothes, today for many of us they are family members and best friends. In addition, for many, dog breeding has become a life-long affair. Therefore, it is interesting to find out what the most famous breed of dogs is, how many of them were bred at all, and what the first individuals of this subspecies looked like.

what is the name of the dog breed

First helpers of man

Scientists believe that dogs were domesticated about 135 thousand years ago and their ancestors are wolves and jackals. At the same time, there is an assumption that not only man tried to tame the wolf, but these animals themselves, for reasons not yet clarified, left their packs and moved to live closer to people. Judging by archaeological finds, the first dog breeds bred in the Paleolithic era in Israel, Iraq and Syria were up to 60 cm high, and the smallest ones (less than 45 cm tall) lived in Switzerland, France, Spain and Germany. As for large dogs, over 60 cm tall, their tracks were found during excavations of settlements in the territories of modern Germany, Russia and Ukraine.

most dog breeds


It should be noted right away that the concept of “breed” is not purely zootechnical. The fact is that it also includes cultural and historical aspects. In particular, Aristotle in one of his works described what breeds of dogs are in Ancient Greece. However, in those centuries they were classified mainly according to the area where they were bred. Later, the variety of breeds increased, and even their varieties began to be distinguished. As for the current state of affairs in this area, 10 groups are considered in our country and in Europe:

  • guard and guard dogs;
  • Dachshunds
  • hounds;
  • shepherds;
  • Pointing dogs
  • terriers;
  • huskies and spitz;
  • Spaniels and retrievers
  • companion dogs;
  • indoor decorative dogs;
  • greyhounds.

Now about the question of how many dog ​​breeds exist at all. Here it must be said that the International Federation of Cynologists currently recognizes 339 breeds. This significant figure is another evidence of how much interest people have shown in their four-legged friends over the centuries.

Characteristics accepted for classification of canine breeds

Before you start a dog, you should find out what to look for when choosing it. In particular, the following characteristics of dog breeds exist:

  • dominance;
  • maintenance in the apartment;
  • learning ability;
  • the need for activity;
  • difficulty in leaving;
  • owner experience;
  • compatibility with children;
  • watchdog abilities;
  • independence;
  • molt level;
  • friendliness;
  • tendency to bark;
  • life span.

Thus, when choosing a breed, pay attention to which one is most suitable for a particular family. For example, Dobermans need a daily many-hour exercise, and they are not the best choice for families with children, and a poodle can become a best friend for kids, but the cost of caring for it can make a dent in the budget of an average-income family.

Hunting dogs

Although game today makes up only one hundredth of a percent of the meat diet of humanity as a whole, dog breeds that were created to help hunters are still popular today. There are 45 of them in total. Moreover, among them there are both ancient breeds, as well as relatively new ones, bred 200-300 years ago and earlier. In addition, some of the traditionally hunting dogs today are considered as security. After all, their vast majority practically do not have to participate in the pursuit of wild animals. Be that as it may, at the moment the most famous breed of dog for hunting is the Labrador Retriever.

furry dog ​​breed

Great companions in the pursuit of game are also greyhounds, basset hounds, bloodhounds, Russian canine greyhound, Scottish setters and others.

Dog breeds for protection

The first animal domesticated by man was originally intended to help the owner in the hunt and protect his life and home. And today, many want to know the name of the breed of dog that is best suited for these purposes. Dog handlers argue that the first place in the rating of security dogs to protect a private home, of course, belongs to the German and Caucasian shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzers, Moscow watchdog and Alabai. If it is assumed that the dog will live in an apartment, then it is better to opt for individuals belonging to such breeds as a boxer, Cane Corso, Rottweiler or Doberman. To give an idea of ​​such dogs, it is worth talking about some of them in more detail:

  • German Shepherd. As already mentioned, the “most, very, most” dog breeds for protection are former shepherd dogs bred in different corners of our planet. In particular, the German shepherd is distinguished by exceptional strength, agility and quick wits. At the same time, she is easily trained and very devoted to her master, whom she is ready to defend even at the cost of her life.
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The breed of these dogs was specially bred to protect property and livestock. She considers the owners her family and is ready to do everything to protect them. However, dog handlers warn that leaving her with a child is possible only on condition that they grow up together.
  • Giant Schnauzer. These are very smart and obedient dogs that will not bark without a reason, but will always repel any attack on the owner. At the same time, they are born hunters and on a walk can chase a cat or squirrel, which will be in their field of vision.

Fighting dogs

There is irrefutable evidence that even 6,000 years ago dogs were used in military affairs. The ancient Romans even put on shells of such dogs and special spiky collars that did not allow the enemy four-legged soldiers to cling to their throats, and mastiffs played a large role in the conquest of Egypt by the Persians. In contrast to them, the inhabitants of Assyria preferred to take for the war dogs that were as evil as the greyhounds accompanying the Vikings on campaigns.

the most famous breed of dogs

And today in the armies of many countries of the world there are units equipped with dogs. In particular, everyone knows that dogs are excellent helpers for sappers, and in the border troops they are simply irreplaceable when detaining violators. The most famous dog breeds (see the photo below) for performing army service in many European countries and in Russia are the German Shepherd, Doberman and Golden Retriever.

Sled dogs

For more than 8,000 years, husky, samoyed and malamute dogs have been used as draft forces for teams moving on snow and ice. As for which breeds of dogs were bred in our country, intended for the transportation of people and goods, there are several of them: Yenisei, Gilyatsky Kamchatka, Yakut, Anadyr and Chukchi. By the way, it is appropriate to recall the famous “Great Race of Mercy”, which was organized in 1925 and saved hundreds of children's lives, since anti-diphtheria serum was delivered to Alaska by dog ​​teams.

Today, this type of transportation is rarely used, but sporting events are regularly organized for sled dogs.

The most furry dog: breed

Millions of people around the world, even at a fairly advanced age, adore soft toys. And when such a miracle also runs cheerfully to the meeting, wagging its tail, then no one can resist it. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is always a mass of people who want to have a fluffy dog.

first dog breeds

Among the options that can be recommended, bobtail, chow chow and absolutely charming Bichon Frize deserve special mention. However, according to experts, the Tibetan mastiff is the most furry dog. This breed is considered one of the oldest in the world and it was invented by Buddhist monks who needed helpers during their travels in the Himalayas.

Breeds of indoor dogs

In the past few years, among the so-called glamorous ladies, it is considered fashionable to appear at various events with a tiny yapping creature in their arms. Moreover, the smaller the dog, the more prestigious it is. But seriously, the most popular dog breeds that are ideal for living even in the smallest apartments, such as Shih Tzu, Coton de Tulear, Pekingese, Pomeranian and others, are even used by psychologists for therapy, as they are able to breed their owners from a state of depression. They are small in size and beautiful in character. For example, some representatives of the Chihuahua breed weigh only 500 g with a height of 10-15 cm.

The largest dog breeds

Big, loyal and strong friend - what could be better ?! However, not every family is able to maintain large dog breeds for the home. Firstly, those who dare to get Neapolitan, English or Tibetan mastiffs, a Russian canine greyhound, a Central Asian shepherd, a Great Dane and other giants, should be ready to spend a lot of money on their food. In addition, these dogs need enough space, and keeping them in a cramped city apartment is simply inhumane. And, finally, they need to walk for several hours daily, since a lack of movement is fatal to their body.

Rescue dogs

Due to its exceptional sense of smell, as well as strength and endurance, human four-legged friends have long been used as lifeguards in the mountains, on the water, during fires and in other emergency situations.

most popular dog breeds

Even special breeds were developed, whose representatives over the centuries have helped save the lives of thousands of people. For example, St. Bernards have been rescuing travelers and climbers in the mountains since the 17th century, as they have the ability to feel the approach of a snow avalanche, and can also find lost or injured athletes and tourists. But the most famous breed of rescue dogs is, of course, Newfoundland, or a diver. These animals are not afraid of frost and are able to swim even in water, the temperature of which is slightly above 0 degrees. As a result of selection, membranes appeared between their fingers on the paws, and the presence of the third century and the special structure of the ears and paws allow these animals to dive to a depth of 30 m and swim distances of up to 20 km. In addition, Newfoundland has no hunting instinct at all, which is replaced by the desire to throw itself into the water and pull out a person going to the bottom.

Characteristics of some of the most famous dog breeds

Every year more and more people have four-legged pets. The most popular dog breeds that the townspeople most often choose are the English Cocker Spaniel, Pug and Yorkshire Terrier. Here are their main characteristics:

  • Yorkshire Terriers. Such dogs have a very cheerful and sociable disposition, thanks to which they are wonderful companions. Moreover, a somewhat independent character sometimes becomes an obstacle to their learning. Among their advantages can also be noted that they get along well with other pets, but at the same time try to dominate them, not even paying attention to the difference in size. If children live in the house, then the owners have nothing to worry about, since such a fragile animal is not able to cause any harm to the kids. Rather, you need to ensure that the children carefully treat their four-legged friend.
  • Pug dog Pugs, especially in adulthood, are animals quite lazy and calm, which can rarely be seen rushing around the apartment. Due to this quality, they are considered ideal companions for older people who lead a measured life. At the same time, they do not tolerate loneliness and therefore those who spend little time at home, it is better to choose a dog of some other breed.

what breeds of dogs are

  • English Cocker Spaniel. These dogs are extremely smart and therefore very easy to train. However, some individuals like to bark, which can cause problems with neighbors. Therefore, residents of apartments with poor sound insulation should think carefully before having such a long-eared pet. Another disadvantage of this breed is the need for regular combing. The fact is that the hair of such dogs can easily fall off if you do not carry out constant and thorough care for it.

Rare and endangered breeds

If a bulldog, spaniel, Great Dane, a shepherd or a Dalmatian can be found in any yard, then only a few saw a Leonberger, Leuchen or Brussels Griffin. So, having found out what the most famous breed of dogs is, it is also worth asking which dogs are rare or endangered varieties created once by dog ​​breeders.

  • New Guinean singing. Such dogs for more than 30 thousand years lived in complete isolation in the inaccessible corners of Papua New Guinea, and no one knew about them until the 50s of the 20th century. It is with this that the second name of this breed, which sounds like a “Stone Age dog,” is associated.
  • Scholoitzcuintle . This breed was bred during the reign of the ancient Indian civilizations of Mexico, and its history dates back more than 3 thousand years. Its representatives look rather strange, since their bodies, with the exception of the head, are practically devoid of hair.
  • Czechoslovakian wolfdog. Dogs of this ancient native European breed are as close as possible to wolves both in appearance and in other characteristics. It is generally believed that they occupy an intermediate position between wild representatives of their species and German shepherds.
  • Bergamo Shepherd Dog. Such a shepherd dog was bred in the Alps and is extremely shaggy. Moreover, such dogs are not prone to molting and are extremely loyal to their owners.
  • Swedish walhound. These dogs at one time were faithful helpers and companions of the Vikings in their campaigns and, according to cynologists, the history of this breed has been going on for more than 1000 years. In addition, the Walhounds were trained to herd cattle and destroy rats in the homes of their owners.

Now you know what breeds of dogs there are on the planet and what the first domesticated dogs looked like.


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