Oryol striped apple tree: features of the variety

Apples are a fairly common fruit in the territory of not only the Russian Federation, but also in almost all countries of the world. And not in vain. It is the fruits of the apple tree that have many useful properties that are designed to help prevent many human diseases. In particular, this is where the record amount of chlorogenic acid is located, the main effect of which is to remove oxalic acid from the human body and normalize the liver. And the Oryol striped apple tree gives not only useful fruits, but is also easy to care for.

Withdrawal Features

This apple variety was bred by specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute of Selection of Fruit Crops. The Oryol striped apple tree began its existence back in 1057. The author of this delicious variety of apples is Sedov E.N.

For selection, apple trees Mekintosh and Bessemyanka Michurinskaya were used.

Oryol striped apple tree

In the state test, the Orlovskoye striped apple tree (description of the variety is presented below) has been located since 1970. The state register, namely in the Central District (Moscow and Tula Regions) and in the Central Black Earth Region (Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk and Oryol Regions) was included a little later, in 1986.

At the international exhibition, which was held in Germany, the city of Erfurt, the variety Orlovsky striped received the highest award twice.

Grade characteristics

Apple-tree Orlovsky striped (the description can be read in this article) is a late-fall cultivar of Oryol selection. With the right approach, fruits can be stored until December.

The tree, as a rule, is of medium size, while the crown is quite thick, has a rounded shape. The fruits also do not differ in their large sizes. Under favorable conditions, the apple reaches a maximum of 150 g. The shape of the fruit is oblong-conical. Smooth to the touch, in rare cases slightly ribbed.

The funnel on each apple is deep, in some cases its depth is average. In most fruits, the depression is narrow, sharply conical, no rusting. As for the saucer, its dimensions are characterized by depth, average width and weak ribbing.

The skin is quite smooth to the touch, shiny and oily in appearance, quite thin. A bluish tinge of wax is possible.

Oryol striped apple tree gives a greenish-yellow hue with stripes of purple and bright raspberry color. In most of the apple stripes resemble strokes.

apple tree orlovsky striped description

Cutting the fruit, you can see that the flesh is white and quite tender. The taste is sweet and sour, quite harmonious, pleasant and refreshing. In addition, it is quite juicy, fine-grained and exudes a strong aroma.

Advantages of the Oryol striped apple tree

This variety is a table variety and is appreciated for its many advantages:

  • the fetal mass reaches 150 g, which can be increased by carrying out the procedure of rationing the crop;
  • juicy sweet and sour flesh, provided that sunlight is accessible, sugar content is ensured;
  • taste is rated at 4.6 points out of 5;
  • fruit storage in compliance with the rules reaches 100 days;
  • the yield is at least 60 kg per tree, unless, of course, it is properly and carefully taken care of.

Variety Orlovsky striped

Landing Features

Before planting, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing a place, since the apple tree productivity completely depends on this. Lighting is important. Sunlight affects the sugar content of fruits.

Stagnation of moisture should also be excluded. This is solved either by planting on a hill, or by drainage. The soil is suitable loamy, sandy loamy, floodplain and leached chernozem. Acidity is required to be maintained at a pH of 5.6-6.0.

The nutritional area of ​​each adult tree in the future will be about 15 m 2 . This fact must be considered before choosing a place for landing.

Apple Care Rules

Variety of Orlovskoy striped apple tree (reviews about it are extremely positive) is characterized by regular fruiting, but subject to proper tree care. In the first year after planting a seedling, it is recommended not to save all the flowers, but to pick them off, possibly even all. In subsequent years, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of rationing the crop, which consists in breaking off the fruits that have just been planted. This will allow you to achieve larger fruits, which will give you the Oryol striped apple tree in the future.

orlovsky striped reviews

Feeding is best in spring. Organic fertilizers are suitable for this (about 10 kg per 1 m 2 ). You can use mineral fertilizers, such as urea.

Watering trees is recommended about once a week twice a day, one bucket per apple tree. In August, this procedure should be completely discontinued.

To facilitate wintering, the Orlovskoe striped apple tree is better to mulch (horse humus is ideal for this, which must be introduced in the vicinity of the trunk circle). An additional protection will be covering material or, as a simple option, ordinary nylon tights.

This variety is resistant to many diseases, in particular to scab. However, the Oryol striped apple tree requires protection from rodents, such as mice and hares. All the same nylon tights or a rodent net, which is sold in any specialized store, will help you with this.

apple tree Oryol striped description of the variety

In the end

The apple tree is considered the most classic tree in any garden. And the Oryol striped can become his real decoration.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20201/

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